As a powerful person in the Cangyan Realm, even if Si Rong has never been to the Xuanyu Realm, he knows that there can be a space channel between the two realms.

Seeing Si Rong confirming that the map slips were correct, Qin Fengming immediately felt happy.

What he has to do next is to go to the Xuanyu Realm, find the powerful people in the Wuyan Clan, and hand over the essence, blood and experience of ancestor Daoyan to the Wuyan Clan leader or the Council of Elders.

As long as it is completed, he will have completed the contract signed in the lower world.

Without the ties of those contracts, Qin Fengming can become free and no longer have any burden in his heart.

"Liu has told you the truth about what you asked. Now it's time for you to tell Liu in detail about the restrictions on the jade box."

Seeing Qin Fengming's happy expression, Liu Xiangfei's eyes flashed and he said again.

Liu Xiangfei is also a very tough-minded person, and he obviously has the sage style of not being ashamed to ask questions about things he doesn't understand.

Qin Fengming did not hesitate any longer. After gathering his thoughts for a while, he solemnly said: "The restrictions on the jade box are not complex restrictions, but are just a little special. If the junior said that it is not a seal restriction, I wonder if the senior can understand it? Do you mean it?"

Hearing Qin Fengming's words, Liu Xiangfei immediately showed a thoughtful look on his face and fell silent.

However, after a long cup of tea, Liu Xiangfei's solemn expression did not ease at all. Instead of feeling relieved, it became even more serious.

Seeing Liu Xiangfei's expression, Qin Fengming knew that he did not understand what he said, so he spoke again:

"If seniors break the restriction on the jade box as a seal, even if it takes ten thousand years, there will be no way to break it. Because of the jade box that reveals the thick restriction, I just placed five five-element runes on it. On top of it.

No matter how the seniors try to restrain those runes, they will be restrained by other attribute runes. The greater the energy produced by the restraint method used by the senior, the other attribute runes will increase on their own. As a result, other attribute energies will appear even greater.

Even if the senior could use five-attribute runes to restrain him, the result would be the same. Under the interaction of the five elements, the energy of the five attributes will become more powerful. Seniors will feel that the restriction on the jade box has not been reduced, but has become thicker. Until the cracking method offered by the senior was completely deflected. The junior said this, I guess the senior has completely understood it. "

Qin Fengming spoke very slowly,

Try to explain it in layman's terms.

As a monk, of course he knows what the five elements are. But after listening to what Qin Fengming said, Liu Xiangfei's expression of surprise did not weaken, but became stronger.

Not only Liu Xiangfei was shocked, Si Rong and the six female cultivators also looked shocked and confused.

Of course, everyone knows about the five-element attribute energy that Qin Fengming mentioned, but Qin Fengming actually said that he sacrificed five five-element attribute runes to form a complete and strange restriction that can absorb the vitality of heaven and earth. This is really beyond the pale. Everyone imagines.

You must know that for such single-attribute runes to be integrated with each other and to support each other, it is feasible in theory, but it is simply impossible to do it.

Even those who are not very proficient in the battle method will never think that only five runes of different attributes can form a ban that even Liu Xiangfei cannot break. unless……

Suddenly, everyone suddenly thought of a possibility, a possibility that shocked everyone and was unimaginable.

It is possible to integrate the energy of the five elements of heaven and earth into the five elements of runes. If there are multiple runes, many formation masters can do it. But if it is only a single rune of five attributes with each attribute, then only the original runes of the five elements of heaven and earth can be done. Wen has this ability.

And if a monk can create a single rune of the five elements of heaven and earth that can easily fuse and gather the vitality of the five elements of heaven and earth, everyone can naturally imagine what it would be like. That means this person has mastered the laws of the five elements of heaven and earth. Even if you don't fully master it, you must have enough understanding of it.

Although the law of the five elements is a law in the great way of heaven and earth, it is often said that this law is not a law, but a law of the five attributes of metal, wood, water, fire and earth.

If you want to understand all five laws, let alone the spiritual world, it is absolutely impossible for such a powerful existence to exist in the Milo world.

Because although the five attributes exist in tandem, they have mutually incompatible characteristics. It is still possible to understand one or two, but to understand all four and five, the difficulty is anyone's guess.

However, at this moment, Qin Fengming actually said that he could create five single-attribute runes to form a kind of restriction, which really puzzled everyone.

Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Qin Fengming's heart moved and he immediately knew what everyone was thinking. So he smiled slightly and spoke again: "Do you think that only those who have understood the Five Elements Law can send a single Five Elements Origin Talisman of Heaven and Earth? If you think so, you are too ignorant. Because Qin has not understood any Five Elements Law , but it can produce a single five-element heaven and earth talisman."

Looking at Qin Fengming's young and calm expression and listening to his calm and firm words, the hesitation on the faces of everyone present remained strong.

Qin Fengming's words can be said to be extremely watery. Because what he was offering at this moment was not at all a single original symbol of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth.

By saying this, he is just trying to make a big flag out of a tiger's skin.

What Qin Fengming arranged on the jade box was indeed a five-element rune, and it was really a single five-attribute rune. But those five talismans are definitely not the five original talismans of the five elements and heaven and earth.

The reason why it shows the characteristics of the five elements' original runes is probably because Qin Fengming placed another kind of restriction in the jade box to balance the energy of the five single runes.

If you look outside the jade box, you will see only five runes with a single attribute working.

And the restriction he arranged is not very powerful. As long as the corresponding cracking runes enter, it will collapse on its own and turn into the energy of the five elements.

However, without a very accurate way to crack the runes, any means of cracking the seal restrictions cannot make it lose its effectiveness.

Qin Fengming arranged the seal in this way, of course, he was betting that Liu Xiangfei would not use his dangerous tricks to directly destroy the jade box.

With Liu Xiangfei's ability, if he attacks without scruples, even if Qin Fengming spends several months setting up a super formation, it is hard to say that he can withstand Liu Xiangfei's attack. The restriction on a mere jade box is naturally not that powerful.

The result was surprisingly good. Liu Xiangfei did not use brute force, but used various means to break the seal restrictions. Without the key, he could not succeed.

Hearing Qin Fengming's words, Liu Xiangfei's eyes flashed slightly, and he immediately saw some cunning meaning deep in Qin Fengming's eyes. He immediately understood in his heart that what the young man in front of him said was extremely watery, and it was not true that he had sacrificed a single five-element origin rune as he said.

After a brief pause, Liu Xiangfei waved his hand and released a ball of energy. Several runes emerged from the energy, wrapping the jade box in front of him in it.

There was a not-so-loud crisp sound, and the jade box seal energy that had been bothering him for a month suddenly turned into five strands of attribute energy and dispersed around him.

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