Chao Mi's Sumeru Space Cave is not big, and is only two or three times larger than Qin Fengming's Divine Machine Mansion. There are many caves inside, all with forbidden layouts. However, those restrictions were not powerful. Qin Fengming only used a little magic to break them.

Of course, the items in the Miasma Storage Bracelet and Xumi Cave are not just one scroll.

There are many items inside, including many classics, elixirs, magic weapons, various materials and some strange and weird things. Even the materials containing the divine soul amount to more than two hundred pieces.

But Qin Fengming is naturally not interested in other items at this moment.

After some rummaging, Qin Fengming found the place where the scrolls and books were stored in a cave in the Xumi space. After checking, he found the control scrolls about this secret altar.

Of course, Qin Fengming was not at ease about the Chao Miasma and the surrounding magic formations. However, he had already informed Ruixue and asked him to be alert to the movements around the altar and around Chao Miasma.

Qin Fengming did not believe that there would be an accidental birth under the care of a Mahayana ruthless blood frog spirit.

Of course, it is impossible to control the prohibition glyphs on the altar to control the prohibition on the statue. Qin Fengming also had no intention of using this scroll rune to control the statue's restrictions.

However, he knew that since the statue was part of the ban on the altar, naturally manipulating the runes in the scroll would affect the ban on the statue.

There are not many runes in this scroll. Qin Fengming only comprehended them after three or two days.

After careful research, Qin Fengming also thought of a way to deal with the statue ban. Whether it succeeds or fails, you can only know the result after trying it.

This plan is not complicated. It is to arrange another layer of prohibition around the statue's prohibition. The placement of this prohibition rune is to add the statue's prohibition rune to the prohibition rune that controls the altar.

It sounds simple, but this process is also full of dangers.

The statue contains unspeakably huge soul energy. If the restriction is touched, even if the soul energy inside does not explode, it will just burst out rapidly, which will be enough to frighten Qin Fengming.

Runes of runes appeared from Qin Fengming's fingertips and slowly condensed towards the statue. Qin Fengming looked extremely focused.

The accident did not happen. When Qin Fengming sacrificed the last talisman and blended it into a layer of forbidden fluorescence around the statue, the entire statue did not emit any spiritual aura.

At this moment, the statue's own restriction has already revealed a layer of light fluorescence.

That layer of fluorescence appeared very soft, and there was no intense situation.

However, the forbidden runes arranged by Qin Fengming on the periphery of the statue did not make any forbidden contact with the statue.

The two sides do not invade each other and appear to be in peace.

Qin Fengming concentrated his consciousness to carefully sense the statue's restrictions, but his expression became extremely heavy. His eyes flashed sharply, as if he was weighing something rapidly in his mind.

"Since the talisman has wrapped the entire statue, it seems that this method at least does not conflict with the statue's ban. Then Qin will use all his strength to see if the statue's ban can be broken."

Taking a deep breath, Qin Fengming gritted his teeth and suddenly whispered in his mouth.

Facing this statue, Qin Fengming was both happy and a little wary. He was so happy about the material of the statue, but worried about whether he could survive if the restriction was triggered and exploded.

However, Qin Fengming is not a person who looks forward and backward. Once he has decided, he will not hold back.

Pointing with his finger, several runes suddenly flashed out, heading towards the tall statue wrapped in two layers of forbidden fluorescence. The talisman just flashed, then disappeared into the fluorescent light and disappeared without a trace.

As the runes submerged, a dazzling green light suddenly burst out from the fluorescent light around the originally calm statue. The green light suddenly appeared, and a huge aura of runes suddenly burst out.

The aura of the forbidden runes was extremely powerful, suddenly emerging like a huge wave.

When Qin Fengming saw the aura of rune patterns erupting suddenly, he didn't hesitate at all. He immediately moved his body and wanted to retreat away. However, when he was just about to move, a forbidden aura appeared around him, sweeping over him and wrapping him completely.

Before Qin Fengming could react, his vision went dark, and a pulling force suddenly invaded his body.

Where did that forbidden aura come from? Qin Fengming didn't notice it at all. But he knew in his heart that that aura was not the forbidden aura that enveloped the statue.

When Qin Fengming suddenly felt a sharp pain hit him and his eyesight went black again, his eyes had changed drastically.

Here is a strange space, surrounded by thick soul energy. As far as the eye can see, there is a hazy blue mist, and even the consciousness cannot leave the body.

What shocked Qin Fengming the most was not the space here, but the fact that he was just a spirit body at this moment.

Qin Fengming was speechless for a long time as he saw the extremely solid soul body standing in the thick soul mist.

Until this moment, he didn't know how he got here with only his body and soul. And here, where is the location.

Recalling the whole story, Qin Fengming's spirit suddenly became clear.

"It seems that this should be the inner space of the statue. It turns out that the tall statue is not completely carved from Mingyu stone, but is hollow inside and has a mysterious space array."

After Qin Fengming stabilized his mind, his thoughts suddenly changed, and he instantly thought of where this place was.

Although he didn't know why only his soul entered here, he was sure that the judgment in his heart was not false.

Thinking about it, the statue is extremely tall. If it were a solid statue and the entire statue was made of Mingyu, it would be too shocking.

If it was just a layer of Mingyu stone on the surface that only acted as a seal, it would be very common sense.

After understanding where this place was, Qin Fengming calmed down. Energy surged in the soul's body, and he made a secret with his hands, wanting to try out the runes.

What surprised Qin Fengming was that not a single talisman could be found here.

Frowning slightly, Qin Fengming stopped moving for a moment. Not only is the release of spiritual consciousness restricted here, but even the aura of the divine soul cannot be emitted.

However, apart from being unable to release his own aura, Qin Fengming's spirit did not feel anything wrong with itself. It was very easy to move my hands and feet, and was not affected by the thick fog.

After pondering for a while, Qin Fengming's soul power surged in his body, and his figure drifted forward.

It's useless for him to worry. It's better to take a closer look at what's weird here. He dared to do this, probably because Qin Fengming's soul felt that the mantra in his body could be driven, even the treasure ghost refining formula seemed to be able to be driven.

And with the solidity of his soul body, even if he encounters a powerful attack, he is still very confident to resist it. In addition, Qin Fengming felt at ease because a large amount of the majestic soul energy from the three-release Heaven-Building Pill that he had previously released still remained in his soul.

"Why is this piece of soul energy different from the others? Is it possible that what is contained in these energy groups is the soul consciousness left by the ancestor Daoyan?"

Suddenly, Qin Fengming's spirit stopped. He looked at the strange soul energy in front of him with a look of surprise on his face, and suddenly murmured to himself.

As he spoke, his surprised expression turned into surprise.

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