Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5350 Mutation and Rebirth

(I went back to my hometown today, and I have coded these out so far. I have to go out tomorrow, and I hope to keep updating.)

"This is the third time I have sensed the breath from the space exit."

Qin Fengming, who was traveling rapidly through the icy void, looked to the side and in front of him with an extremely solemn expression. His young expression revealed a solemn and hesitant look.

He entered the ascension passage from the ghost world quite smoothly. Compared with the ascension passage in Xianqimen, it is obviously much less troublesome. At least there is no strange restriction blocking flying in the endless void.

Of course, after actually entering the passage, the dangers encountered are not much less than the passage in Xianqimen. Not only were there many, but the power of the attacks was even greater. It's not worse than when I came down.

When he came down, although he was in the state of transforming into an infant, he had the aura of the spiritual world, so he would naturally be favored by the virtual realm. At this moment, although he no longer has the spirit world aura on his body, the aura on his body is that of the late stage of aggregation.

The reaction to the virtual domain attack is naturally much greater than when it first came.

But these were already expected by Qin Fengming.

Danger was approaching, but Qin Fengming remained extremely calm. Qin Fengming, who prepared a large number of countermeasures, was always able to dodge when danger approached. Or directly use powerful attacks to eliminate the danger.

When traveling in the virtual realm, even within a stable passage, he will still encounter things that endanger his life.

Although he was almost swept away by rocks and space turbulence several times, Qin Fengming still managed to avoid it without any danger.

But as time slowly passed, the various means he had prepared were rapidly being consumed.

What made Qin Fengming most anxious was that he was traveling rapidly through the dark and cold virtual realm, but he never sensed the breath of the spirit world.

Logically speaking, as long as you enter the virtual realm, you will be attracted by the breath of the interface at the other end of the channel, and there will be a suction force that will always accompany you.

But as long as you walk through the space channel, you will slowly feel the presence of other interfaces.

Although there may not be a channel, as long as it is a virtual realm, other interface auras will inevitably appear. And if the monk wants to go to other interfaces, he can naturally find the aura of that interface and move forward.

When he entered the space passage of Xianqi Gate, what he saw later was this kind of situation.

But in this virtual space channel,

The dangers in space were the same as those encountered before, but the aura Qin Fengming sensed was only the Yin energy aura of the real ghost world. The aura of the spiritual world and the demonic aura of the real demon world were not sensed at all.

Not only did he not sense it, but what surprised Qin Fengming was that he had already sensed the powerful aura of the real ghost world three times more during the ten days he was escaping.

There is only one explanation for this situation, and that is that he has sensed four interfaces of the real ghost world.

Qin Fengming didn't know anything about the situation of the four real ghost realm interfaces, that is, he encountered other ghost realm interfaces except the real ghost realm.

In addition to the real ghost world, he also knows that there are other ghost world interfaces: the three major ghost realm interfaces.

Being able to sense the aura of the ghost world three other times is enough to show that the aura of the ghost world he sensed may be the interface of the three major ghost realms.

Although he had this suspicion in his mind, Qin Fengming was very puzzled.

Ascending from the ghost realm to the upper realm, the classics never say that the ascension passage will connect the interfaces of the three ghost realms.

Regardless of whether it is the human world, the ghost world, or the demon world, as long as a monk from the lower realm ascends, whether it is to induce the ascension to the heavenly tribulation, or to ascend to the upper realm from the inherent ascension channel, the interfaces that can be reached will be the three realms of the upper realm. There has never been a record of this. Ascend to the ghost realm interface.

It may not be recorded in the lower interface classics, but there has never been such a record in the spiritual world.

Even Qin Fengming, who is already familiar with the three major ghost realm interfaces, has never heard of ascending from lower interfaces such as the human world and the ghost realm and entering the ghost realm interface.

Feeling that the aura of the real ghost world became clearer for the third time, Qin Fengming's brows suddenly rose.

Although he judged in his mind that the aura of the real ghost world he sensed might be the ghost realm interface, he didn't want to go in that direction in his heart.

He wanted to go to the ghost realm interface, but he didn't want to go right now.

He still has many things to do. The most important thing is to go to the real ghost world to find Gongsun Jingyao and Qin Bing'er. Of course, we have to return to Tianhong Realm to find Li Ning.

Qin Fengming absolutely did not want to go to the ghost realm interface.

But at this moment, Qin Fengming, faced with such a situation, really didn't know what to do.

These three times I sensed the aura of the real ghost world, the intervals were different. As soon as Shi entered the space channel, he was filled with the pure Yin energy of the real ghost world.

There is no need to doubt this, because the ghost world was originally formed by the fall of the real ghost world continent.

After ascending from the ghost world, it is easiest to sense the breath of the real ghost world. It was the first time that he sensed another energy that was no less than the aura of the real ghost world appearing in another direction. Qin Fengming was shocked and suddenly thought of the ghost world interface.

But what surprised Qin Fengming was that the first breath came two days after entering the passage.

However, the aura of the real ghost world that has always existed after entering the passage has not been weakened or strengthened.

He continued to move forward along the Yin Qi energy breath that entered the channel at the beginning, and after three days, he sensed the second breath. Five days later, I sensed this third breath.

If the aura sensed along the way was the aura of the interface between the three ghost realms, Qin Fengming would still be able to accept it even if he was puzzled.

Because the three major ghost realm interfaces are originally the same interfaces of the real ghost realm.

Although there was confusion in his heart, Qin Fengming did not change his direction. After thinking for a while, he still flew away along the previous path.

But a few days later, Qin Fengming, who had already felt that his mana was being depleted in his body and was running low on what he had prepared, once again sensed a thick and pure breath of the real ghost world suddenly rushing upward from another direction.

Upon sensing this, Qin Fengming's rapidly escaping figure was suddenly slowed down by his force.

If the Yin Qi energy sensed the first three times was the interface of the three ghost realms, then which interface is it this time?

Feeling the pure Yin energy coming from the other direction, Qin Fengming frowned and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

His experience in the Immortal Relic Land had always left a shadow in his heart. He didn't want to have that unspeakable thrilling experience again. If it weren't for his extraordinary opportunity, he would have perished long ago in the Immortal Land.

Although it is impossible for him to encounter the Immortal Heritage Land again, no one can say that the abnormal situation he encountered at this moment is not a dangerous situation.

Feeling the two waves of pure Yin Qi energy surging, Qin Fengming thought quickly, and suddenly thought of what he had encountered in the Xianqimen passage, and the vivid scene was in his mind. The huge lightning bolts that could kill him traveled across the virtual realm. It was also a strange situation that had never been recorded in the classics.

Looking at the dark airspace around him, hurricanes were approaching rapidly from far away places, and huge torrents of rocks were rolling towards him, Qin Fengming suddenly felt a ferocious feeling in his chest.

"Okay, Qin, let's take a look and see which realm interface is in that direction." Qin Fengming's eyes were burning and he suddenly shouted in a low voice. He finally made a decision that could affect his life or death.

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