Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5408: Superfluous move

Flying in the vast area, Qin Fengming glanced around, looking at the vast mountains and rivers below, and he had some understanding of the Qiyang realm.

Although it is scorching hot here, it is obviously not deserted. All kinds of heat-resistant vegetation grow very luxuriantly. And there is no shortage of water resources here. Rivers meander through the vast mountains and converge into an extremely wide and huge river.

That river is naturally the Huihe River mentioned by the middle-aged monk.

With his spiritual consciousness released, Qin Fengming soon saw a swampy land in the northwest. The area is vast and it should be a very wide lake.

Millions of miles are not that far away for Qin Fengming, who has advanced to the peak of Xuanling.

If it weren't for the purpose of adjusting and recovering his own condition, he would have quickly found the location of the Danxia Sect that the middle-aged monk mentioned. But he had just experienced a space storm and needed to recover.

Two days later, after Qin Fengming inquired three times, he stood in front of a tall mountain gate.

Here is a forest of tall mountain peaks. From a very far distance, there is a faint mist shrouding the vast mountains. Within the mist, you will see wisps of colorful light flashing.

This is the only sect within millions of miles that has a spiritual cultivator.

For such a sect, Qin Fengming would naturally not take it seriously. Based on his original intention, such a sect should not be of any help to what he wants to do. Therefore, I don't want to stay in this sect without Xuanling monks.

However, he had just arrived in the Qiyang Realm and knew nothing about this realm, so he still planned to visit the Danxia Sect. At least he could learn about the Qiyang Realm with the help of some classics in the Danxia Sect.

The reason why he did not go to Fangshi to collect classics was because Qin Fengming discovered that if he wanted to know the most secret information in the world of immortality, it was not Fangshi, but those sects that had existed for a long time.

Looking at the sect with the restriction flashing in front of him, Qin Fengming was convinced that although this sect only had monks in the realm of the gods, it should have existed for a long time.

With a flash of figure, Qin Fengming appeared in front of the sect's ban. A shout rang out on the spot: "Quickly call the people in control of Danxia Sect to come out and see you!"

"Who dares to make a noise in front of my Danxia Sect?" As soon as Qin Fengming finished speaking, a threatening voice came out from the ban in front of him. As soon as the sound appeared, several monks appeared within the restriction.

"Let your sect's supreme elder appear immediately, for a limited time of one stick of incense."

Qin Fengming glanced at the few monks who appeared in the restriction.

He said quietly. After the words fell, his body was already sitting cross-legged in front of the restraint.

He has no interest in breaking the Danxia Sect's restriction on protecting the sect. As long as the person controlled by the Danxia Sect shows up, he can make a deal with the other party and achieve what he wants.

Seeing Qin Fengming sitting carelessly in front of the sect, the expressions of several Danxia Sect monks changed. They looked at each other, and the frightened and angry expressions in their eyes were stagnant, showing a look of hesitation.

Danxia Sect is the only sect within millions of miles that has a spiritual cultivator. Even if other sects or families give birth to spiritual monks, they will join the Danxia Sect.

Within a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, there are only a dozen or so sects with the same strength as the Danxia Sect. In the vast area where Danxia Sect is located, there is no Xuanling Realm at all.

Now there was actually a monk who brazenly asked the Supreme Elder of Danxia Sect to show up to meet him, and he behaved so unscrupulously. This made several monks of Danxia Sect, who had always been extremely arrogant, not know what to do for a moment.

They don't think that the other person is stupid. If the other party dares to do this, he is naturally not afraid of Danxia Sect.

It didn't take long for the leader to immediately send out a warning message and inform the people in charge of the Danxia Sect about what happened in front of him.

"I don't know what you call me, Dongxiangzi. Why did you come to my Danxia Sect?"

Without waiting for long, three monks flew from the mountains of Danxia Sect. Without stopping, they left the restriction and stood in front of Qin Fengming. The leader, an old man with an immortal spirit, gave Qin Fengming a fist and said, Asked.

"Qin didn't come here to be detrimental to your sect. Instead, he wanted to ask some questions from fellow Taoists. In addition, he wanted to borrow some of your sect's classics on matters in the Qiyang realm. Of course, Qin would not let him go in vain. If fellow Taoist do this, Qin can promise to do something for your Danxia Sect, something that your Danxia Sect is extremely important and cannot do. Of course, if it is to slaughter other sects for your Danxia Sect, Qin won’t do it either.”

Qin Fengming did not stand up. He looked at the people in front of him and said calmly.

Of course, Qin Fengming could easily kill the Danxia Sect. But of course he wouldn't do that. After thinking about it, he felt that it was appropriate to do something for Danxia Sect.

Hearing what Qin Fengming said, the old man was shocked. He obviously did not expect Qin Fengming to say such a thing.

Looking at Qin Fengming, Dong Xiangzi's eyes flickered.

Suddenly, a faint wave appeared from Qin Fengming's body, and his originally solid body suddenly became illusory. It was as if an illusory restriction suddenly appeared in front of him.

Suddenly seeing such a situation, the expression on Dong Xiangzi's face suddenly changed, and his eyes showed a look of horror.

"I don't know if I'm a senior, I ask for your forgiveness." With a slightly frightened look on his face, Dong Xiangzi's body shook, and he immediately bowed and saluted.

If it can make him feel the existence of illusion, except for the existence of Xuanling, it will not be a monk of the same level.

"Qin will not bully the small with the big. You can think about what you just said before telling me. Now Qin wants to enter the noble sect and read some classics."

Qin Fengming waved his hand and said in a calm tone without any doubt.

Danxia Sect, he already knew from the mouths of several monks he met on the road, that there were only a few monks in the realm of divine connection in the sect. With such a sect, Qin Fengming can naturally ignore the other party.

Dongxiang Zi was slightly startled, but he quickly said, "Junior respectfully invites senior to enter the Danxia Sect."

Dong Xiangzi is also a person who is very knowledgeable about current affairs. Seeing Qin Fengming so calm, he is completely convinced that the young monk in front of him is a Xuan-level existence, and he is also a person above the middle Xuan-level.

Although the other party is only one person, Dong Xiangzi also understands that their Danxia Sect cannot compete with the other party. If they really want to show off, the Danxia Sect, which has been around for tens of thousands of years, may be expelled from the world of immortality.

When everyone else heard the exchange between Dong Xiangzi and Qin Fengming, they were all frightened and understood the identity and cultivation level of the young monk in front of them. Everyone's hearts trembled, but no one had any objection.

Dong Xiangzi did not go it alone, but invited another monk from the top of the Tongshen Peak to the meeting hall.

Nothing unusual happened. Under the leadership of another cultivator named Li, Qin Fengming entered a cave that was very tightly defended.

This is the place where Danxia Sect’s treasures can only be accessed by the cultivators of the monastery.

"Qin has already said that I can handle something for your Danxia Sect. No matter what it is, as long as it is something you want to do but cannot do. When Qin leaves here in half a month, I hope you can make a decision. What do you want Qin to do?"

Qin Fengming turned to face the two Danxia Sect spiritual monks and said calmly.

After he finished speaking, he entered the cave and began to look for books he thought were useful. He began to read them and ignored the two theosophical monks.

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