Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5571 Looking for Death

"Hahaha, your Su tribe in Hexi made our Hu tribe fearful thousands of years ago. But after that war, all the spiritual monks in your Su tribe died. From the original third-level tribe, Directly dropped to the sixth level tribe.

If it weren't for the restrictions of clan rules and other tribes protecting your Su clan, your Su clan would have been completely wiped out long ago. Originally, Hu gave you some face to the Su family. As long as you give Su Yun, your Su family tribe can survive. I didn’t expect that your brother and sister would secretly come to attend this conference.

You think that with Su Yun, you can recruit a powerful psychic to join your Su family, it is really a dream. Since I met Hu today, I obediently dedicate Su Yun to my Hu clan, otherwise your Su clan will be completely removed from my Fengyang clan. "

As soon as Qin Fengming entered the huge hut, he immediately heard a clear voice.

The voice was full of sarcasm and contempt. At the same time, there is a sense of domineering and domineering. In this huge hut where people come and go, there seems to be no fear of existence.

The person who spoke was a young monk in his thirties, who was wearing the attire of a Fengyang monk and had a very handsome face.

But there is an indescribable strange aura on his handsome face.

This person's cultivation level is not that great, he is only at the peak of aggregation. But in this hut, his voice was high-pitched and he seemed to have no scruples.

Although the number and level of cultivation in this hut is difficult to compare with that of the monks in the tall cave, it is still in a state of aggregation at its worst, and there are only two or three monks in the middle and late stages of theosophy.

However, this young monk, who was only at the peak of gathering, shouted loudly.

Qin Fengming glanced at it instantly and understood that the late-stage spiritual cultivator in the hut was the person standing behind the young man.

Needless to say, we knew that the late monk was in the same group as this young man.

At this time, the Su brothers and sisters were surrounded by people. Facing the shouts and words of a powerful monk, they did not have the fear of ordinary monks, but looked extremely angry.

Su He's eyes were wide open, his lips were tightly closed, his cheeks were tense, his teeth were obviously clenched, and anger was welling up in his heart.

There was no look of fear in Su Yun's beautiful eyes, but rather an unyielding look. She stood beside her brother, not showing the slightest hint of fear or trembling.

"Today I will obediently accompany Hu.

Otherwise, when the Luan-winning event ends, your Su clan will be destroyed. "Seeing the Su brothers and sisters showing their unyielding intentions, the young man was very patient. He did not take action to capture the two of them, but threatened them again.

For a Su clan with only two late-stage monks, the young man had long ignored them.

It's just that the Su clan had a tribe behind them that was no weaker than the Hu clan, so Hu Jie's clan didn't push the Su clan too hard.

Otherwise, even if the Fengyang tribe had rules that could not completely annihilate a tribe, the Su clan, which had a feud with the Hu clan for tens of thousands of years, would have been completely annihilated long ago.

But now, his Hu clan no longer has to worry about the clan that protects the Su clan.

Looking at the two unyielding Su monks in front of him, Hu Jie felt like a cat playing with a mouse. He has settled on the two of them now and is not worried that anything strange will happen.

"Hmph, your tone is not small. You dare to say that you will destroy the Su clan. Even if Hu Chang is here, he would not dare to say that he can destroy the Su clan under the eyes of our Jiang clan."

Before Qin Fengming could step forward, a cold snort suddenly sounded from behind him. The sound rang out, and three monks were seen quickly entering the hut.

Qin Fengming stepped aside, looked at the three people who entered the hut, and did not step forward again.

These three people, two men and one woman, are not weak in cultivation. The first one is middle-aged and is in the middle stage of spiritual enlightenment, and the other two are in the early stage of spiritual enlightenment.

The three of them took steps and soon arrived in front of Su He and the others.

"Su He and Su Yun pay homage to Elder Jiang." Seeing the three people coming in front of them, Su He and the two immediately bowed to greet him.

The Jiang clan is a third-level tribe in Hexi, and there are several monks in the clan who have reached the realm of gods. The strength is still above that of the Hu clan.

It was precisely because the Jiang clan took care of the Su clan that the Su clan was able to recuperate and recuperate in Hexi, close to the Hu clan.

As soon as the three Jiang clan monks arrived at the hut, they immediately directly supported the Su brothers and sisters, which was enough to know that the Su clan and the Jiang clan had a close relationship.

Of course, Qin Fengming also made a judgment in his mind, that is, the Jiang tribe and the Hu tribe were both tribes in the Hexi region. There must have been many discords in history, and they might even have a life-or-death feud.

Facing the aura and pressure of a monk in the middle stage of spiritual mastery, the young man of the Hu family suddenly felt a tightness in his chest, the look on his face immediately changed with shock, and he was immediately speechless.

"Hahaha, who am I to be so arrogant? It's Brother Jiang Zhe. It's just that the Hu family can't destroy the Su family. What if I, the Ning family, are added to the family?"

However, just when his whole body was forced by the opponent's momentum, a voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

As these words rang out, a strong aura suddenly swept over the young man of the Hu family, causing his body to tremble, and the pressure just now disappeared immediately.

"It turns out that the Ning clan is supporting the Hu clan. No wonder a mere young clan leader dares to speak so wildly. Ning Changji, although your Ning clan is stronger than my Jiang clan, you still want to intervene in the dispute between the Su and Hu clans. , it’s not your turn, Ning, to say anything.

Not to mention that your Ning family is far away in Hedong. Even if you want to interfere in my affairs in Hexi, you still need to ask me if the tribes in Hexi will agree. Hehe, maybe your Ning clan has been established by the Sun Yang clan and the Meng clan before you arrived in our land in Hexi. "

Naturally, the three Jiang family members had already seen the spiritual cultivator standing behind Hu Jie. Seeing him appear now, Jiang Zhe snorted coldly and said without giving in at all.

There are dozens of tribes in the land of Hexi. There may be disputes among the tribes in normal times, but if tribes from other places want to get involved in the land of Hexi, the tribes in the entire Hexi land will naturally not ignore it.

Such incursions into other areas are not unheard of. If there are, they are wars involving tens, hundreds or even hundreds of tribes that involve a very wide range.

"Huh, if you want to destroy a Su clan, there is no need to use the Ning clan. As long as this young clan leader leads a few orange guards to destroy a small tribe that has just been promoted to level five, is there anyone who dares to stop it?"

Before Ning Changji could speak, Hu Jie, who had looked ugly just now, snorted coldly and spoke with great disdain.

"What? This person from the fourth-level tribe in Hexi actually said that he could mobilize the orange guards?"

"No wonder he dares to make such a loud noise here. It turns out that he is related to the Orange Guard."

"Not everyone can mobilize the Orange Guards. They are a legion that is unique to our Tianfeng Division. They cannot be mobilized at will."

"In the battle between our Tianfeng Tribe and the Mingfeng Tribe, the orange-clad guards repeatedly made great contributions. At that time, the clan leader issued a strict order that no one was allowed to use the orange-clad guards in normal times. How dare a member of this small tribe dare to say such a thing? Is it possible? Are you looking for death?"

As soon as Hu Jie said this, hundreds of monks in the hut all screamed in shock.

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