Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5859 Qiyuan Snow Land

Facing the unspeakable Mastiff Vine Demon, even Mo Ye, whose strength was comparable to Mahayana, acted extremely cautiously and did not choose to go straight through the Mastiff Vine area directly to the North Pole.

It was precisely because of this that Fairy Yaoluo proposed to go to Qiyuan Snow Land. In that dangerous place, with the combined efforts of seven people, although there is danger, it will definitely not be fatal.

Qiyuan Snow Land is not on the path to the Arctic where everyone wants to go.

However, as Mo Ye said, everyone needed to take a detour to reach the North Pole. They needed to go to a hilly land with a radius of tens of millions of miles, which was much closer to the Qiyuan Snow Land.

Passing through the hilly land, flying diagonally across an icy plateau, we arrived at the Qiyuan Snow Land. Although the path has grown, the general direction has not deviated too much. At most, it only takes an extra two or three days.

In the Mastiff Vine interface, a large area is occupied by the Mastiff Vine Demon. However, among the areas occupied by the large Mastiff Vine Demon, there are still many areas that are not suitable for the presence of a large number of Mastiff Vine Demons.

For example, deserts, barren lands, and meadow swamp areas are all places that are not favored by the Mastiff Vine Demon.

There are many kinds of mastiffs. Of course, it is not true that no mastiffs will enter such an area. Even if there are, the number is not very large. But the vine demon is simply not suitable for survival in this kind of area.

The vine demon needs the help of other species to parasitize, so in this kind of area, there will be no species that the vine demon lives in, and naturally there will be no vine demons.

Everyone has rich experience. No one needs to tell you how to be careful when leaving Yuheng.

Along the way, everyone did not encounter too much danger. Although some demonic insects were encountered, there was not much danger to everyone.

The biggest danger was when they encountered a place where leeches were hiding and were swept by a sudden surge of poisonous mist. The seven people were lost in it for two or three hours before they escaped safely.

Wei leech is a kind of giant monster insect that lives in groups in swamps. It is not good at flying and escaping, but it moves extremely fast in the water. Out of the water, there is almost no threat.

However, it can spit out a poisonous mist that has a hallucinogenic effect in space, which can disorient the monks who enter it.

In addition, the demonic insects live in groups, and they are within the sphere of influence of the leeches within hundreds or thousands of miles. Therefore, being shrouded in poisonous mist, even Xuan-level monks, without distinguishing between west and east, will be corroded by space and psychedelic effects. It is also extremely difficult to escape from it.

For that poisonous fog,

Qin Fengming's spiritual eyes were unable to see through it.

Faced with this situation, Qin Fengming felt more and more that the level of Lingqing Shenmu should be upgraded. It's just too difficult to find materials that can increase Lingqing Shenmu's level again. At least some of the materials that Qin Fengming knew existed only in ancient records, and the actual objects had never appeared in the world of immortality.

Of course, the seven people were not afraid of this kind of poisonous mist. No one used any powerful means, and everyone just used bombardment methods to open a passage.

Although the method chosen is the most clumsy one, it is still very applicable.

After that, no matter the hilly land or the icy highlands, there was no danger that could strand the seven people.

Ten days later, patches of ice and snow began to appear on the road everyone was traveling on. The biting cold wind was mixed with particles of ice, like tiny sharp knives hitting the face. Even if the body-protecting spiritual light on everyone's bodies is activated, they can still feel the hunting ice cold acting on their bodies.

With his spiritual consciousness released, he could detect large amounts of falling snow in the distance. The flakes of snow are as big as the palm of your hand, like fallen leaves swirling and falling from the sky.

The ice here made Qin Fengming feel cold all over even when he didn't use the Soul-Eating Ghost Fire.

"The place ahead is where the Qiyuan Snow Land is. This area is cold all year round. It is said that this area is connected to a virtual realm, so it is shrouded in ice all year round, and a large amount of ice and snow falls. But that virtual realm is Where, no one has seen it. Because no one dares to take risks, and is really willing to be swept by a terrifying hurricane in this area. It is said that that kind of hurricane will directly pull the monks and monsters involved in it. Enter the virtual realm. Once you enter, you will never be able to leave again."

Stopping on a piece of ice and snow, Mo Ye looked at the vast white land ahead and said.

When he said this, he was naturally speaking to Qin Fengmingyan. The other five people are all Mastiff Vine Interface monks, and naturally they all know the reality of this place.

Qin Fengming heard Mo Ye's words in his ears, and his spiritual consciousness was released with all his strength.

In this area, he did sense some Void Realm breaths, but those breaths were not strong, indicating that even if there was a direction connected to the Void Realm, it must be extremely far away from here.

However, he was somewhat interested in the cold atmosphere here. In this coldness, Qin Fengming felt a cold feeling that invaded the blood in his body.

It seems that the body-protecting spiritual light cannot stop the cold aura at all.

This cold feeling has very low efficacy. If it were a hundred times stronger, even Qin Fengming's soul-eating ghost fire might not be able to resist it.

"Besides the ice-ridged beast, are there any other ferocious beasts here?" Qin Fengming withdrew his consciousness and asked directly.

The ferocious beast he was talking about was naturally a powerful ferocious beast that could threaten their team.

"This area is an area that we, the Mastiff Vine Interface monks, don't know much about. We don't know whether there are any terrifying beasts inside."

Upon hearing Qin Fengming's question, Mo Ye's expression sank slightly and he spoke slowly.

Qin Fengming was slightly surprised when he heard the other party's words.

This place is not that far away from the land of Yuheng. Even if we take a detour, the distance will only be one to two hundred million miles at most. Such a distance is really nothing to the powerful monk.

But Mo Ye actually said that he was not familiar with this place, which surprised Qin Fengming.

"Fellow Daoist Qin doesn't know. Although this place is not far from the Yuheng Land, it belongs to the forbidden area marked by my Yuheng Land. Even if the mastiff beast and vine demon leave, my Yuheng Land monks will not go deep into this place. I am looking for some cultivation resources everywhere.

Even if you have to pass by here, you will usually only pass through the edge. There are not many Taoists who dare to go deep inside. Because the hurricane here is so terrifying, its appearance is very strange, as if it appears out of thin air. If you don't know the situation, you will most likely be involved in it.

The ice-spine beast is not actually a wild beast that was originally here, but appeared on the interface more than ten thousand years ago. The reason why that ferocious beast is known to us is because as soon as it appeared, it broke through the restrictions of Yuheng Land, invaded it, and destroyed two flag cities.

It was a very coincidence that at that time, a wave of mastiff and vine demons spread across a large area. The two sides also happened to touch each other. The ice-spine beast was very ferocious and fought directly with the mastiff beast and vine demon. The final result was unexpected. The army of mastiff beasts and vine demons gained the upper hand in the battle. They chased the ice-spine beast all the way to the snowy land of Qiyuan, and then they retreated.

It was precisely because of the Ice Ridge Beast that the Mastiff Vine disaster, which might have affected several flag cities, disappeared. And the ice-spine beast also lurked in the snow of Qiyuan, no longer leaving the place that caused trouble in Yuheng. If I hadn't planned the lotion that day, I wouldn't have dared to enter the Qiyuan Snowfield to set up a surveillance circle. "

Before Mo Ye could explain, Fairy Yaoluo explained.

She spoke calmly, but Qin Fengming's ears suddenly sounded shocked.

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