Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5804 Encountering a crisis

Faced with this situation, even though Qin Fengming had rich experience and faced many dangerous situations, he was at a loss for how to deal with it.

His spiritual body knew what it meant if this situation continued. But why this situation occurs is what the spiritual body needs to understand most at this moment.

After thinking for a long time, the body of spiritual thought released its spiritual consciousness again and touched a ball of light.

What he has to do now is to enter the picture and find out the reason.

However, Qin Fengming's spiritual body was speechless. He stayed in the picture for a long time with a cup of tea, but he couldn't find anything strange at all.

In the picture, I don't feel any consumption of soul energy at all. But at the moment of leaving, he still felt a ray of soul energy being pulled away from his body.

After sensing this, he was really stunned on the spot.

At this time, Qin Fengming's mind was filled with fear. This change was enough to show that the energy of the soul was not consumed here.

When his spiritual body cannot replenish any spiritual energy, no matter how little spiritual energy is consumed here, if it goes on for a long time, one day the spiritual energy in the body will no longer be able to support his spiritual body, and the entire body will collapse here. Everywhere.

"Is it possible that the energy of the soul consumed at this moment is the energy of the consciousness released previously?" Suddenly, the body of spiritual thought suddenly thought to himself.

The energy of the soul that was extracted was extremely weak, which suddenly made him think of a possibility.

Releasing divine consciousness will naturally consume divine soul energy. Normally, monks would not care at all about the tiny bit of soul energy consumed by releasing their spiritual consciousness.

But now, Qin Fengming's spiritual body had to think of this.

But soon, Qin Fengming's spiritual body rejected this idea. When his spiritual consciousness touches the light group, his soul energy will definitely not be consumed, because after he enters the light group, the spiritual energy he consumes should be quickly absorbed into his spiritual body, and he will not feel any loss.

And only when his spiritual body leaves the picture of the light group, will he suddenly feel that the energy of his soul is being consumed.

"Is it possible that the image of the light group can grow over time and slowly assimilate my spiritual body? The longer the time, the greater the power of assimilation. If you want to leave, you must spend Only the power of divine soul energy can break it free?"

The body of spiritual thoughts had a solemn expression, and suddenly whispered in his mouth.

Although this explanation does not make Qin Fengming's spiritual body feel very appropriate, only this explanation can explain why Tongyin had no energy loss at first, but now it does.

Although there is an explanation, the body of spiritual thoughts is now even more confused.

If he didn't enter the light group and let it disappear, how could he get out of this strange space?

Is it possible to bombard this unknown space with powerful attacks?

But as soon as this idea appeared, it was immediately rejected by Qin Fengming. The attack power required to bombard this space is far beyond what his spiritual body can have at the moment.

"If you can't bombard this place in space, you can only bombard that light group image." Qin Fengming's expression slowly became calm, and he suddenly said this.

At this moment, Qin Fengming's spiritual body is still convinced that reducing the light group is the only way to leave this space.

Since this is the place where light groups are stored, if all the light groups are broken, some changes will naturally occur here. And this change may be the key to his escape from this space.

Once again convinced of this, Qin Fengming's spiritual body immediately became determined.

For him, what needs to be determined most at this moment is whether he can pass the attack screen.

And let the picture collapse, pushing his spiritual body out.

When Qin Fengming thought about this, he no longer hesitated and immediately released his spiritual consciousness to explore a light group.

The body entered the light group and stayed inside for a long time just like before.

As his eyes flickered, Qin Fengming didn't wait for the power of teleportation to appear. He immediately raised his hand, and a finger shadow flashed out and suddenly shot towards the water that appeared in front of him.

There was no violent banging, nor huge energy fluctuations. With a slight chi chi sound, the scene in front of him suddenly became fragmented, as if a huge boulder had fallen into the calm lake.

With the fluctuations, a huge force directly wrapped around the body of Shen Nian.

Without any accident, Qin Fengming's spiritual body reappeared in the void.

As soon as Hajime appeared, the expression of the spiritual body became serious.

Although the light group was broken by him and escaped smoothly, the soul energy consumed by the body of spiritual thoughts was much more than that before it escaped from the light group on its own.

If he continues to perform this technique, the body of spiritual thought is sure that after dozens of light groups, he himself will collapse and disappear, and will no longer exist.

Although there is only one light group here that is extremely far away, there are definitely not only dozens of them left.

It's possible that it's hundreds or even thousands.

Stopping on the spot, the spiritual body did not move for a moment, and its expression was gloomy and flickering.

"It is not that there is no energy in this void and light group, but the energy here is not the divine soul energy. If you want to attack the picture in the light group to cause it to break, and the loss of your own divine soul energy is very small, you must rely on the body of divine thoughts to It’s difficult to do. But it’s not impossible.”

His eyes suddenly shone brightly, his spirit body looked shocked, and he suddenly spoke.

Even monks can use soul energy to activate vitality energy. But not everyone can do it when stimulating the vitality energy without losing the soul energy.

But Qin Fengming wanted to give it a try.

The runes are originally inspired by the energy of the soul. No matter what kind of runes they are, they consume the energy of the soul. What Qin Fengming has to do is to use the runes to trigger the energy attack, but the runes do not really participate in the attack.

Anyone can think of this idea, but it is definitely not easy to do it.

Because runes are an attack technique that activates vitality energy, they naturally have to participate in the attack. Once it is sacrificed, it is difficult to take it back, and it will naturally consume energy.

But Qin Fengming's spiritual body has to use several kinds of runes to do things that ordinary people can't.

He didn't even know how many talismans he had tried. Because it is simply difficult to attack without losing any soul energy.

However, it was not without gain. After a lot of attempts, he finally found a combination of runes that when stimulating vitality energy to attack, the loss of soul energy was much smaller than when the light group was transmitted.

Although it did not reach the extreme, it finally allowed Qin Fengming to no longer have to consider the loss of his soul energy for the time being.

As the body emerged from the ball of light, the body of the spirit did not show any strange expression on its face, and there was no hint of sadness or joy. However, without any hesitation, the body of spiritual thoughts immediately entered the light group again...

As time passed, the body of Divine Mind continued to appear in the extremely vast void, and the light groups gradually disappeared as the figure appeared.

There is no ground in this space. As the light group decreases, the entire void has become extremely dark.

There were only a few extremely weak light spots flickering brightly and dimly in an extremely distant place.

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Fengming's spiritual body once again shattered into a ball of light. When he reappeared in the dark void, there was no longer any ball of light around him. But where I am, there are still no signs of being broken.

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