Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5560 Teleportation Array

This mountain peak is not tall. It is obviously much smaller than the surrounding peaks. From a distance, it looks like a huge bulge rising in the valley.

This mountain peak is covered with dense vegetation and does not look surprising.

However, after careful exploration with Qin Fengming's spiritual consciousness, he could sense that there was a very thin layer of space aura fluctuations on this low mountain peak.

"There might be a teleportation array in this mountain peak. There is a stone gate over there, you can enter it." Kou Yuxin said while suspended in the air.

On one side of the mountain, there is a flat spot, and a tall stone gate stands on the mountain wall.

It was said to be a stone gate, but in fact only one side of the tall stone gate was still standing, while the other side of the stone gate had been shattered to pieces by a powerful attack.

Qin Fengming nodded, without hesitation, and flew directly towards the stone gate below in a flash.

Stopping at the entrance of the dark cave, Qin Fengming immediately carefully explored and entered with his consciousness.

"This cave has been entered by someone before, and there are some energy fluctuations inside. It is difficult to judge whether there are still restrictions." Kou Yuxin stopped next to Qin Fengming, looked at it for a moment, and then said to himself.

As Kou Yuxin said this, he stepped forward, moved his fingers, and suddenly small blades of light flashed out.

The blade flashed and slashed towards the stone door and the cave wall inside. A series of bright lights flashed, making the cave very bright. Suddenly, a dense sound of shouting sounded in the cave.

Qin Fengming nodded and agreed with Kou Yuxin's move. This method is simple and crude. If it is used in other places, it may be dangerous, but here, it is very practical.

"There should be no danger." Kou Yuxin said firmly after seeing that nothing strange happened.

The two of them stopped staying and walked towards the wide cave together.

But as soon as the two entered the cave, a strong wind swept up and swept their bodies into it.

This strong wind appeared very strangely and rapidly. Almost as soon as the two of them entered the cave, it suddenly swept from their side.

The two of them were extraordinary in strength, but no one could avoid this strong wind.


No, there is a ban! Kou Yuxin shouted, and with a flash of his hand, a sword several feet long appeared. The blade flashed with terrifying fluctuations, and almost instantly, he activated the sword in his hand.

"Senior, don't move. This restriction has no attack effect." At this moment, Qin Fengming's words quickly rang in Kou Yuxin's ears, making Kou Yuxin stunned.

Just when Kou Yuxin was distracted, the scene in front of him had changed.

The previously dark cave had become a place filled with gray and black mist. The fog surged, and the surrounding scenery could no longer be seen. Even Qin Fengming's figure had disappeared.

"This is a psychedelic forbidden area." When he suddenly saw what he saw in front of him, Kou Yuxin exclaimed again.

What surprised Kou Yuxin was that he shouted, but there was no reply from Qin Fengming around him.

Faced with such a situation, Kou Yuxin suddenly felt a chill in his heart. Doesn't this mean that the magic circle that the two of them entered immediately separated.

However, just when Kou Yuxin was startled and was about to wave his hand to attack, the fog suddenly surged in front of him, and Qin Fengming's figure appeared in front of him again.

"Fortunately, senior didn't take action, otherwise Qin might have been attacked by senior." Qin Fengming appeared and said immediately. But I also let out a sigh of relief in my heart.

As soon as he stepped into the cave, he saw the presence of restrictions in the cave.

Although the restraint appeared so quickly that he could not dodge it, in that rapid situation, he could see where the restraint was triggered in his spiritual eyes, so he warned Kou Yuxin without hesitation. At the same time, he struck an attack at the place where the restriction was triggered.

Qin Fengming did not expect that the dull sound of the attack sounded, and the restraint that had not been fully activated was broken by him in one fell swoop.

Although the restriction was lifted, Qin Fengming was still a little scared.

He saw Kou Yuxin offering a sharp blade. If he hadn't urgently reminded him, Kou Yuxin would have been beaten. Maybe Kou Yuxin will attack directly. And this restriction is obviously a psychedelic magic circle. Kou Yuxin attacked indiscriminately, and Qin Fengming who was next to him was bound to be harmed.

In such a small space and inside the illusion formation, Qin Fengming had no idea where the attack was coming from.

Under such circumstances, Qin Fengming really didn't have much confidence in whether he could avoid Kou Yuxin's attack.

"This restriction was broken by fellow Taoist so quickly. Fellow Taoist's formation skills are far beyond Kou's imagination. From now on, fellow Taoist will discuss friendship with Kou's peers directly, and don't talk about any seniors. It's just that fellow Taoist's formation The power of the law is enough to deserve the honorific title of Master Qin."

Kou Yuxin felt the forbidden aura around him disappear rapidly, and he immediately understood what had just happened. He was slightly startled and said.

This is not the first time Kou Yuxin has said this, but when Qin Fengming faced Kou Yuxin and Fairy Yunling, he still called himself a junior, so he did not change his title.

Now Kou Yuxin spoke again, and Qin Fengming nodded in agreement.

"The ban here is obviously incomplete and should be part of some kind of ban. Most of the bans were broken by predecessors, and only this ban is still able to work."

Qin Fengming looked around and spoke after a moment.

Kou Yuxin did not answer, but nodded. With his Mahayana cultivation, this insight is natural.

Qin Fengming didn't stop for long, then stepped forward and walked into the dark cave.

This cave was not very far-reaching. It only went down for more than a hundred feet. After turning two turns, a vast cave hall appeared in front of them.

There are bright luminous stones around the hall, which illuminate the entire hall very brightly.

"Hahaha, it's true. There really is a teleportation array here. But whether this teleportation array is the one we are looking for requires fellow Taoist to see it in person."

Stepping into the hall, Kou Yuxin immediately laughed out loud.

There is indeed a teleportation array arranged here, but this teleportation array is in dilapidated condition. To say that it is tattered does not mean that it is damaged, but that the precious materials that were originally used to set up the array have disappeared.

But even so, there is still a strong space aura emanating from this teleportation array.

It's just that the scale of this teleportation array doesn't look big. Even the long-distance teleportation arrays in the realm seem to be larger than this one.

Kou Yuxin was very convinced at this moment that seeing such a teleportation array that had lost all its precious materials, Qin Fengming would not put any more thought into it.

Qin Fengming just glanced at the teleportation array, and then immediately scanned the entire hall. Blue light flashed in his eyes, and his spiritual consciousness was released with all his strength. He didn't want to suddenly fall into the magic circle because of excitement.

After looking at it for as long as a cup of tea, Qin Fengming moved and slowly approached the teleportation array.

There were no accidents, and there were no restrictions in the cave hall.

Slowly approached the teleportation array, and finally stood in front of the teleportation array. Qin Fengming's eyes were solemn, looking at the teleportation array that he had been looking for for a long time, and he didn't move for a moment.

"Fellow Taoist Kou, Qin needs some time to meditate here. Please sit down for a moment, fellow Taoist." After a moment, Qin Fengming turned to Kou Yuxin, who was standing still, and said.

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