Soul stones are rare in the spiritual world and can be considered a treasure. In the human world, it is an extremely precious treasure that all monks desperately want to obtain.

However, although this kind of treasure has great effects on monks, it is not something that can help monks improve their cultivation.

It stands to reason that even if a monk is extremely eager for the soul stone, he should not act as eager as the monks gathered in front of him.

Qin Fengming looked at the old man gathered in front of him, with a look of surprise and inquiry in his eyes.

Looking at Qin Fengming, the expression of the old man suddenly returned to calmness. After thinking for a while, he said: "Fellow Taoist is not a monk from Anhuan continent like me. I think I am just passing by here. If you are not in a hurry to leave, please go to the Friend Daoist building." How was the last episode?"

At this time, all the monks in the hall have recovered. Although their minds are still dizzy, they are bearable. Seeing Qin Fengming and the other three people answering, they all looked at the three people in shock. Negotiating in such an environment naturally seems extremely inappropriate.

Qin Fengming nodded and followed the two of them upstairs without any hesitation.

Watching the three people leaving, the monks in the hall looked at each other with different expressions. As for the identities of the three people, even if the Zhongchengdan cultivators among the crowd didn't know, they could already guess roughly.

The monk who can easily break the hall restrictions with sonic attacks without causing too much damage to everyone is so powerful that even the monks at the peak of Huaying cannot do it.

"My Excellency, Zhong Feiyu, this is Lu Tian from the Wanlong Merchant Alliance, the person in charge of the Wanlong Pavilion here. I don't know what you call me?" The three of them climbed up to the third floor and sat down in the hall. The old man immediately handed over his hand. He spoke.

"My Qin Fengming is from Qingyuan Continent." Qin Fengming said directly without hesitation.

"Fellow Taoist, your surname is Qin and your given name is Fengming. Are you also from Qingyuan Continent?"

Qin Fengming spoke calmly, but Zhong Feiyu and Lu Tian, ​​who had just sat down, suddenly looked startled and looked at each other with solemn expressions. Then they both looked at Qin Fengming at the same time. Zhong Feiyu said with a look of disbelief on his face. .

"Yes, I am Qin Fengming from Qingyuan Continent." Qin Fengming said with a slight smile.

Seeing the expressions of the two men, Qin Fengming immediately understood that these two Anhuan mainland monks knew his name.

"This... this... senior is saying that he is Qin Fengming from Qingyuan Continent, that is, senior Qin Fengming from Manghuang Mountain who suddenly disappeared a thousand years ago and said that he has ascended to the upper world?"

Lu Tian jumped up and stood up.

He looked at Qin Fengming with a shocked face, and the words in his mouth became awkward.

Zhong Feiyu also stood up, his expression showing the same shock. In the shock, there seemed to be some meaning that was difficult for Qin Fengming to decipher.

"Yes, Qin is the Qin Fengming from Qingyuan Continent." Qin Fengming smiled slightly again and said the same words.

"How is this possible? My predecessor has not appeared for thousands of years. Didn't he successfully enter the space channel and ascend to the upper world?" After looking at Qin Fengming for a long time, Zhong Feiyu suddenly thought of a possibility and asked urgently.

After hearing Zhong Feiyu's words, Qin Fengming's smile slowly disappeared, and he seemed to feel something strange in his heart.

"Thousands of years ago, fellow Taoist Zhong may not have known Qin's name. This made Qin a little curious. Why, a thousand years later, the two fellow Taoists seemed to be very familiar with Qin's name. Among them Is there any reason behind it?"

Qin Fengming did not answer Zhong Feiyu's question, but asked with a slight frown.

Although Qin Fengming told the gathering monks in the Qingyuan continent that he could inform the gathering monks in other continents about the nodes of the ascension passage, it was only limited to the gathering monks.

With the mentality of a monk in the gathering place, I am afraid that he will not publicize this matter.

But the two people in front of them could never have been monks who could have known about the ascension passage thousands of years ago. But now, the two of them not only knew about the passage, but also knew that he had entered the space passage and ascended to the upper world. Such a situation suddenly made Qin Fengming feel bad.

Seeing Qin Fengming's expression suddenly become indifferent, and there was a faint aura in his body, Zhong Feiyu and Lu Tian's expressions became unspeakable again.

"Two fellow Taoists, please tell me what you two know." Qin Fengming spoke again, and a forceful aura finally spurted out and swept over the two bodies in front of him.

Suddenly feeling the presence of breath, Zhong Feiyu and the two felt a terrifying energy wrap around their bodies, and their whole bodies suddenly lost control.

It seems that as long as the opponent's spiritual thoughts move, his body can be shattered on the spot.

"Senior, please don't be anxious, let me tell you, junior." Feeling the strength, Zhong Feiyu suddenly spoke out quickly.

By this time, he was completely convinced that the young man in front of him was the young man who had ascended to the upper world thousands of years ago and who had unified the world of immortal cultivation in the Yuanfeng Empire with his initial cultivation.

And he had already ascended to the upper world thousands of years ago, and now he has descended to the human world. What this meant, he fully understood almost instantly.

The young man in front of him can advance to the realm of aggregation in a place with poor cultivation resources like the human world in just a few hundred years. Then how far his cultivation can reach in the upper realm for nearly a thousand years, Zhong Feiyu has no idea. Can't guess.

However, he knew clearly that the opponent's cultivation strength, even in the human world that was suppressed by the power of the interface, was definitely not comparable to those of the aggregation monks in the human world at the moment. From the fact that the other party easily broke through the restrictions of Wanlong Pavilion with just one sound wave, it was enough to know how terrifying the other party's methods were.

Zhong Feiyu felt the terrifying aura around him slowly disappear, took a deep breath, and then said:

"What the senior said is absolutely true. The two juniors knew the name of the senior two hundred years ago. The sect of the junior is the Ten Thousand Dragons Merchant Alliance, so we are fortunate to go to several other continents. It is precisely because of this that our Ten Thousand Dragon Merchant Alliance Only then did I hear the name of my senior, and also learned about his deeds thousands of years ago..."

Listening to Zhong Feiyu's narration, a fierce murderous aura slowly emerged in Qin Fengming's eyes.

Two hundred years ago, seventeen people who gathered together went to Manghuang Mountain in Qingyuan Continent and worked together to force Manghuang Mountain.

Everyone said that Manghuang Mountain knew the specific location of the ascension passage that was still hidden in the human world. Let Manghuang Mountain reveal the unknown location of the ascension passage to the public.

There are seventeen people in the realm of convergence, which already account for nearly half of the number of convergence monks in the entire human world.

It is definitely not possible for one continent or two continents to gather so many monks together. Seventeen monks gathered together to attack a sect together. How powerful it was. Even Qin Fengming would have stayed away if he saw so many monks, and would not dare to fight against them.

At that time, more than a dozen of them, monks in the early and middle stages of the gathering, worked together to surround and kill Chi Yi in the late stage of the gathering. They sacrificed their lives to smash the void, and induced them to fly up to the heavenly tribulation and escape.

Although there was a magic circle to help at the beginning, it is enough to know how terrifying the power of more than a dozen gathering monks can be.

Manghuang Mountain does not exist in the late stage of gathering. The seventeen gathering monks do not need to use the power of the magic circle at all, but they are enough to break the gate of Manghuang Mountain and destroy all lives.

Qin Fengming could imagine how scared the monks at Manghuang Mountain were at that time.

Back then, Manghuang Mountain was besieged by Leng Cha of the Evil God Sect. Although there were no monks gathered in Manghuang Mountain at that time, there was a replica of the Lingbao and two powerful puppets that could be relied upon. But if you are attacked by seventeen gathered monks, even if there are several imitations of spiritual treasures, there is absolutely no chance of winning.

Although Zhong Feiyu did not hear about the destruction of Manghuang Mountain, Qin Fengming must have known that Manghuang Mountain must have compromised in order to maintain its orthodoxy.

Before Qin Fengming ascended to the throne, he also informed everyone in Manghuang Mountain and Qingyou Sect that there was no need to hide too much about the space passage. If any cultivators come to inquire, you can tell them.

But when Qin Fengming heard that Manghuang Mountain had been persecuted by seventeen monks from the human world, the shock and anger in his heart still burst out.

"Have you ever known who those seventeen gathered beings are? Which continent and sect do they belong to?" Qin Fengming suppressed the anger in his heart and asked slowly.

Although his expression had returned to calmness, Zhong Feiyu and Lu Tian already knew the shock and anger in the hearts of the young man in front of him from the intimidating aura exuded by him.

"Reporting back to my predecessors, the monks who went to Manghuang Mountain were mainly from Nantian Continent, Yuanwu Continent and Xuanming Continent..."

Zhong Feiyu named more than a dozen sects and monks in succession. Qin Fengming's expression became more and more gloomy as he listened to these sects and monks' names.

"Thank you two fellow Taoists for informing Qin about this. These two pills will be given to these two fellow Taoists."

As Zhong Feiyu finished speaking, Qin Fengming's compelling aura disappeared. He looked at the two people in front of him, waved his hand, and placed the two pills on their table.

Looking at the elixir in front of them, the two powerful men from the Ten Thousand Dragons Merchant Alliance immediately had bright eyes.

As the top beings of the Merchant Alliance, they naturally know a lot more about elixirs than other monks. Just from the radiant luster and energy fluctuations shown on these two elixirs, it is enough to know that these two elixirs are extraordinary.

"Thank you, senior, for the reward. This junior deserves it." The two men hurriedly bowed and said in fear.

"It's just two pills, just accept them. You may have to rely on these two fellow Taoists in the future." Qin Fengming waved his hand and said calmly.

After hearing what Qin Fengming said, Zhong Feiyu and his wife carefully put away the pills. When the two of them thought about it, the senior in front of them must have something they wanted the Wanlong Merchant Alliance to handle.

"Just now, Fellow Daoist Zhong was a little excited when he heard about the soul stone, but doesn't he know what the soul stone is of great use?" Qin Fengming watched the two people put away the elixirs, his eyes flashed, and he spoke again.

Lu Tianchong bowed to Qin Fengming and said without any hesitation: "Senior has just arrived at Anhuan Continent and doesn't know what happened recently. Just a few days ago, in the waters of Cuiyun Island, a thick fog suddenly appeared. That fog It spread rapidly, and in just a few days, it covered several nearby islands. The fog was very terrifying and consumed the energy of the monks' souls.

Although the energy of the monks' souls was consumed, some infant transformation monks found a lot of precious materials at the edge of the fog. Those materials were suspended in the mist and wrapped in groups of bubbles. As long as the monk touches it with soul energy, it will break into pieces.

It's just that the mist consumes too much soul energy in the monk's body, and no one dares to explore deep into the mist. If there is a soul stone, we monks can naturally go into it and search for it to see why the strange fog appears near Cuiyun Island. "

"Weird mist? There are precious materials in it. This matter is worth exploring." Qin Fengming listened quietly, his eyes flickering, and he murmured to himself.

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