Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 726 Farewell to Manghuang Mountain

Sima Bo nodded and took a few steps forward. When he came to the steps, he looked at the Chengdan monks standing in front of him, coughed lightly, and said loudly:

"The disciples of Manghuang Mountain who are going to the Tianyan Mountains this time. You have been cultivating immortals for hundreds of years. You are going to the Tianyan Mountains. There are dangers there. I don't need to tell you anything."

"Now that everyone has decided, I will no longer persuade you. I am just here to warn everyone that after entering the Tianyan Mountains, if they meet, they must act together and support each other to deal with the monsters and unruly monks in the mountains. At this point, We also need to take it as your priority to be fellow monks of Manghuang Mountain."

"This time, Junior Brother Zhuang Daoqin and several of our Manghuang Mountain elders are accompanying you to escort you to the entrance of the Tianyan Mountain Range. Ten years later, we will naturally go to welcome you out of the mountain. There are tens of millions of people on the way. Miles away, all the way, follow the instructions of Junior Brother Zhuang and do not act alone. Everyone must remember this and do not disobey."

"Okay, that's all I've said. I wish everyone will gain something from this trip. Let's go."

Facing these Chengdan monks who have lived for hundreds of years, Sima Bo does not need to do anything to mobilize them. The coming of these great monks only shows that Manghuang Mountain attaches great importance to this trip to the Tianyan Mountains. .

This time, being able to send a great monk to lead the team is enough to show that Manghuang Mountain is paying attention to this trip.

In the past, when the Tianyan Mountain Range was opened, it was just a matter of sending a few Infant Transformation monks to go with it. The reason for raising so many troops this time is because the war of the three realms is about to begin. Before the war of the three realms, Manghuangshan does not want his disciples to cause any trouble again.

Although Zhuang Daoqin is only a late-stage infant transformation monk, he can handle it calmly even when facing two great monks. This is all because Zhuang Daoqin, as a master of puppetry, has several puppets in the infant stage, one of which has the strength of the late infant stage.

Anyone facing Zhuang Daoqin must weigh it carefully.

Although Zhuang Daoqin had a puppet in the infant stage, he did not give one to Qin Fengming. There was a good reason for this.

Driving a puppet requires the spiritual consciousness of a monk to control it. Although the soul and spirit in the puppet are already extremely weak, if the monk is not strong enough to drive it forcefully, it is very likely that the soul in the puppet will be backlashed.

At this time, Qin Fengming, with his peak cultivation level of Foundation Establishment, could only drive a puppet with the strength of mid-stage Dan. No matter how high it is, Zhuang Daoqin is not sure whether he can avoid being backlashed.

Therefore, Zhuang Daoqin gave Qin Fengming a Chengdan puppet.

As Sima Bo finished speaking, Zhuang Daoqin turned around and looked at the several infant transformation monks who were about to accompany him, and whispered:

"You should immediately gather the monks in your respective halls. I will set off in a moment."

After hearing this, several Huaying monks stood up one after another, walked to the Chengdan monks standing at the bottom of the steps, and each gathered the monks in their own hall.

Of course, only a few monks went to the mourning hall. Regarding this, there were naturally a large number of monks from other halls who moved over. To achieve a basic balance of numbers.

"Disciple, you will follow me in a moment, and I will take you flying myself." After instructing everyone, Zhuang Daoqin looked at Qin Fengming and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Master." Qin Feng would not refuse. At this time, there are only one or two years left before the Tianyan Mountain Range is opened. With his speed, tens of millions of miles away, it will take several years to fly there. Even if it is here, the opening day will be It’s long past.

The Tianyan Mountain Range is open and can only be entered within one month of opening. After that month, no one can enter it again.

Qin Fengming agreed, then took a few steps forward, knelt down in front of Sima Bo and others, and kowtowed three times respectfully: "If you go here, you will not be able to listen to the teachings in front of the master for at least ten years. Please invite some teachers." Please take care of yourself, and when your disciple comes back, I will pay my respects in front of the master."

Looking at the young monk in front of him, Sima Bo also had some feelings in his heart.

In the twenty years since Qin Fengming came to Manghuang Mountain, the five people have tried their best to train him.

The importance they attached to Qin Fengming was not false. It was just that the five great monks were concerned about the safety of Manghuang Mountain, so they made such a move.

It is not easy to preserve the Manghuang Mountain inheritance in the Three Realm War of one to two hundred years, and it is inevitable to make some sacrifices.

"Feng Ming, get up. This trip to the Tianyan Mountains is very dangerous with your cultivation. You have to be careful. If it is really difficult to reach the white mist area, you can find a secret place to wait in the Tianyan Mountains. Close. As long as there is a strange phenomenon in the Tianyan Mountain Range, you must leave the mountain range within a month, otherwise you will have to stay in the mountain range and not leave. You must remember this."

Although Sima Bo's face was calm, his eyes changed slightly, and he regained his clarity in an instant. He waved his hand to Qin Fengming to stand up, and then said slowly.

"Yes, Master, this disciple has known this for a long time and will definitely not miss it." Although Qin Fengming didn't know what the five great monks in Manghuang Mountain were thinking, he was a little surprised when he saw a few people looking at him with slightly flickering expressions. Ever since he became a disciple of the five great monks, he had an unspeakable feeling.

But no matter what, Qin Fengming could not find where the strange feeling came from. Seeing the expressions of the five people at this time, the uneasiness in my heart reappeared.

Just when Qin Fengming was thinking about it, Zhuang Daoqin came to him and said calmly:

"Okay, we, the immortal cultivators, don't have to be so clichéd. When you return, we can say hello to the senior brothers, and we will get up and head to the Tianyan Mountains."

As Zhuang Daoqin spoke, he clasped his fists at the senior monks, pulled Qin Fengming, turned around, walked to the steps, and said loudly: "Let's go."

As the two words came out, a startling rainbow flashed and flew towards the entrance of Manghuang Mountain Sect. The Chengdan monks, led by the elders of each hall, also sacrificed magic weapons or performed secret techniques one after another, and followed closely.

In the blink of an eye, the square was empty, with only the four great monks Sima Bo and the heads of each hall standing on the steps. Looking at the direction where everyone was leaving, I was speechless for a long time.

Just as everyone in Manghuang Mountain was setting off, there were four monks plotting something in a secret cave of the Sheshen Sect, thousands of miles away from Manghuang Mountain.

"Junior Brother Blood Demon, are you saying that the talented disciple who was recruited by Manghuang Mountain twenty years ago will also participate in this trip to Tianyan Mountain Range?

One of the fair-faced old men in their 50s and 60s asked with a gloomy look. The person he was asking was the great monk of the Evil God Sect named the Blood Demon Ancestor who had appeared during the Manghuang Mountain Apprenticeship Ceremony. .

"The words of the sect leader are good. According to the news from Manghuang Mountain, it is true that the talented monk named Qin Fengming will participate in this trip to the Tianyan Mountains."

The Blood Demon Ancestor sitting at the bottom did not hesitate and immediately answered. Regarding Qin Fengming's participation, he was very sure.

In the Evil God Sect, there is no one else who can be called the sect leader except the peak monk named Ye in the late Huaying period.

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