Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5749 Sky-Splitting Dragon Fingerprint

The one transmitting the sound is naturally the essence of the body, of which Qin Fengming is sure.

The voice transmission was very short, and not much information was conveyed to Qin Fengming. Although it was very short, Qin Fengming did not sense any unusual urgency in his soul from that sound transmission.

With this confirmation, Qin Fengming was naturally very relieved.

Qin Fengming did not go into details as to why his true spirit wanted him to restore the ban on the altar. Since it is a message that the soul of the body spends a lot of effort to convey, it is naturally extremely important.

It is extremely difficult for Qin Fengming to restore the altar's restraining array. Although he understood and broke the restrictions on the altar, he was not sure that he could rearrange it and inspire it.

But Qin Fengming was never one to give up, so he immediately started trying without any hesitation. He knew that the altar was filled with pure soul energy, so without any hesitation, he set up a simple blocking circle around the altar.

Time passed slowly, and the altar remained calm, as if nothing happened.

After a long time, a slight buzz suddenly sounded from above the altar. The sound was very light, like a string being suddenly played.

But just for a moment, the buzzing sound started to become louder.

The sound was louder, and the soul mist above the altar suddenly surged. As the breath swelled and moved, the layer of restrictions that Qin Fengming had laid out before immediately fell into pieces like a broken tent.

The covering wall shattered, and the mist of the soul above the altar suddenly spewed out.

However, the mist did not spread around, but only swelled violently and did not spread around.

Seeing that the altar had returned to its original state, Chao Mias, who was sitting cross-legged on the far side of the altar, couldn't help but flash his eyes several times. He knew in his heart that the restriction on the altar had been completely restored by the young man.

As a powerful person of the Wuyan tribe, he certainly knows how difficult it is to destroy a magic circle or to restore a magic circle.

At this moment, Chao Mi was extremely impressed by Qin Fengming's attainments in formations and talismans. He had a feeling in his heart that this young man's formation restraint ability was probably no longer inferior to that of Patriarch Daoyan.

And as the ban on the altar was restored, Chao Mi suddenly understood why the young man wanted to reopen this ban.

Forbidden operation,

Qin Fengming, who was on the altar, also felt relieved.

Restoring this magic circle cost him a lot of energy. Fortunately, he had thoroughly studied the prohibition runes of Ancestor Dao Yan, and also understood the restrictions of the magic circle on the altar.

But by this time, he had fully understood why his own soul would allow him to restore this magic circle.

Nothing else, because his previous spell on the statue only triggered the statue's restriction and loosened the statue's restriction. It was not broken.

Under the influence, the statue's restraint directly took out the soul in his body and sealed it in the statue.

With the statue's restriction still firmly in place, it was impossible to forcefully break it, so the spirit in the statue thought of using the previous restriction on the altar to induce it.

At this moment, the restriction was activated again, and Qin Fengming immediately looked at the tall statue.

A ball of green light bloomed, and the tall statue suddenly became strange. Suddenly, a layer of green light emanated from his body, and a majestic energy of the soul suddenly appeared, but the soul had not yet taken shape.

The surge of energy lasted only for a moment, and immediately disappeared.

Under the shroud of Qin Fengming's consciousness, he suddenly discovered that the restrictions around the statue had suddenly disappeared without a trace.

As the statue disappeared, the mist that the statue had just inflated and spewed immediately stopped spewing.

A green figure suddenly emerged from the statue's body and was in front of Qin Fengming in a flash.

"Hahaha, I'm not disappointed. The operation of this altar magic circle can indeed weaken the statue's restriction." A joyful laughter sounded in the magic circle.

The figure suddenly appeared and immediately disappeared into Qin Fengming's body.

Although the soul was taken away from the body by a strange force, the Dan Ying in Qin Fengming's body was not damaged in any way.

After Qin Fengming took the elixir, he had long since recovered.

The soul merged with Dan Ying again to form the mysterious soul body. Qin Fengming's body was filled with magic and he did not feel any discomfort.

At this moment, Qin Fengming has a deeper understanding of Ancestor Daoyan.

That ball of memory energy has been completely refined by Qin Fengming. To say it was refining, it would be better to say it was directly swallowed by Qin Fengming's spirit.

In that strange soul space, Qin Fengming was unable to use the soul energy in his body. Facing the soul consciousness of Ancestor Daoyan, it could be said that he was helpless.

However, after some attempts by Qin Fengming's spirit failed, he finally thought of a method, which was to directly devour the soul consciousness of Ancestor Daoyan.

Of course, his soul cannot have the talent of a soul-eating beast, but it is still in the soul state and can still absorb some memories from the soul consciousness.

The result was indeed as Qin Fengming expected. Although the spirit devoured the soul consciousness and could not absorb and refine all the memories in it, the most memorable part of the soul consciousness would still be refined by his soul.

What surprised and excited Qin Fengming the most was that he completely absorbed a magical power cultivation method and a complete runic attack technique from Dao Yan's soul consciousness: "The Sky-Splitting Dragon Fingerprint."

The attack technique of runes is the most mysterious attack power in the world. Even in the three spiritual realms, there are not many such magical powers.

Qin Fengming has seen a lot of Mahayana, but it can be said that there are very few people who have developed pure rune patterns to attack magical powers.

Master Yiyang once obtained a magical power called the Three-Yuan Seal of Sakyamuni. However, the true body of Yiyang has not comprehended and cultivated it. But his clone soul took hundreds of thousands of years to cultivate.

This is enough to show how difficult it is to cultivate pure runic magical powers.

Pure rune magical attacks are not rune attacks. Talisman patterns are the most mysterious existence in the world. The magic circle restrictions can be arranged with runes, and can also be regarded as rune attacks.

However, the restriction of the magic circle arranged with runes is not a purely magical attack with runes.

Qin Fengming had learned many offensive runes from the scrolls of Ancestor Daoyan a long time ago. As long as it is sacrificed, it can be used as a means of attack.

But those rune attacks only rely on the energy contained in the rune itself to attack the enemy. It is far from the huge power displayed by forming a magical power.

When he first met Ancestor Dao Yan, he once said that as long as one rune reaches a certain height and one rune is sacrificed, the enemy can be hurt. I'm just talking about runes, not the magical powers of runes.

In Patriarch Daoyan's scroll of complete formation runes, there are several single attack runes.

However, this kind of attack rune pattern is not a true rune pattern magical power. Therefore, Qin Fengming has always wanted to find a real magical power of runes.

Of course, he had already obtained one, the Beidou Seven Elements Technique, but after deducing it, he was convinced that the holy talisman technique required a special environment or special materials to be cultivated.

It was precisely for this reason that Master Illumination failed to cultivate.

Now that he had obtained another talisman formula from Dao Yan's soul consciousness, Qin Fengming could not be happy.

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