The sudden thought made Qin Fengming's body tremble. But amidst the trembling, an extremely ferocious and violent aura suddenly spurted out from Qin Fengming's body.

In an instant, Qin Fengming's body was immediately enveloped by an almost solid and ferocious aura.

Qin Fengming's cultivation of immortality did not last for a day or two, and it was not that he was not captured by powerful spirits. Not only that, but many times.

Every time a spirit takes over the body, it can be said to be an extremely dangerous battle for Qin Fengming.

When the spirit travels to seize a body, it is usually done only when it is sure that it will be completely successful. If there is even a half chance of success, the spirit will not take risks.

Because the soul has already experienced a death, there is only one chance to survive again.

If the seizure of the body is unsuccessful, the only result that awaits is complete destruction, the disappearance of the Tao, and the death of the body.

Now, since the spirit in the statue has begun to seize Qin Fengming's body, it is sure to succeed in seizing Qin Fengming's body.

Faced with such a situation, it was impossible for Qin Fengming to maintain a stable mentality.

After seeing that the statue was unharmed under various attacks, Qin Fengming also became wary of the spirit hidden in the statue.

Based on the various methods he had used previously, Qin Fengming was convinced that even if Yun Ling Fairy's spirit suddenly experienced this attack, his face would change dramatically and he would suffer some injuries.

Even if Yun Ling Fairy's spirit cannot be killed, it will definitely not be unscathed.

But the spirit in front of him didn't show any signs of injury under Qin Fengming's attacks. Facing such a spirit, Qin Fengming immediately felt fear in his heart.

Fear is fear, but Qin Fengming knows that if he cannot resist the other party's attempt to seize the body, then he will only be swallowed up by the other party.

The strong desire to survive made the fear in his heart just appear once, and he was immediately suppressed again. A raging fighting spirit emerged from his chest.

Qin Fengming has been practicing for so many years, and it can be said that he often walks on the edge of life and death.

Every time he was in danger of falling, although he was frightened, he never lost his will to fight. Even when he was still in the early stage of Xuanling, he faced Fairy Suzuran who was in the Mahayana realm.

He has not lost faith in resistance.

Fighting is Qin Fengming's only choice at this moment.

And winning the battle is the only belief in Qin Fengming's heart. Failure means that he will be completely destroyed.

The fighting spirit emerged, and Qin Fengming immediately lost any fear in his heart. A ferocious aura surged all over his body, and runes quickly filled his sea of ​​consciousness.

No matter what kind of powerful spirit it is, even if it is a golden immortal or a true immortal spirit, if it wants to seize the body of another person, it must invade the monk's sea of ​​consciousness, then use magic to control the two seas, refine the monk's mysterious soul and spiritual body, and become its own origin thing.

As long as the monk's soul can be swallowed, even if the monk's Danying escapes, the soul that occupies the sea of ​​consciousness can still condense the Danying again, merge it into the mysterious soul body again, and completely refine the monk's physical body.

Suddenly seeing a spirit flying towards him, Qin Fengming stopped dodging.

Because he knew that no matter how much he evaded, he would not be able to avoid the approach of this spirit. Because this spirit-controlled statue is so terrifying that no means can stop it.

As runes filled the sea of ​​consciousness, Qin Fengming's sea of ​​consciousness was immediately protected by a layer of forbidden power.

"Bang! Bang!~~"

A series of banging sounds suddenly sounded outside Qin Fengming's sea of ​​consciousness. There was a bang, and a ball of divine soul energy was bounced back by the runes, and was directly forced out of Qin Fengming's body.

Feeling that the coldness in his body was gone, Qin Fengming was suddenly overjoyed. He knew in his heart that the spirit must have been attacked by the backlash of runes without warning and left his body.

It would have been really difficult for Qin Fengming to deal with the intrusion of spirits into the sea of ​​consciousness in the past.

But after understanding the runes in Miao Lin's Jiu Shen Youfa, Qin Fengming has carefully developed several rune combinations that can directly protect the sea of ​​consciousness.

If he doesn't know what's going on, and other people's souls suddenly enter his sea of ​​consciousness, they will inevitably be counterattacked by the power of the runes.

Now that Qin Fengming felt relieved when he saw that the spirit that could not be afraid of the aura of the treasure-refining ghost and the mysterious light of Huanji was rebounded and retreated.

With almost no hesitation, Qin Fengming's mysterious soul spirit body immediately left his body, and his body flashed and entered the Xumi Cave. Facing this strange spirit, Qin Fengming knew that physical magic attacks would pose almost no danger to the opponent, so he planned to use his mysterious spirit body to deal with the opponent.

The mysterious soul spirit body is originally contained in the soul. When filled with the energy of the soul, it is more powerful than the physical body.

Shrouded in the thick soul mist, Qin Fengming's mysterious soul body stood opposite a condensed essence, but no one made any move for a moment.

This mist is full of divine soul energy, but Qin Fengming is convinced that this mist is just divine soul energy and not a method used by the opposite spirit.

The soul mist released by the statue that Qin Fengming saw at the beginning has completely condensed into the soul body standing opposite now.

Seeing that the opponent did not immediately attack, Qin Fengming did not take action either.

Of course he knew why the spirit in front of him stood there blankly, it was because of the runes in his body just now. No matter who comes across the runes that protect the sea of ​​consciousness, they will definitely be surprised.

"Senior, if you can answer, please have a chat with this junior." Qin Fengming's mysterious soul body was suspended in the mist, and his small body was wrapped in a colorful glow. He looked at the condensed soul opposite and said suddenly.

Since the spirit in front of you is able to take possession of the body, it is naturally intelligent.

Facing this spirit that exuded the aura of the Mahayana realm, Qin Fengming's heart had stabilized, but he still thought it would be better not to fight as much as possible.

The statue was really weird, and Qin Fengming had no means to capture it.

Under such circumstances, if Qin Fengming could negotiate with the spirit in front of him to avoid a fight, Qin Fengming would naturally be willing.

However, what left Qin Fengming speechless was that the spirit stood on the spot with flashing eyes, seemingly not hearing his words and not reacting at all.

Just when Qin Fengming was about to speak again to wake up his seemingly dazed soul, a cold breath suddenly approached behind his mysterious soul body without any warning.

Suddenly, Qin Fengming thought something bad in his heart.

With almost no hesitation, the small Xuanhun spirit body dodged to one side, leaving a shadow where he had just stood.

"Hi!" A very slight sound suddenly sounded.

As soon as Qin Fengming's Xuanhun spirit body dodged away, a slender and transparent claw mark scratched past the shadow he left on the spot. The phantom turned into dots of stars, and as the claws and fingers flashed, they immediately collapsed on the spot.

The spirit stood on the spot, and it was not that he did not take action. Instead, he displayed a strange magical power and formed a paw print behind Qin Fengming's mysterious soul body in an attempt to capture him in one fell swoop.

At this moment, how could Qin Fengming still have any intention of giving up with the other party? Xiaoqiao Xuanhun suddenly made a seal, and a ball of emerald green fire suddenly appeared in front of him.

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