Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5440 Give you a chance

Zhan Qingyun's amazing intelligence is not inferior to Fang Xuanping's. And it is also very kind to the thunder and sky fire, and is not killed by the terrifying power of the thunder and sky fire.

With the help of the Nether Thunder Sky Fire, Zhan Qingyun refined forty-nine imitations of the Sky Fire Disk.

And with the help of these forty-nine imitations of the Heavenly Fire Disk, the Heavenly Fire Palace monks can set up the next Ten Thousand Beasts Thunder Formation. This formation is extremely ferocious, and those who fall into it will be devoured by beasts and killed by thunder.

But since Zhan Qingyun refined these imitations, the number of times he can use those imitations is extremely limited.

In the records of Tianhuo Palace, there are only two records.

But those two records were unusual. They were both records when Tianhuo Palace encountered extremely dangerous dangers of annihilating the sect.

With the forty-nine imitations of the Ten Thousand Beasts Thunder Formation, it was able to withstand the attacks of thousands of powerful monks. He guarded the Tianhuo Palace and avoided the sect's crisis.

And this is not Zhan Qingyun’s greatest contribution to Tianhuo Palace.

Zhan Qingyun also made another contribution that had a profound impact on Tianhuo Palace, that is, he found a method from the classics left by Fang Xuanping that could make the thunder and sky fire no longer violent, and might be used by monks. A solution to refining and realized it.

That method is very simple, that is, let the thunder and sky fire slowly purify itself in a single hot energy, erasing the impurity attributes contained in it.

This method may not be unknown to other powerful monks from the Heavenly Fire Palace. But no one can achieve it.

Because there are two major difficulties in this method, one is to find that single hot energy; the other is to have a way to move the thunder and sky fire to that place.

The thunder and sky fire, let alone moving, is a dangerous thing for Xuanling monks even if they are close.

Of course, it's not that you can't get close, but even if you get close, you can't put it away and move it away. Even those Mahayana beings, no one can take them into their arms and take them away.

Otherwise, the spiritual flames of this day would have been snatched away long ago.

The Mahayana who was the first to obtain the Nether Thunder Sky Fire back then had powerful demonic flames. After spending countless efforts, he finally carried the Nether Thunder Sky Fire with him.

However, when he passed by the Yangjing Continent, the thunder and sky fire was no longer imprisoned by him.

After he suffered a lot of damage, he left the Thunder Sky Fire at the foundation of the Heavenly Fire Palace. One of his disciples voluntarily stayed and founded the Heavenly Fire Palace.

Zhan Qingyun is indeed a person of amazing talent and beauty. He used the imitation of the Sky Fire Disk and after countless painstaking tests, he finally found a heaven-defying talisman. With forty-nine monks jointly controlling the imitation of the Sky Fire Disk, he controlled the Thunder and Sky Fire within it. .

With the combined efforts of these forty-nine monks, Tianhuo Palace finally moved the thunder and sky fire into the underground magma.

Although there are many impurities in underground magma, when it comes to the hot attribute aura, it is a single energy. The most abundant thing in the Qiyang realm is the vast underground magma sea.

However, it seems that this method is very useful for the thunder and sky fire, but the effect is very slow. In order to achieve the goal of refining and controlling the thunder and sky fire, this process would probably take hundreds of thousands of years.

However, the monks from the Heavenly Fire Palace throughout the generations did not give up because of the difficulty of this process. On the contrary, every generation of monks takes care of the Nether Thunder and Sky Fire as their own responsibility.

Passed down from generation to generation without interruption.

Although the underground magma sea is vast, under the devouring of the thunder and sky fire, the hot energy will eventually decrease. This requires the monks from Tianhuo Palace to work together to move it to another location.

And this is the reason why the Xuanjie of Tianhuo Palace is willing to seal the place where magma spews for other sects.

In this way, you can find a suitable place for the thunder and sky fire to purify your body without any scruples.

After hundreds of thousands of years of continuous letting the thunder and sky fire purify his body,

The power of the thunder and sky fire also gradually increased. Especially in the magma deep underground, its terrifying power is enough to kill the existence of Xuanling Peak.

A device in the Heavenly Fire Palace that was related to the Thunder and Heavenly Fire suddenly sensed strange information a few months ago. Only then did the monks from Tianhuo Palace come here quickly to check what was going on.

However, at this moment, Qin Fengming actually said that he had subdued the Thunder Sky Fire and refined it in less than a year. How could Ouyang Ning believe this?

"It's just a thunder and sky fire. This can't help Qin. Originally, Qin knew that the fire belonged to your Tianhuo Palace, and wanted to compensate your Tianhuo Palace. Now you and others actually killed the people of Danxia Sect, and If fellow Taoist Dongxiangzi loses his body, all this can be avoided.

Not only will you, Tianhuo Palace, not be able to benefit, but you will have to compensate everyone in the Danxia Sect. If you satisfy all the fellow Taoists of Danxia Sect, you can still live. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences of your Tianhuo Palace. "

Facing Ouyang Ning's surprised words, Qin Fengming showed disdain on his face. As the words came out of his mouth, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

Of course what he said was not false. It can be said that everyone in Danxia Sect risked their lives to defend him against the attacks from everyone in Tianhuo Palace.

With the strength of Danxia Sect, Li Zheng and others were able to risk their lives to resist the attack of Tianhuo Palace led by two Xuanling powerful men for several months. Qin Fengming admired this kind of character.

Regardless of whether this matter was right or wrong, he had to take action for Danxia Sect.

Qin Fengming will not have the slightest psychological burden for the You Lei Tian Huo. This thing is for those who can get it.

If it weren't for his fate, he would have already fallen into its terrifying attack when he faced the thunder and sky fire.

The world of cultivating immortals is a society that values ​​strength, and robbing treasures is the most basic code of conduct in this society. As a member of this social group, Qin Fengming naturally cannot live alone.

It's just that Qin Fengming has his own rules of conduct and generally won't covet the property of unrelated people. Because there is also a cause and effect karma involved.

It is inevitable that he is intertwined with Danxia Sect and Tianhuo Palace. How to choose, Qin Fengming will naturally choose to side with Danxia Sect.

But Qin Fengming also has some things to consider, that is, how the Danxia Sect will survive in Yangjing Continent in the future.

He knew that there were three super sects in the Yangjing Continent, and that the Scarlet Sky Sect and the Tianhuo Palace had joined forces to fight against a demonic sect. If the two major sects were wiped out at once, it might not be a good thing for the Danxia Sect.

Qin Fengming did not want to get involved in this matter, so he did not immediately use his means to kill the monks who were besieging him. He needed to give Ouyang Ning and Shui Yuanji time to think and choose.

Qin Fengming was not disappointed. Shui Yuanji's expression changed slightly when Qin Fengming spoke, his lips moved slightly, and he quickly transmitted Ouyang Ning:

"Fellow Taoist Ouyang, how confident do you think you can capture this person with your fellow Taoist disciples?"

"Hmph, no matter how certain he is, he must keep his life here today." Ouyang Ning snorted coldly, instead of using voice transmission, he said in a hateful voice.

After Ouyang Ning spoke, he no longer paid attention to Shui Yuanji, and a whistling sound came from his mouth.

It was a very strange sonic sound. The sound waves stretched out, like surges that suddenly appeared on the spot.

As the whistling sound sounded, more than forty cultivators from the Heavenly Fire Palace who had been standing still suddenly waved their arms, and the hot breath in their hands emitted a dull thunderous sound.

Thunder resounded, and beast roars suddenly sounded on the spot.

Ouyang Ning no longer considered the consequences and issued an order to have the monks drive the Ten Thousand Beasts Thunder Array to cure Qin Fengming and Death Land.

"Okay, since Qin gave you a chance and you don't want it, then you must be prepared to die."

Facing the joint attack of the Zhongtian Fire Palace monks, Qin Fengming's face was slightly cold, he sighed softly, and spoke calmly.

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