Jun Yan once vowed that he could make the spirit of the Moon-covering Demon Ape fall into a sluggish state for half a breath. Although the half-breath time seems extremely short, it is enough for the monk to do a lot of things.

Qin Fengming was convinced that as long as he was given half a breath, he could drive the restraining circle to achieve the set goal.

However, as soon as the powerful power of forbidden teleportation swept over the soul body of the tall Moon-covering Demon Ape, the giant Demon Ape, which had just fallen into stasis, started to move its arms.

I saw his hands moving slowly, and his dull eyes suddenly changed, as if he was about to wake up again.

Seeing such a situation, Qin Fengming couldn't help but be shocked.

If the spirit of the Moon-covering Demon Ape wakes up again, with its understanding of the battle strategy, it may be able to decipher the runes in an instant.

Even if he couldn't break the talisman formation instantly, as long as he could resist the teleportation force, with his huge body, Qin Fengming would never be able to drive the talisman formation to teleport it into the Sumeru space.

What shocked Qin Fengming even more was that he couldn't contact Jun Yan at this moment.

Not to mention contacting Jun Yan, even if his consciousness quickly scanned the scene, there was no sign of Jun Yan at all.

This situation suddenly appeared in front of Qin Fengming, making his back feel cold. At the same time, a fierce blood suddenly surged throughout his body.

Jun Yan disappeared from in front of him, and Qin Fengming did not know where he went. But he understood in his heart that the huge transparent figure that suddenly appeared should be related to the disappearance of Junyan.

That huge figure looks different from Jun Yan, but to be able to appear here is naturally the result of Jun Yan's spell.

At this time, Qin Fengming could not care less about where Jun Yan was. His eyes were wide open and filled with blood-red color.

By this time, he knew that Jun Yan could no longer count on him. Whether he could capture the spirit of the Moon-covering Demon Ape could only rely on his own strength.

With almost no hesitation, a light sneer sounded from his mouth.

At this moment, Qin Fengming couldn't do it if he wanted to kill the demon ape spirit instantly. Even if he was holding the temple at the moment, he would never be able to kill the tall demon ape spirit in front of him with one blow.

Although Qin Fengming was shocked and anxious, he still clearly knew that if he wanted to capture him, he still needed to follow the established plan, which was to introduce him into the Xumi space.

And now that I can do this in a short period of time,

He has only one possibility, and that is to make the giant demon ape fall into sluggishness again.

To complete this matter, the first thing that Qin Fengming thought of was to use Shock Boo.

Qin Fengming didn't know whether the Soul Hush could imprison the spirit of the tall demonic ape and make it fall into sluggishness, but this was no longer something Qin Fengming had to consider at this time.

Although the sneer didn't sound loud, Qin Fengming had already contained all the power he had instantly inspired in this sneer.

The sound wave swept across, like a huge huge wave, suddenly sweeping over the tall figure not far away.

Seeing the surge of sound waves, Qin Fengming's heart rose in his throat.

He knew that if this sound wave failed to succeed, then the thing he and Jun Yan had spent so much effort on would be completely useless.

The sound wave swept across, and as soon as the sound wave appeared, it had already touched the soul body of the tall moon-covering demon ape that was awakening.

I don’t know whether it was Qin Fengming’s character that exploded this time, or the power of the Frightening Boo that he offered has exceeded the resistance of the spirit of the tall moon-covering demon ape. As the sound wave of Frightening Boo swept through the tall spirit, the huge spirit that had just raised its arms and focused its eyes was , suddenly the arm stopped on the spot again.

At the same time, the tall spirit's eyes became cloudy and lifeless again.

Seeing the tall demon ape's spirit body disappear in the sweeping teleportation vortex, Qin Fengming stood there blankly, unable to react for a moment.

"Quickly, quickly enter the Sumeru space and stabilize the spirit of the demon ape. It will take me a while to recover before I can help the soul-eating beast fight with the spirit again."

Just when Qin Fengming's heart relaxed and his expression relaxed, a quick word entered Qin Fengming's ears.

As the words sounded, a wave of fluctuations appeared on the spot, and Jun Yan's body appeared on the spot out of thin air.

At this time, Junyan was all wet, as if he had just emerged from the water.

His expression looked very tired, and although his body was still upright, Qin Fengming felt as if his physical strength had been exhausted.

"Okay, you quickly enter the Baijie Huanzun, and I will take care of the moon-covering demon ape spirit."

Qin Fengming did not hesitate, promised to quickly put away his treasures, and brought Jun Yan into the Zhongling Xumi space.

At this moment, in the Zhongling Xumi space, He Xuan, who was looking after the Baijie Huanzun, was standing on the spot dumbfounded. His eyes were looking at a huge figure in the distance, and his body was trembling and unsteady.

He Xuan has not advanced to the realm of Xuanling at this moment. Facing the mountain-like spirit of the Moon-covering Demon Ape, not to mention the aura of the Mahayana soul that appeared, just the huge body frightened his mind.

Jun Yan did not hesitate and entered directly into the Baijie Huanzun, while Qin Fengming went directly towards the tall demon ape spirit.

In the Zhongling Xumi space, the area is neither large nor small.

But if the spirit of the Moon-covering Demonic Ape cannot be restricted to a small area, it will definitely not be a good thing for this Sumeru space.

Maybe the spirit of the demon ape goes crazy and can directly explode this Sumeru space.

What gave Qin Fengming some peace of mind was that the golden bite, which was sent into the Sumeru space together with the spirit of the giant moon-covering demon ape, was still lying on the arm of the demon ape and biting continuously.

At this time, the spirit of the tall demon ape had already restrained its ferocity when facing the mandrill. However, facing the bite of the soul-eating beast, it still just kept swinging its arms to hit the rocks around it, and did not dare to directly wave and pat. Hit the soul-eating beast's body.

This situation is very similar to that of an adult who sees a stink bug lying on his arm and can only drive it away. No one would wave his hand to kill it like a mosquito.

The soul-eating beast seems to be a taboo existence for the demon ape spirit, and they dare not attack it directly.

From this experience, Qin Fengming gained an in-depth understanding of the soul-eating beast.

Looking at the demon ape spirit in the distance that kept hitting the tall mountain wall with its arms, Qin Fengming felt relieved.

It seemed that he didn't need to take action at all, just relying on the attack of the soul-eating beast to confine the demon ape spirit near the tall mountain peak.

It's just that with the power of the Soul-Eating Beast alone, if you want to consume the soul energy, it will probably take a long time. Fortunately, there is no pure soul energy gathering outside here, and there is no need to worry about the demon ape spirit replenishing its own soul energy.

"Hey, it's obvious that there was a big battle here, but why is there no trace of that little guy?"

Not long after Qin Fengming entered Xumi Cave, a pretty figure suddenly shot out from a distance. It was very fast, and in just a flash, it arrived at the place where Qin Fengming had fought with the demon ape spirit.

The light disappeared, revealing Fairy Yunling's charming face. He looked around and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

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