Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5836 The Demonic Night Commander

"It's great that Commander Demon Night is back."

"The demon commander returned in time and can take charge of this matter. With the demon commander taking the lead, there is no need to worry!"

Suddenly seeing a figure appear in front of him, several sounds of surprise immediately sounded in the hall. Following the words, several monks present immediately stood up.

Even Commander Shao Hong, who greeted Qin Fengming, stood up quickly.

Qin Fengming's eyes flickered as he looked at the young monk with a heroic face, and suddenly felt a cold aura around his body.

"It's good that the demon commander returned in time. You previously sent a message that you would be able to return in two months. I don't know why you made it so far in advance?"

Ancestor Jinpo looked at the young monk who appeared on the scene, his eyes suddenly flashed with surprise, and he said.

However, he did not stand up like other monks. He just raised his arms and casually motioned for the young monks who appeared to sit down.

"As soon as the demon returned, he heard the arrival of an outsider monk, who must have been fellow Taoist. You just said that you could enter the group of mastiffs alone to resist the joint attack of more than a dozen top-level master mastiffs. Are your words too arrogant?"

The young monk cupped his fists and raised his hands to Patriarch Jinpo, but he ignored the other monks present. Instead, he locked his eyes on Qin Fengming and said coldly.

Although the tone of his words was cold and the meaning of his words was aggressive, the young man's expression was very calm.

If you just listened to his words, you would never have imagined that the young monk would have such a calm expression at this moment.

As soon as this young man appeared in the main hall, the Yuheng monks in the main hall showed joy and politeness, which made Qin Fengming's heart immediately move.

Although he had just arrived at the Mastiff Vine interface not long ago and didn't know much about the monks in the Mastiff Vine interface, after looking at the scroll, he already understood the origins of the people in power in the various flag cities and prefectural cities in the place.

Generally speaking, the responsibilities of the palace master and the commander are different, but they are both obtained through competitions among many monks.

It can be said that both the master and the commander must openly accept challenges after a certain number of years. The winner becomes the new commander and master of the palace.

Everyone has no affiliation, and the only one who receives orders is the first palace master of a place.

Coupled with the special reasons of the Mastiff Vine interface,

The entire interface monks will abide by a common agreement, that is, when the Mastiff Vine is in trouble, they will completely obey the orders of each flag city and prefectural city, and no one dares to disobey it.

But this young monk obviously made all the palace masters and commanders in the hall respectful and polite at this moment. There is only one possibility, and that is that this person is more powerful than everyone present.

"Is Mr. Qin's tone loud? Mr. Qin doesn't think that if fellow Taoist can't do this, it means that fellow Taoist is not strong enough. But we can't think that Mr. Qin can't complete this matter."

Looking at this young man at the pinnacle of Xuanjie, Qin Fengming smiled slightly and said calmly.

Qin Fengming sat on the wooden chair without any swaying, his expression was calm, and there seemed to be wisps of light shining in his eyes. He looked at the young man without any intention of retreating.

The words in his mouth were equally calm, but the meaning behind them was full of provocation.

Upon hearing Qin Fengming's words, the expressions of polite surprise on the expressions of everyone present instantly changed, and their eyes quickly glanced at Qin Fengming and the young man.

Everyone looked at Qin Fengming with a sense of gloating over his misfortune.

"Hahaha~~ So Taoist friends' methods must be better than the devil's." The young man suddenly burst into laughter when he heard Qin Fengming's words.

The laughter was not loud, there was no coldness, no sarcasm, and certainly no joy.

However, this laughter was extremely penetrating, like a rain of swords containing sharp blades, suddenly appearing from the young man's body, gathering together, and covering the place where Qin Fengming was sitting.

The sword blades seemed to be illusory, just phantoms appearing, but anyone present could tell that the illusory sword blades were definitely not easily resisted.

Because it was suddenly revealed, slender spatial cracks immediately appeared in the void wherever it passed.

Although the cracks immediately re-closed and disappeared as the sword blade rapidly passed by, the fact that the sword blade transformed by sound waves alone caused cracks to appear in the void was enough to know how powerful and terrifying this attack was.

This hall was vast, but the distance between the young man and Qin Fengming was only ten feet.

As soon as the sword blade transformed by the sound waves was revealed, it immediately arrived in front of Qin Fengming.

Seeing that there was no wave on the young man standing on the spot, the sonic attack appeared and came towards his face. Qin Fengming did not show any signs of abnormality at all, but the corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and the same low-pitched words sounded on the spot:

"Victory cannot be overcome, and judgment can only be made after the battle."

As the voice sounded, a layer of illusory aura suddenly appeared in front of Qin Fengming. The aura swelled, and the void seemed to be shaking and twisting.

The sword blades flashed and instantly came into contact with the illusory aura in front of Qin Fengming.

There was no banging sound, and the illusory sword blades that could split the void were submerged in the sudden wave of imaginary aura.

The illusory aura surged violently. As Qin Fengming, who was sitting in the wooden chair, finished speaking, the illusory aura and the sword blades that appeared suddenly disappeared at the same time.

Sonic attack can be said to be the attack method that Qin Fengming is best at and has the most experience with.

As his understanding of the law of sound waves deepened, he was no longer able to injure the enemy with his shock boos. Although he has not practiced any other sonic powers, Qin Fengming already knows several sonic symbols well. Just a thought is enough to stimulate several forms of sound waves.

Seeing Qin Fengming and Mo Ye each using a sonic method while chatting and laughing, everyone present was shocked, and awe-inspiring feelings appeared in their hearts.

Mo Ye is a person who has grown up through countless killings. What he comprehended was a kind of killing law, and he needed to comprehend the world while slashing.

There are not a few monks who understand the way of fighting in the Mastiff Vine interface.

Because the Mastiff Vine interface is destined to experience countless battles and fights from the time a monk is born and starts practicing. Whether it is the battle between monks or the battle with the Mastiff Vine Demon, it always runs through the monk's life.

It is almost impossible to live in seclusion for hundreds of years like a monk in the spiritual world in the Mastiff Vine interface.

Because the Mastiff Vine disaster can happen at any time, as long as it happens, the powerful monks in the Mastiff Vine interface must listen to the orders of Qicheng and Fucheng and jointly participate in the battle against the Mastiff Vine Demon.

It is precisely because of this combined force that the monks on the Mastiff Vine interface can achieve final victory in the Mastiff Vine disasters one after another and resist the Mastiff Vine attacks.

Mo Ye is the most outstanding being among the monks. He has experienced countless battles, has powerful and unpredictable methods, and is extremely rich in experience.

Everyone present was convinced that under such a situation, he was suddenly attacked by Mo Ye. Although everyone was confident that they could have means to resist or dodge, no one dared to say that he would be able to escape from the spirit world just like sitting in a wooden chair. Like a young monk, he neutralized the sonic attack with such ease.

With just this blow, everyone present was convinced that this young man who had crossed the line was indeed extraordinary.

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