Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5298 Ancestral Hall

Qin Fengming was also very surprised. Back then, he had arranged a hiding place for everyone in the Qin family and protected the place with a magic circle. It was very simple to activate the magic circle, even a mortal could do it.

But he did not dare to place the magic circle around the Qin family.

Now as soon as they entered the town, they sensed a very faint forbidden aura on the streets of the town, which made Qin Fengming frown immediately.

Although he has not explored many counties and cities in the mainland, Qin Fengming is convinced that no matter how huge the county or city is, there will be no restrictions.

This is obviously a mortal town. Even Qin Fengming at this moment will not risk the disapproval of the world and place any restrictions in this town.

The reason is very simple. First, mortals will not be put in the eyes of monks at all. The other is that even if there is enmity between the monks, they will not be held accountable for their origins in mortal clans.

Because those members of the mortal clan are no longer descendants of that enemy for many generations.

Killing people from mortal clans will not shake their enemy mentality at all. Who would spend time and energy doing such a useless thing?

Zhang Hong looked at Qin Fengming and saw him standing motionless on the street, his eyes flashing with a strange light, and he felt slightly puzzled. But he did not speak, but stood quietly aside.

Qin Fengming stood there for half an hour.

This is the entrance to the city gate. Although it is already midsummer, the sun is shining brightly and it is very hot. But there are still people coming and going in the very prosperous town. Seeing two unknown people standing on the street, everyone cast a surprised look.

Suddenly, Qin Fengming's eyes suddenly shone brightly, and his strange eyes suddenly became clear.

"Let's go to the city first and take a look at the details of the town." Qin Fengming said, already walking towards the city.

Although Zhang Hong didn't know what Qin Fengming had just done, he was not an unintelligent person. He knew instantly that the young man in front of him must have discovered some unknown secrets of this city.

At this time, it was just after noon. In the hot summer, many residents have already started taking a nap.

When Qin Fengming came to the gate of a very grand manor, two servants on duty in the gate were dozing off against the gate inside.

This manor is very large, covering hundreds of acres. The courtyard wall undulates according to the mountains. The red brick walls have been carefully carved by craftsmen, giving people a sense of grandeur. The tall courtyard has a grand entrance, indicating that the owner of the family is wealthy and has a high status.

Looking at the three words "Qin Family Village" hanging above the courtyard gate, Qin Fengming was completely convinced that this was the gathering place for the Qin family members he was looking for.

Because this plaque was exactly the one he saw hanging at the entrance of the village when he came back.

This plaque is carved from extremely hard wood from the mountains. After more than a thousand years of wind and rain, although it looks a little older now, it is still hard without any cracks.

Qin Fengming was very happy. Not only did Qinjia Village not fade away in the long river of time, but it was still prosperous.

"Wait for me outside the door. I'll go into the Qin family and take a look and then come out." After Qin Fengming sent word to Zhang Hong, he flashed past the two dozing tribesmen and entered the Qin family.

Looking at the familiar hillside path in front of him, Qin Fengming felt a little dazed, as if he had returned to the scene when he returned last time.

What he saw in front of him were still small courtyards, and the roads between the houses were almost unchanged from the twists and turns of the roads in his memory. The houses are not that tall. Although they have turned into durable brick and wood structures, without any shadow of the original fences, they are not built in a luxurious and gorgeous way.

After so many years, the houses and courtyards have not expanded too much. Even the roads have not been widened. They are just paved with a layer of hard stone slabs, which looks very neat and clean.

Looking at what he saw in front of him, Qin Fengming felt a strange feeling in his heart.

After being isolated by the tall courtyard wall, this place has hardly changed much from the Qinjia Village in his impression. It just seems that the lives of each household are more prosperous than before.

Suddenly, several chirping children who didn't like taking a nap appeared from a corner and walked toward another path leading to the hillside in the distance.

There used to be a place where Qin Fengming often played with his friends when he was a child. At this moment, it became a square, but Qin Fengming still recognized the location at a glance.

These children are only seven or eight years old. Although they are young, each of them is wearing a very fitting samurai uniform, and some of them are holding silver swords and guns in their hands.

It was obvious that these young children were planning to go to that square to practice martial arts.

Just as Qin Fengming was looking at the children, the sounds of children's play could be heard from several places in the shelter of houses in the distance.

In a short period of time, forty or fifty children around the age of ten appeared in the square that could accommodate thousands of people.

Soon, the children formed a large circle, and two children walked out and started fighting.

It turned out that these energetic, restless children braved the scorching heat to meet for a martial arts competition at noon.

Seeing the two children, who were only about ten years old, making very precise moves, even Qin Fengming felt a little moved in his heart.

It was obvious that these children had received detailed instruction from people with strong martial arts skills.

It seems that at this time, all the descendants of the Qin family are already practicing martial arts.

Qin Fengming paid attention to the children for a moment, and the smile on his face became even brighter. He has experienced martial arts training for several years, so he can naturally see the reality of these children.

Although these children are young, each of them is not a useless showpiece, but has gone through three or four years of hard training.

If all members of the Qin family have been practicing martial arts since childhood, then the Qin family at this moment seems to be not much worse than the Luoxia Valley back then.

He was very pleased that the Qin family could have such changes.

At this time, there was no one who knew him well in the Qin family, but the matter of blood was very mysterious. As he stood on the familiar street, waves surged in his mind.

The second soul can be said to completely copy the memories and emotions of the original body, almost a replica of the original body.

Therefore, Qin Fengming's view of the Qin family at this moment is no different from his own identity here.

Not long after, he flashed and headed towards the Qin family ancestral hall in his mind.

Although it was noon in the village at this time, there were still many tribesmen walking around. Qin Fengming had no intention of meeting everyone. He came here mainly to see if the Qin family was still alive, and then went to the ancestral hall to pay homage to his parents and ancestors to express his feelings.

As his cultivation improves, Qin Fengming certainly knows that after the death of a mortal, even a Mahayana existence cannot reverse the situation and revive him. This is the power of heaven and earth, and cannot be disobeyed by man.

Although worshiping ancestors will not have any effect, it is not without some benefits to the person worshiping.

At least it can be buried deep in my heart, and the longing that is usually not revealed at all can be soothed. Of course, this kind of family longing is not shared by all monks.

Even if there is, with the tough mind of a powerful monk, he can suppress it in his heart and prevent it from having any negative impact on his own state of mind in cultivating immortality.

With his figure flickering, Qin Fengming did not use the invisibility technique, but only used the shelter of the house, and soon arrived at a very simple courtyard.

This is the Qin family ancestral hall and the place where the memorial tablets of past generations of the Qin family are enshrined.

Someone obviously cleans the place frequently, making it very tidy and clean. It was noon and the sun was scorching, so naturally no one would stay in the ancestral hall.

Qin Fengming ducked into the ancestral hall and was slightly startled when he looked at the ancestral hall that was two to three feet high and several feet wide.

There are hundreds of tablets placed in this huge hall.

You must know that those who can enter the family ancestral hall and set up a memorial tablet are extremely important people in the family. Many family members can only enter the ancestral hall after their death, and not everyone can have a memorial tablet for worship.

At this moment, there are hundreds of tablets in the Qin family, which undoubtedly means that these clan members were extremely important to the Qin family when they were alive, and they have done important things that will be remembered by the Qin family.

In just over a thousand years, the Qin family ancestral hall had so many people in office, which really surprised Qin Fengming.

Qin Fengming looked at the neat and spotless spiritual tablets at the top. The light in his eyes disappeared and he fell into a hazy state...

I don't know how long it took, Qin Fengming's vision became clear, and he moved to a long table in front of him. He reached out and opened a very ancient but exquisite wooden box, and took out a book made of unknown materials. In hand.

This scroll has been around for a long time. It should be a scroll that the Qin family spent a lot of money to sew using a special material that is not easily damaged.

Qin Fengming looked calm as he looked at the records of major events that had happened to the Qin family over the years.

This book is very thick and contains a variety of events. But there is no record of Qin Fengming joining the Luoxia Sect. Just when Qin Fengming thought it was of little value, several names appeared in his eyes.

Qin Yun, Qin Xing, Sima Hao.

Of course, Qin Fengming knew these three names. They were the direct relatives of the two later descendants of the Qin family who had qualifications in the world of immortality and the old master of Luoxia Valley.

The three of them are all descendants of Qin Fengming, and they are very cultivated by Qin Fengming.

Qin Fengming was certainly not surprised that Qin Xing and Qin Xing appeared in the scroll, but Sima Hao also appeared in it, which made Qin Fengming feel a little surprised.

"That's it!" After taking a closer look, Qin Fengming whispered to himself.

Sima Hao was the direct descendant of Sima Qingshan, the old master of Luoxia Valley. Later, Luoxia Valley was massacred during the chaos, and Qin Fengming took in Sima Hao, who was still a child and had the qualifications to cultivate immortality.

Later, Sima Hao and the Qin Xing brothers had been practicing in Qingyou Sect.

According to classic records, Sima Hao later married a wife and had children, multiplied his descendants, and established a family of immortal cultivators.

As the Sima Hao family continued to grow, those who did not have the qualifications to cultivate immortality were all sent to this place where the Qin family was, named 'Tang family', and advanced and retreated together with the Qin family. And Qin Tang Town was slowly formed.

Everyone in Qintang Town practices martial arts because the two families are grateful for their past mistakes in Luoxia Valley. Without Luoxia Valley, Qin Fengming would not have left home, and the Qin family would not be as prosperous as it was later.

As for why Sima Hao wanted to change his surname, the records did not mention it, and Qin Fengming would not delve into it. However, he saw a piece of useful information in the record.

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