Seeing Fairy Si Rong's complacent expression, Qin Fengming's heart surged with shock and anger.

But the surge of anger only lasted a moment, and a feeling of powerlessness immediately filled his body.

Although he didn't know what kind of contract Si Rong inspired such a powerful oath that could act on him without his participation. But one thing he understands is that he has been blessed by the contract at this moment.

What Qin Fengming needs to figure out most now is what aspect of the contract the female cultivator inspired.

After glaring at Si Rong for a long time, the look of shock and anger on Qin Fengming's face slowly faded. After relaxing his body, he sat down opposite Si Rong again.

At this time, Si Rong's charming face was full of smiles.

With a smile on his face, Si Rong blinked at Qin Fengming with a pair of big, smart eyes, with a joyful and cunning look in his eyes.

Just the expression Si Rong showed at this moment made everyone who saw it suddenly feel a sense of being stolen from their hearts. The kind of charm that invaded the mind made people unable to have any fighting spirit.

The beauty of Si Rong's face is not a kind of enchantment, but a kind of strange charm that makes people feel very comfortable and it is difficult to have any bad thoughts about it.

The face Si Rong showed at this moment was something that even her master, Jiang Miaorou, had never seen before.

Si Rong had never shown that kind of charming face, neither her relatives nor friends had ever seen her before. It was a smile that came from the bottom of his heart, as if Si Rong's nature was suddenly released.

The cold air around him suddenly became warmer under the reflection of Si Rong's smile, and there was no longer any feeling of coldness.

The gloomy and dim light suddenly became much brighter.

Si Rong looked at Qin Fengming who was still angry with his smart eyes, with a faint smile on his face. He didn't speak, just looked at Qin Fengming quietly.

Faced with such an expression on the female cultivator's face, even a hard-hearted, cruel and cruel person would definitely be melted by the scorching gaze.

"Tell me, what kind of contract is the powerful power of the contract that just appeared? How did you inspire it and let it work on me?"

Qin Fengming stared at Si Rong, his eyes still gloomy, and his tone was very fierce.


You are so cruel to me, do you think I will answer you with peace of mind? "However, what made Qin Fengming angry was that when the female cultivator heard his words, she snorted softly.

Her smile faded, her body straightened up, and she looked at Qin Fengming with an unyielding look in her eyes.

The female cultivator's expression changed very quickly. She was smiling just now, but in an instant it turned from sunny to cloudy, and her face became gloomy.

Facing the female cultivator in front of him, Qin Fengming really felt that he was powerless and had nowhere to turn.

Seeing Qin Fengming's expression constantly changing from gloomy to sunny, Si Rong suddenly let out a burst of laughter, and his charming face that was originally gloomy immediately became extremely bright again.

"You don't need to yell at me. Since I have successfully cast the spell, I will naturally let you understand what kind of contract the previous contract was. Otherwise, wouldn't I have cast the spell in vain?"

The smile appeared on Si Rong's face again, his eyes were like two crescent moons, shining brightly, and he said this.

Qin Fengming looked at the female cultivator, the anger in his eyes subsided slightly, but he did not say anything.

He knew in his heart that no matter what he said or did when facing this female cultivator, the other party would not completely follow his wishes. If the other party is willing, the female cultivator will tell them in detail even if she doesn't tell or ask. If you force it, it will be counterproductive.

Facing female cultivators has always been Qin Fengming's weak point.

He is open-minded by nature and is not a vicious person by nature. Although he often acts rashly, he suffers a lot when interacting with female cultivators.

Seeing Qin Fengming's lips tightly closed and his expression gloomy, Si Rong burst into laughter again.

"The contract talisman I inspired earlier only allowed you to successfully become the son-in-law of my Fengyang clan." Si Rong spoke calmly and spoke very clearly.

"Let me be your Fengyang tribe's son-in-law? How is this possible? Could it be forced? The most impossible thing is that you used the contract technique without letting me take action at all. This is too unbelievable."

Upon hearing Si Rong's words, Qin Fengming's expression immediately changed and he spoke.

He naturally understood this meaning from Si Rong's previous words, but Qin Fengming was very shocked that this contract related to himself did not use him to perform any magic.

Such a thing really shocked him.

Doesn't this mean that as long as a female cultivator from the Fengyang Clan falls in love with a certain monk, she can use this contract to forcibly marry him into the Fengyang Clan and become a monk of the Fengyang Clan.

Based on Qin Fengming's understanding of the contract, this possibility is really impossible.

If this were possible, wouldn't the world of cultivating immortals be in chaos, and the whole world would belong to the Fengyang tribe?

Qin Fengming's expression showed shock and surprise, but Si Rong looked smiling. Looking at the female cultivator in front of him, Qin Fengming had no other thoughts except patience.

At this time, what Qin Fengming needs and must understand most is how the female cultivator in front of him made him a party to the contract and completed this contract that can activate the power of the laws of heaven and earth.

"Keke, if I don't tell you, do you really not know the cause and effect? ​​Aren't you very smart and admired by that Liyang Mahayana man? Why can't you figure out the reason for this?"

Seeing Qin Fengming's expression at this moment, Si Rong giggled, his eyes were cunning, and his words were sarcastic.

When Qin Fengming heard the female cultivator's sarcastic words, his eyes immediately focused, and his thoughtful expression suddenly appeared.

Seeing Qin Fengming, who had a solemn expression and was thinking rapidly, Si Rong's eyes suddenly became bright. The young man's thoughtful expression made her heart skip a beat.

Because Qin Fengming's sudden expression was no longer puzzled, but enlightened.

As his sudden expression appeared, Qin Fengming's calm, calm and under-control look reappeared on his young face.

It was this expression that left an indelible mark in Si Rong's mind.

"Did you figure out the key immediately?" Si Rong asked as soon as he saw the change in Qin Fengming's expression.

"It is not difficult to deduce the motivation of this contract. The previous questions and answers between you and me should be its guiding clauses. But what restricts Qin the most is Qin's soul energy aura. When you stayed in the magic circle I arranged , a large amount of my divine soul energy should be collected. And the contract that is fully stimulated should be my divine soul energy. Without my divine soul energy, you simply cannot activate this powerful contract that requires the combined efforts of two people. "

Qin Fengming's expression returned and he spoke very firmly.

The contract inspired by Si Rong is obviously a powerful soul contract, and it can only be considered successful if the two of them jointly inspire it.

During this process, Qin Fengming did not perform any spells at all, nor did he use any mana or soul energy.

Thinking about this aspect, Qin Fengming immediately thought of the majestic soul energy he had unleashed on the female cultivator when he helped Si Rong suppress the demonic mist within her soul.

Si Rong must have woken up a long time ago. She did not leave immediately, but used special means to collect the soul energy released by Qin Fengming in the magic circle arranged by Qin Fengming.

With Si Rong's ability, he can even collect the Demonic Nether Mist. It is really not difficult to collect a little amount of soul energy.

"You are really thoughtful, no wonder you are so respected by Li Yang. Now let me tell you this contract. The contract is actually very simple. As long as you join our Fengyang Clan and become a monk of our Fengyang Clan, you must not violate the rules of the Fengyang Clan; And all the descendants you and I will have from now on will accept the awakening of my Fengyang clan’s bloodline and join the Fengyang clan.”

Si Rong's bright eyes flashed, he looked at Qin Fengming and said very solemnly.

After she said this, a shy look appeared on her beautiful face.

Although Si Rong has advanced cultivation, she is a female cultivator after all, and she is still an inexperienced female cultivator. Naturally, there will be something strange in her heart when she talks about her marriage and children.

Upon hearing Si Rong's words, Qin Fengming's already calm expression suddenly frowned slightly again.

"You came to participate in our Tianfeng tribe's Luan-winning event. No matter what the purpose is, since you have obtained the qualification to enter the Tianfeng tribe, now the brightest pearl in the Tianfeng tribe has chosen you. You Do you still want to regret it?"

Seeing Qin Fengming's sudden expression, Si Rong's eyes flashed and her pretty face became cold. At this moment, she no longer had any reserve.

She would never have thought that one day she, Si Rong, would commit herself to someone else and would have to speak to them personally.

"The fairy's words are serious. Qin went to participate in the Luan Seizing Ceremony. He just wanted to exchange for some cultivation resources unique to the Cang Yan Realm. He did not think about actually participating in the Luan Seizing. The fight with the fairy was also a coincidence. As for the Qin has never thought about marrying into the Fengyang clan."

When Qin Fengming saw that Si Rong actually said such words, it was absolutely impossible to say that he was not touched.

Si Rong's beauty is impossible for any normal person to ignore.

But Qin Fengming was quite determined when it came to the matter with the female cultivator. No matter how beautiful the female cultivator in front of him was, he still had the intention of sticking to the bottom line.

"What? Do you think that my qualifications and skills are not as good as yours? Or is it that Si Rong's appearance is hard to impress in your eyes?"

Seeing Qin Fengming actually rejecting the words directly, Si Rong's pretty face turned cold, and his tone suddenly turned cold and biting.

Seeing the female cultivator's aura suddenly gushing out, Qin Fengming also looked startled.

"Qin also told the fairy that Qin already had two wives. Qin had no choice but to live up to the fairy's good intentions. As for the contract, Qin can guarantee that in the future, as long as the Fengyang tribe is in danger of annihilation, as long as Qin When someone receives the news, he will definitely not ignore it. Even if there is a danger of death, Qin will help the Fengyang clan."

Qin Fengming hugged Si Rong and spoke without any hesitation.

By this moment, he already knew what the powerful contract inspired by Si Rong was. The contract did not impose any restrictions on him and Si Rong. It only required him to join the Fengyang tribe and stipulated that after he married Si Rong, his offspring must join the Fengyang tribe.

With such a contract, Qin Fengming felt at peace in his heart.

"You already have two wives? How difficult is this? With the speed at which you have advanced in cultivation, it is probably difficult for your two wives to keep up. In thousands of years, even with your help , it is bound to end with Dao disappearing and death. By then you will no longer be bound, and you and I will be able to get married."

What Qin Fengming couldn't believe was that when Si Rong heard his words, he didn't hesitate and said these words directly.

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