Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5293 Destroy the Qingyuan Sect

It is certain that the imitations of the Green Staff Centipede Halberd and the Lion Emperor Xiao are quite powerful under Qin Fengming's full stimulation. With these two treasures alone, Qin Fengming is confident that he can defeat any monk in the human world.

Even a peak convergence monk, with Qin Fengming's full power attack, didn't think the other party could withstand the combined attack of these two powerful things.

But facing the restriction of protecting the sect of a super sect in the human world, Qin Fengming wanted to break it with just these two treasure attacks. Even Qin Fengming didn't think it was possible.

The forbidden fluorescence shines, and thick energy radiates and travels on the thick forbidden wall. The seemingly powerful giant centipede and sound waves swept over the wall and attacked, but the wall only burst out with dazzling fluorescence, and a series of cyan horses swept in, completely resisting the attacks of the two.

"Hahaha, you two thought that you could break through the Qingyuan Sect's protective array with two powerful treasures. You are really overestimating your capabilities. Even if there are ten more powerful magic weapons of this level, you can't even think of breaking through our protective formation. Prohibition.”

Suppressing his fear at the terrifying power of the two magic weapons, Yan Feng suddenly burst into laughter.

Anyone can see that the two people outside the mountain gate are very powerful. With only two magic weapons from each other, no one in the Qingyuan Sect can resist them.

However, with the restriction of protecting the sect, it is impossible for the opponent's two magic weapons to break the sect-protecting array.

Seeing Qin Fengming waving these two powerful weapons, Zhang Hong's eyes sparkled. He thought he could not resist any of these two magic weapons.

If Qin Fengming hadn't stood in front of him and weakened the power of the sound wave, he would have been sure that he wouldn't have been able to withstand the waves of sound waves visible to the naked eye.

Although Qin Fengming cannot activate the full power of the Lion Emperor Xiao, it is almost the same as Qin Fengming's control of the temple. It can only activate part of its power, but this is not something that ordinary monks of the same level can resist.

However, Zhang Hong's heart sank when he saw two powerful objects attacking the wall. Because he understands that these two powerful weapons alone cannot break through the prohibition of protecting the sect. Even if he tried his best, there was no way he could break the restriction.

Hearing Yan Feng's wild laughter, Qin Fengming didn't feel any strange at all. The two magic weapons continued to attack at the same time, and he pointed out again with both hands.

Suddenly two talisman arrays and talismans shot out, and two icy white mist appeared on the spot. The mist surged, and the sound of howling winds also came out.

Qin Fengming did not delay,

He waved his hand and activated two Yinsha Tiandu talisman formations.

These two talisman formations, when fully activated, are powerful enough to allow the Killing Aggregation to exist in the later stages or even at its peak. Zhou Chu in the ghost world was seriously injured under this talisman array, which is enough to know how powerful the talisman array that Qin Fengming added with the immortal world talisman was.

Amidst the booming sound, the number of attacks on the Protector's Restriction instantly doubled and tripled.

The forbidden fluorescence flashed wildly, and bursts of rapid buzzing appeared along with the huge energy flashing on the wall, making the entire Qingyuan Sect Protecting Array start to shake.

Suddenly seeing two groups of extremely powerful mist sweeping across, the restraining array immediately felt a heavy burden. The Qingyuan Sect monks who had been at ease in their hearts suddenly showed fear in their eyes again.

Even Hou Fang and Yan Feng could no longer suppress the fear in their eyes.

Qin Fengming, who activated the two talisman formations, did not stop. As soon as the Yin Sha Tian Capital Formation was activated, his body was already shot into a talisman formation.

As he waved his hand, two puppets suddenly appeared. The puppet flashed, and under the cover of the Yinsha Tiandu Formation, it immediately stopped within the formation.

Qin Fengming had already determined that although the Qingyuan Sect's sect-protecting restriction was not as difficult to break as the Huangquan Palace sect-protecting restriction, it was obviously much stronger than the original Hermit Sect's sect-protecting restriction.

Although the attack of the talisman array blessed with talisman patterns is powerful, its attack is limited after all. If you want to break through this sect-protecting restriction with just two powerful ** treasures and two talisman formations, it seems that there are still some shortcomings.

At this moment, Qin Fengming was able to control two magic arrays and two magic weapons while distracted, which was already the limit.

This talisman array with the talismans of the Immortal Realm added consumes Qin Fengming's spiritual energy too much. Even if he still has such a powerful talisman array, he cannot use it anymore.

"All Qingyuan Sect disciples immediately formed a magic circle and used all their strength to support the protection of the sect."

Seeing that Qin Fengming was able to increase the power of his attack again, Hou Fang, who was stunned for a moment, suddenly turned around and shouted urgently.

This kind of blessing of the magic circle can accumulate the magic energy of the entire Qingyuan Sect monks in the magic circle, so that the power of the protection sect's prohibition can be greatly increased in a short period of time.

This is also a spell method that all sect monks need to understand after reaching a certain level.

The purpose is to provide more energy supplements to the sect-protecting ban when the sect is attacked, so that its power will increase suddenly.

Following Hou Fang's shout, tens of thousands of Qingyuan Sect's foundation-building and above-level monks dispersed within the sect. Under the leadership of a monk named Chief, they began to sit cross-legged on the ground, offering morning sacrifices. Just practice the combined attack formation.

Immediately, a vast energy emerged within the Qingyuan Sect's array, and buzzes were heard one after another on the wall. The entire Qingyuan Sect's sect-protecting restriction became thicker in an instant.

"Hmph, junior, no matter how sharp your magic weapon is and how terrifying the talisman array is, you can never break the restriction imposed by me to protect the sect."

Seeing the sudden increase in the energy of the magic circle and the restriction wall becoming stable again, the Qingyuan Sect monk's expression immediately relaxed. Yan Feng stood in front of the mountain gate and snorted again.

In his opinion, Qin Fengming's ability to carry out such a terrifying attack on his own was already the limit.

However, what happened next made the entire Qingyuan Sect monks stare blankly on the spot.

As Yan Feng finished speaking, two terrifying energy explosions suddenly struck from the talisman formation shrouded in white mist. The roar resounded, and the terrifying explosive wind swept across the world, and bursts of piercing buzzing resounded from the huge protective wall of the sect.

Along with the flash of the huge shield wall, the power of huge talismans also eroded on the shield wall in an instant.

The sect-protecting restriction that had been extremely stable just now seemed to become overwhelmed by the sudden display of explosive power.

Faced with this sudden horrific scene, Yan Feng, who had just spoken out his words, was immediately stunned on the spot.

Such a horrific attack scene was beyond his comprehension. No matter how hard he imagined it, he would never imagine that there would be anyone in the world who could unleash such a powerful attack.

The power of the explosion swept across, and a wail of magic circle resounded. The sect-protecting restriction that had been guarding the Qingyuan Sect for who knows how many years was finally overwhelmed and was broken by the explosive energy.

Since Qin Fengming had made up his mind to gain authority over the Qingyuan Sect, he had already thought of an attack method.

He has a large number of talisman arrays on his body at this time. As long as a large number of talisman arrays are used, it is impossible to withstand the mere sect-protecting restrictions of the human world, even the restrictions of Huangquan Palace.

However, he did not want to reveal his trump card in front of the monks.

Although he was not worried about others taking a sneak peek, he still decided not to announce it since those talisman formations were too shocking and vulgar and could be concealed.

The more secretive the method, the more beneficial it will be to his future actions.

Without any surprise, as the two puppets launched a large number of talisman formations together, the power of the terrifying explosion immediately destroyed the Qingyuan Sect's ancestral protection formation.

However, Qin Fengming couldn't help but frown slightly when he looked at the scene in front of him.

The two puppets that he specially refined to transform into infants were shattered into pieces by the explosive energy together with the Yin Sha Tian Capital Formation after activating the talisman formation.

If he hadn't been quick to see the opportunity, and quickly took back the two treasures while commanding the puppets with his spiritual thoughts, maybe the two powerful objects would have been seriously damaged when dozens of talisman arrays exploded at the same time.

Seeing the energy impact in front of him slowly dissipating, Qin Fengming flashed, and while the energy of the explosion was still raging, he flew away towards where everyone in the Qingyuan Sect was.

The explosion came too suddenly and was too powerful.

When they saw the Haotian energy impact unfolding, the thousands of Qingyuan Sect monks at the mountain gate were all stunned on the spot.

And when the explosive energy that broke through the restrictions was swept across, the monks standing in front were suddenly involved in the impact of the huge energy explosion.

Amidst the sounds of miserable howls, the originally tall mountain gate archway of the Qingyuan Sect was immediately broken into countless pieces by the violent energy sweeping the sky.

Inside the mountain gate, there were originally the most powerful monks of the Qingyuan Sect. Thousands of monks fell into the blast of explosive energy that was like a hurricane, and they were instantly wiped out like straws.

Qin Fengming flew into the raging blast of energy, intending to capture the two aggregation monks directly.

But when he found the two of them in the energy shock, he immediately gave up.

As the energy of the explosion sweeping across the world slowly dissipated, only a scene of ruins and broken walls was seen in front of him. The originally neat and tidy mountain gate of Qingyuan Sect was no longer there at all.

The hundreds of monks above the realm of infant transformation who had been close to the restricted area of ​​the mountain gate had now disappeared.

There were only a dozen people with broken limbs lying in the distance wailing. And among these monks, there were the two gathering monks.

No one from the Qingyuan Sect had fallen, and they all collapsed on the ground at this moment, with extremely horrified expressions on their faces.

In the huge Qingyuan Sect, there are tens of thousands of monks, but no one is still standing at this moment.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Fengming couldn't help but frown slightly. He didn't expect such a scene this time.

Just in the attack just now, there were probably not more than one or two thousand monks from the Qingyuan Sect who died.

It can be said that these monks are all those who bless the ban at the mountain gate. He was also the person Qin Fengming was closest to attacking. Once the magic circle is broken, the attack will be the greatest.

At this moment, the Qingyuan Sect monks were not the only monks whose minds were empty and without any consciousness. Zhang Hong, who was behind Qin Fengming, was also pale, with no sparkle in his eyes.

Even if this attack happened in front of him, he could not believe that there could be such an attack in the world.

However, Zhang Hong woke up much earlier than the monks of the Qingyuan Sect. A look appeared in his eyes, and Zhang Hong immediately regained consciousness.

The figure flashed and he entered the Qingyuan Sect directly.

He still remembered what Qin Fengming had just told him to capture and kill the monks above Huaying of the Qingyuan Sect.

However, when Zhang Hong saw the situation in front of him, he was shocked again. At this time, there was not a single one of the Qingyuan Sect's Infant Transformation cultivators who could stand.

"Okay, okay, our Qingyuan Sect admits defeat this time, but before our Qingyuan Sect is eliminated, can you tell us clearly how our Qingyuan Sect offended these two people? How did we deliberately spend such a price to kill me, Qingyuan Sect?" Zong?"

After struggling for a while, Yan Feng didn't get up. When he saw Qin Fengming and Zhang Hong, a stern look appeared in his eyes and he spoke coldly.

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