Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5723 Hutou Mountain

"The vast place where monks gather in front of us should be what everyone calls Hutou Mountain. There should be restrictions on the core area of ​​the ethnic group. It's better for us not to enter the mountains ahead."

Sensing the slight fluctuations in front of him, Ma Yingjie stopped and spoke.

"Well, there are people guarding there, let's just go forward." Qin Fengming did not stop, but continued to move forward, flying towards a mountain peak in a slightly deviated direction.

"Two seniors, you are not allowed to enter the core of Blood Bird Mountain at will. If you two have nothing to do, please leave quickly. If you wander around at will, you will inevitably be involved in the ban and fall into it."

Just when Qin Fengming's figure was hovering in front of the mountain peak, a voice came from the mountain peak. As the sound resounded, sudden fluctuations occurred on the mountain peak, and a monk appeared on the mountain peak from a layer of void restriction.

This monk's aura fluctuated very slightly, and Qin Fengming could tell that he was a monk in the realm of the gods.

There is actually a theosophical monk stationed here, which is enough to know that the place ahead is an extremely important place in Xuehu Mountain.

Ma Yingjie was slightly shocked when he saw someone appear. Of course, he had already released his consciousness, but he did not realize that there was a restriction on the mountain peak and that there was someone stationed there.

Based on this alone, he had to admit that there was a big difference in strength between him and the young man next to him.

Although he was shocked, Ma Yingjie did not hesitate and immediately said, "I am Lu Haobo from Panhuang City. I am here specifically to meet the elder of the Chao Miasma clan."

Anyone from the Wuyan tribe who has some knowledge has heard of Ma Yingjie's name. Because the ten ancient cities have saved the Wuyan people from the danger of annihilation several times in the long history. It can be said that the top ten ancient cities are the last protective fortresses of the Wuyan tribe. Every member of the Wuyan tribe will know the names of the top ten ancient cities.

As the lord of Panhuang City, all the high-level monks of the Wuyan tribe have naturally heard of his name.

Sure enough, when Ma Yingjie said his name, the monk immediately showed a polite expression: "It turns out that the lord of Panhuang City, Senior Lu, is disrespectful. I want to meet the clan elders. Have you received an appointment from the clan elders? "

Ma Yingjie was startled: "Does it mean that to pay a visit to the elder of the Chao clan, the clan elder needs to make an appointment?"

Although he is the lord of Panhuang City and commands tens of thousands of monks in Panhuang City, he has really never met a few of them as clan elders. The only person he had ever interacted with was Chao Mi.

Even if we interacted with him, we only had a chance encounter and understood a magic circle together. The other party may just know that he is the Lord of Panhuang City.

This is of course not to say that Ma Yingjie is not famous, but Chao Mi is a person who has survived for tens of thousands of years. Ma Yingjie only became the lord of Panhuang City in the past two or three thousand years.

If you were someone who became famous tens of thousands of years ago, you would certainly have some interaction with Chao Miasma.

At least before Chao Mi became a clan elder, he often participated in powerful exchange meetings. The more meetings you attend, the more opportunities you have to meet.

"Chao Lao has stopped caring about worldly affairs for a long time. As long as it is not related to our Wuyan tribe, Chao Lao will not go out and pay attention. I am afraid that these two seniors will disappoint you two."

The theosophical monk clasped his fists at the two of them and said again.

The place where clan elders usually live is a secret place that few people know about. Ordinary monks have no way of knowing. Although Chao Mi returned to Xuehu Mountain, he had already established a rule that he would not see anyone. Just stay alone.

Even the Xuehu Mountain tribesmen, no one can disturb him.

At this moment, two outsiders came, and the guarding monk couldn't help but secretly laugh. However, after knowing Ma Yingjie's identity, he did not act too rude.

Hearing what the monk in front of him said, Ma Yingjie turned to look at Qin Fengming and saw that there was nothing strange on his face. There was a slight movement in his heart, and he spoke again: "Since I can't meet Elder Chao, I don't know which fellow Taoist is in the clan. Lu accompanied this fellow Taoist here. One more thing is to go to the statue of Senior Dao Yan to offer sacrifices." Pay your respects."

Ma Yingjie suddenly thought that Qin Fengming had already said that he came to the Wuyan tribe this time to pay homage to the Daoyan ancestor. Since we can't see Chao Miasma, we can still make the trip if we give up the desire to worship.

"To pay homage to Senior Daoyan? You two seniors want to pay homage to the statue of Senior Daoyan. I'm afraid it will be difficult to do so, because we, Xuehu Mountain, only open the secret realm where the statue of Senior Daoyan is located every forty-nine years. Only seven years have passed since the last time it was opened.”

The stationed monk's eyes flashed, he looked at the two of them with a surprised expression, and said again.

He was very surprised. This was the first time in all his years of cultivating immortality that he had seen two Xuanling Realm monks come specifically to worship the statue of Dao Yan.

They worship the statue at Xuehu Mountain because every time the secret realm is opened, the restrictions in the secret realm will be reactivated, allowing the monks who enter it to experience the mysterious formations. Within the restrictions, Understand the unspeakable artistic conception of runes.

"There is still a time limit for worshiping the statue of Senior Dao Yan, which I didn't expect. But now that Qin has arrived at Xuehu Mountain, he feels really disappointed if he doesn't go in and meet several masters of Xuehu Mountain. Qin has a pill here. I think it may be of some use to fellow Taoist, so please let me know."

Qin Fengming smiled slightly, took a step forward, and spoke slowly. At the same time, a jade bottle flew out and was delivered to the spiritual monk.

" this a Dragon Amber Pill? How is this possible? Hasn't the Dragon Amber Pill disappeared in my Xuanyu Realm long ago?" As soon as he saw the pill, the monk suddenly couldn't help but exclaimed. Make a sound. His voice was trembling, and his face was full of shock and excitement.

After hearing what the monk exclaimed, Ma Yingjie couldn't help but his eyes widened.

Even if Ma Yingying has never seen Longhu Pill, he still knows what kind of pill it is. That is a pill that can make the late-stage and peak cultivators go crazy for it, and it is enough to trigger the mysterious spiritual catastrophe for the cultivators at the peak.

"Qin is not a monk in the Xuanyu Realm, and this Dragon Amber Pill was also obtained by Qin from an ancient cave. It has no use for Qin, so it is suitable for giving it to fellow Taoists."

Qin Fengming naturally knows that money can make the world go round. Although he could use other pills to make the monk in front of him feel grateful and move smoothly, there was absolutely no Dragon Hu Pill that shocked his heart.

"Thank you, senior. I am very grateful. This junior will lead the way and bring the two seniors into Hutou Mountain. The elders are stationed in front of them."

The monk bowed respectfully, his eyes were fiery, and he spoke quickly.

Qin Fengming nodded slightly, and Ma Yingying followed the monk, flying towards the mountains ahead.

After being intercepted by two monks and crossing a large area where the forbidden aura was emitted, the three of them stopped in front of a tall mountain peak.

"The place ahead is Hutoushan where I, the elder of Xuehushan, are located. Two seniors, please wait a moment while I go ask the elders of the clan to come."

The monk bowed respectfully to Qin Fengming and said. After finishing speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared into a layer of mist in front of him, disappearing without a trace.

In front of them was a tall mountain peak, which was several thousand feet high. Although there was mist surrounding it, the outline of the entire mountain peak was still visible in front of the two of them.

Seen from a distance, the mountain looks like the upper half of a huge bird. Hutou Mountain really lives up to its name.

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