Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5624 Extreme Ice Breath

The two figures were like two water lines, slanting straight towards the depths of the vast sea of ​​demon souls. The speed is not fast, but it is faster than a wild beast galloping.

There can be no terrifying beasts in the sea water, and the detection distance of twenty or thirty feet is enough for the two of them.

Feeling that the terrifying power around him was getting stronger, Qin Fengming had to focus too much on Si Rong.

At this time, Si Rong's solemn look appeared again.

As the power of harassment intensified, the layer of light green light formed by the talisman on her body had become distorted and swaying. Although it was not really overwhelmed yet, it was already showing a state of being greatly suppressed.

"It seems that this place has already penetrated into the sea water to a depth of seven or eight thousand feet. Even the Mahayana is bound to be difficult to penetrate deep. Fairy, do you want to go deeper?"

Qin Fengming slowly stopped and immediately sent a message to Si Rong.

At this point, Qin Fengming was convinced that if he went deeper, the protective talisman might be broken. Even if it was not broken, it would be difficult to hold on for much longer.

If Si Rong is willing to return to the sea at this moment, it will naturally be the most suitable.

"You still don't need to use the talisman. Could it be that the skills you practice can really resist the terrifying intrusion here?"

Seeing that Qin Fengming still had a calm expression, Si Rong's heart was already in turmoil.

"Well, I have two mysterious souls in my body. One of them majors in the art of ghosts. I once practiced a magical power, which has a great restraint effect on this strange and disturbing power."

Qin Fengming nodded and confirmed again.

Si Rong stared at Qin Fengming with a pair of beautiful eyes, full of shock. The young monk in front of her really shocked her.

Being able to resist the Demonic Nether Fog, she can also think that the other party has some kind of powerful runes that can stabilize the soul. But it was really hard for her to imagine what kind of magical powers and secret techniques could be used to resist this ethereal aura that could make a monk's mind become violent.

"No, I want to continue downward. If I can't resist, you can take me into your Xumi cave at any time. I want to see how long you can hold on before returning."

Si Rong's expression flickered for several times,

Suddenly he said firmly.

Of course she was not treating Qin Fengming, but Si Rong suddenly had a feeling that the young monk in front of him might really be able to reach the bottom of the Demon Soul Sea.

If she could really arrive, wouldn't she miss it if she didn't go there to see it together?

What is at the bottom of the Demonic Soul Sea has always been what the Fengyang tribe monks have always wanted to know. But no one from countless generations of Fengyang clan monks has ever seen it.

Now, Si Rong actually felt that the mystery was about to be revealed.

Regardless of the outcome, the young monk next to him is definitely more likely to go to the bottom of the sea than those Mahayana who ventured into the sea in the past.

After hearing Si Rong's calm words, Qin Fengming looked at the female cultivator for several breaths. In the end, without saying a word, he moved again and continued to move downwards.

Ten thousand feet, eleven thousand feet, twelve thousand feet...

As the two figures moved downwards, the power of harassment continued to increase.

Finally, when the two of them entered the Demonic Soul Sea, which was 14,000 feet away, the protective talisman was finally overwhelmed. With a dull banging sound, it turned into dots of starlight and shattered on the spot.

However, what Si Rong didn't expect was that just as the fluorescence around her collapsed, a denser force of runes suddenly swept over his body along with the yellow mist.

As the mist swept across, slender runes suddenly appeared.

Before Si Rong's exclamation could be heard, shock appeared on her expression.

The aura of this thick yellow mist is very similar to the aura of the previous talisman, and it is also a kind of strange power.

However, the power displayed by the thick yellow mist was several times more powerful than that of the talisman.

As the yellow mist emerged, Si Rong felt that the force of the sea water being squeezed and kneaded by her strong resistance was greatly weakened.

"You actually have a more powerful talisman with you?" Si Rong, who suddenly felt that the aura around him was fading away, exclaimed.

"This is a talisman refined with chaos crystals. It is much more powerful than the previous one. But Qin only has this one. The energy in it has been used once. How much is saved? Qin I’m not sure, so I only use it as a last resort.”

Qin Fengming looked at the yellow mist emerging to protect Si Rong and said with a heavy voice.

This talisman was made from the chaos crystal provided by Fairy Yunling. This treasure has always been treasured by Qin Fengming as a life-saving thing.

But now, he is being used by Si Rong. It is absolutely impossible to say that I don't feel distressed.

Qin Fengming was willing to take out this treasure, but he couldn't explain it at the moment. According to previous assumptions, if Si Rong couldn't resist, he would directly take it into the Shenji Mansion.

But not long ago, Qin Fengming suddenly felt a sense of danger in his heart.

He couldn't clearly sense what the danger was. But his sixth sense clearly told Qin Fengming that there was indeed danger around him at this moment.

And at such a depth, Qin Fengming had fully activated the Treasure Transformation Ghost Refining Technique, and his whole body was covered by a layer of fine scales. Although he was not afraid of the squeezing force of the sea water, the strange aura that disturbed his mind could no longer be completely resisted by the Hua Bao Ghost Refining Technique.

In such a state, he had almost no thoughts in his mind. At the same time that the talismans around Si Rong shattered, the Chaos Crystal Talisman was activated.

Qin Fengming had a feeling in his heart that if the unknown danger really showed its ferocity, he might not be able to use the Chaos Crystal Talisman anymore.

Although it was a waste to waste the energy of the Chaos Crystal Talisman at this moment, Qin Fengming still sacrificed it without hesitation.

Of course, Qin Fengming did not want to lose the Chaos Crystal Talisman without any purpose.

After entering such a deep Demonic Soul Sea, he already had a strong feeling in his heart, that is, there might be some heaven-defying benefits at the bottom of this Demonic Soul Sea that would make his trip worthwhile.

Of course he would not know what the specific benefits were. But he was sure of his feelings.

The greater the danger, the greater the potential benefit. Anyone who cultivates immortality understands this truth.

It is precisely because everyone knows this truth that many Mahayana venture into the Demon Soul Sea to find out. But no one can go deep.

This is why the mystery of what lies at the bottom of the Demon Soul Sea has not been revealed until now.

At this moment, Qin Fengming has arrived here. Naturally, he does not want to give up. Going all-in is the only thought in his mind at this moment.

"It may be really dangerous down there. If the fairy is willing to enter Qin's Xumi Cave, it is possible to enter now. Otherwise, if there is really danger later, Qin will need to work with the fairy to let this talisman protect him. Then he will work with the fairy Extremely close."

Qin Fengming sensed the negative effects of the Chaos Crystal Talisman, and before Si Rongyan, who looked shocked, could say anything, he immediately spoke again.

The most powerful protection range of the Chaos Crystal is only one or two feet. If it were to protect two people, the distance between them would be really awkward.

Qin Fengming must make this point clear.

After hearing what Qin Fengming said, Si Rong, who was originally shocked that Qin Fengming could even find the Chaos Crystal, was immediately attracted by another thing, which was the close contact that Qin Fengming mentioned.

Si Rong almost instantly judged how close it was.

"Is it just close contact? There have been situations between us that are more intimate than close contact. And you and I have already had an engagement. You can't deny this. Since we have an engagement, what does it mean to be in close contact with you now? , I will stay by your side and not enter the Sumeru space."

Si Rong's expression was slightly startled, but he quickly recovered and spoke directly.

Qin Fengming nodded and said nothing more.

For Qin Fengming, it is definitely not a bad thing for Si Rong not to enter the Sumeru space. The female nun is not a flower vase, but she has powerful means.

And his methods are no worse than Qin Fengming. Of course Qin Fengming would be happy to have such a powerful monk by his side.

This time, the two of them were no longer casual, but remained only a few feet apart. With such a distance, even if there was real danger, Qin Fengming could easily get close to Si Rong.

Qin Fengming felt that he was always very accurate, and there were no surprises this time.

Just as the two of them were walking about two thousand feet downward again, a cold and cold aura suddenly swept over the two of them without any warning.

The coldness of this breath is many times colder than the coldness in sea water.

When the breath suddenly came to him, Qin Fengming suddenly felt that the mist filled with the majestic soul energy around him suddenly became extremely thick.

The mist condensed, causing the mantra surging in Qin Fengming's body to suddenly slow down.

Seeing such a situation, Qin Fengming's heart suddenly tightened, and without any hesitation, he approached Si Rong in a flash.

However, what made Qin Fengming suddenly feel chills all over his body was that the mana that he quickly used to drive his body failed to activate at all.

The energy of the five elements cannot be used in this cold atmosphere at all.

When danger suddenly appeared, Qin Fengming did not lose his ability to respond. Feeling that he could no longer use his magic energy, Qin Fengming barely hesitated. He spat out his strength in his hand, and a burst of soul energy immediately emerged. A jade medal in his tight hand shattered.

As the jade tablet shattered, a group of runes completely inspired by the energy of the soul suddenly appeared around Qin Fengming.

As soon as the runes appeared, a vast space aura immediately appeared around Qin Fengming.

The runes shot out and traveled in the sea water, and wherever they passed, the sea water immediately retreated away. The area within two or three feet around Qin Fengming suddenly turned into a vacuum zone.

"That ice cold seems to contain some extreme ice power."

As the sea water around Qin Fengming receded, Si Rong's exclamation also entered Qin Fengming's ears.

At this moment, the beautiful female cultivator still had a frightened look on her face, and the cold force just now had obviously also acted on her body.

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