Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5655 Attack and Kill

Qin Fengming was able to make this judgment at this moment not because he made it himself, but because Junyan in the Xumi Cave told him through a message.

Facing the unknown beast at the bottom of the sea, Qin Fengming must do everything possible, and Jun Yan is naturally the helper he can think of. But he didn't let Jun Yan show up.

Although Jun Yan is an immortal pet and can control all beasts, his level of strength is still too weak at this time. Qin Fengming was worried that he would not be able to face the unknown ferocious beast and the surrounding environment.

Even if Jun Yan doesn't show up, he is still very helpful to Qin Fengming. Jun Yan, who is naturally a deterrent to monsters, is far more familiar with monsters than Qin Fengming.

Therefore, as soon as he saw the fog sweeping in, Qin Fengming alerted Jun Yan to the situation outside.

Qin Fengming did not expect that the first time Jun Yan sent him a message was to tell him that the unknown beast that suddenly appeared was summoning his companions.

Hearing Qin Fengming's words, Si Rong suddenly looked shocked and said, "Gathering companions? Does this ferocious beast have other companions?"

Qin Fengming did not answer what Si Rong said, but quickly looked in the direction of the ferocious beast. At the same time, his consciousness was quickly released, covering hundreds of feet around him.

At this time, around him, as he continued to slash with all his strength with the Xuanwei Qing Sword, the gray mist surrounding him had been cleared away, and a radius of two to three hundred feet was clearly visible.

It was precisely because of this clear scope that Qin Fengming felt more at ease.

If his spiritual consciousness could only detect a range of thirty to forty feet before, he must have been in serious danger.

"Whoosh, whoosh!~~" Suddenly, several extremely slight sounds of breaking through the air were heard. The ferocious beast that was originally parked in the valley suddenly raised its head, and several clouds of gray mist suddenly spewed out from its mouth. out.

The mist spurted and spread in the air, and groups of huge bubbles immediately appeared.

As soon as the bubbles appeared, they immediately seemed like cannonballs, flying towards where Qin Fengming and Si Rong were standing.

Seeing this, Qin Fengming and Si Rong suddenly understood that the bubbles in the fog covering the vast area turned out to be the work of this ferocious beast.

With an understanding in his heart, Qin Fengming was suddenly shocked again. The large number of bubbles made Qin Fengming unable to judge. At this moment,

There are still endless bubbles shooting through the air. A small part of them hit the mountain peaks and shattered, but most of them shot into the distance extremely quickly.

The display of such a number of bubbles made him suddenly believe what Jun Yan said. There were definitely not just one or two ordinary beasts in front of him at this moment.

Although fear appeared in his heart, Qin Fengming did not dare to be distracted at this time.

At a distance of one to two hundred feet, groups of bubbles could be said to have arrived in front of Qin Fengming and his wife in an instant.

What suddenly shocked Qin Fengming was that when faced with the slashes from the huge Xuan Wei Qing sword blades that he instantly launched, the clusters of bubbles did not break at all. The sword blade shot straight through the huge bubble.

Facing this scene, Qin Fengming's mind that had just stabilized suddenly became tense again.

He never imagined that the Xuanwei Qingjian, which could easily break the bubbles and emit aura to clear them, would be unable to break them when faced with these clusters of bubbles.

Although he was shocked and confused, Qin Fengming was not really afraid. As soon as the spirit-devouring ghost fire and extremely mysterious light are activated in the body, the body moves at the same time to avoid the envelope of these bubbles.

However, before Qin Fengming could make a move, Si Rong's words had already entered his ears: "Don't move, I will resist it."

As Si Rong spoke, a black shadow suddenly appeared from behind the two of them. In a flash, it hit the huge bubbles and flew away.

The black shadow suddenly appeared, and Qin Fengming immediately knew that it was the green and black mountain peak that Si Rong sacrificed.

A series of banging sounds were heard, and the bubbles that had just been easily ignored by Qin Fengming's Xuanwei Qingjian suddenly shattered under the impact of the huge green and black mountain peaks.

Although he was shocked, Qin Fengming did not hesitate. As the bubbles shattered on the green and black mountain peaks, the Xuanwei Qingjian flashed out again. The long red and blue swords swept through them like a series of swordsmanship. The strange auras around them, Disappeared again.

"This mountain peak of yours is a pure earth attribute treasure. It seems that the bubbles spit out by the ferocious beast are the most afraid of attacks from pure earth attribute treasures."

Suddenly seeing the meritorious service on the mountain, Qin Fengming's eyes flashed blue, and he immediately understood the reason.

As he spoke, he couldn't help but admire Si Rong's knowledge and judgment. Being able to instantly identify the reality of the bubbles exhaled by the alien beast under such a situation is enough to show how rich the female cultivator's eyesight and fighting experience are.

With this mountain magic weapon, Qin Fengming felt relieved again.

The strength of that ferocious beast is only equivalent to the peak of Xuanling. If it only has such attack power, Qin Fengming is really not afraid.

The ferocious beast missed a hit and immediately lay down in the valley without attacking again. The huge body is constantly twisting and the belly is bulging, as if it is accumulating strength.

The ferocious beast did not attack, but Qin Fengming would not be idle. With peace of mind, he immediately slashed out with a huge red and blue sword in his hand. Suddenly, red and blue swords appeared on the spot.

The sword blades shot out and quickly merged into five huge sword lotuses in the air.

The sword lotus rotated and suddenly slashed towards the huge beast in the valley. As the sword lotus passed by, the sound of people breaking through the air resounded continuously.

At this moment, Qin Fengming used all his strength to activate Xuanwei Qingjian's sword lotus attack, and its power was astonishing.

Suddenly seeing Qin Fengming attack, Si Rong's eyes flashed. She didn't know why Qin Fengming still used all his strength to use this treasure to attack the beast when he saw that the sword blade could not break the bubble of the beast.

The huge sword lotus rotated and rolled forward, flipping and slashing, forming several huge sword-light balls. Paths of sharp breath shot out from the ball in all directions, and wherever they passed, black cracks formed in the void. The cracks increased rapidly, and an even bigger crack was formed.

The huge ball of sword light shot towards the body of the huge ferocious beast, almost covering the entire valley below.

In an instant, the sword-blade spheres formed by several sword lotuses touched the body of the huge ferocious beast.

A deafening beast roar resounded, and the huge valley was immediately covered in dazzling red and blue light.

Red and blue rays of light shone, and along with the deafening roars and roaring sounds of explosions, a huge energy cloud suddenly evaporated from the valley. The energy surged, and a terrifying force so powerful that it seemed to be able to easily smash the Xuanling monk's magic weapon into pieces suddenly spewed out from the energy cloud.

The surrounding mountain peaks suddenly shook violently, and huge rocks like houses suddenly fell. Under the raging energy, they suddenly turned into powder, and were swept by the energy and flew high into the sky.

In an instant, half of the surrounding tall mountains disappeared due to the energy consumption of the terror.

"You stay here, I'll go into the valley and take a look." Just when Si Rong was shocked by the sudden shock of terrifying energy, Qin Fengming's rapid sound transmission suddenly entered her ears.

Upon hearing this message, Si Rong's expression suddenly changed. He looked in disbelief at the place where Qin Fengming had disappeared. His expression could not be recovered for a long time.

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