Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5187 Re-entering the Secret Realm

Qin Fengming's words made everyone's happy expressions freeze for a moment.

Everyone has lived for hundreds of years, so naturally no one is unwise or ignorant.

Even if everyone doesn't know what this place is, they all know that it must be a magic circle arranged by powerful monks from the upper realm. Such a magic circle will naturally be of great use.

Such an ancient magic circle has been deployed for countless thousands of years and is used every once in a while. Where it leads, everyone does not need to think carefully, but they can also know that it must be a super sect place.

Because only super sects can have descendants continue to come here and run the giant magic circle here for countless thousands of years.

Super sect, that is not something they just break into randomly. Every super sect will be protected by a magic circle that can kill the powerful ones in the realm of ghost kings, and there will be tens of thousands of monks. No matter how powerful they are, they will never be able to be in a super sect. , against the power of a super sect.

Even if the young monk in front of him is someone who has descended from the upper world, it is certainly impossible to fight against all the monks of a super sect on his own.

"Master (Master), I am willing to go with you." The surprise was only momentary. Without any hesitation, Yi Ao and the other three spoke at the same time.

Qin Fengming nodded and said nothing, but waited quietly for the other monks to speak.

Seeing the strange expressions on everyone's face, Qin Fengming understood in his heart that everyone had benefited a lot at this moment, and they were already hesitant about risking teleportation.

"Don't worry, everyone. Qin will not force you fellow Taoists. If you don't want to go with us, Qin can give you another talisman crystal so that you can leave the Jiaozhu Mountains safely. But Qin has one request, and that is Everyone should return to Zhou Chu’s retreat place and wait for Qin’s return.”

Qin Fengming saw everyone's hesitation and knew that everyone was no longer willing to take risks. Therefore, he is very generous and does not force himself to threaten others.

It is naturally dangerous wherever the teleportation array is teleported, but Qin Fengming does not think that his life is in danger.

As long as all the treasures on his body are gone, he doesn't believe that there will be any magic circle or monk in the ghost world that can kill him. With Yi Ao and three others going together, it was enough for him.

What surprised Qin Fengming was that after Ma Xin and Liang Peng's expressions suddenly changed, they both had grim expressions and agreed to go with Huang Fenghua's female cultivator named Wan Jingyan.

Huang Fenghua is now eager to find a suitable body for his disciples to seize, so he does not want to take risks with Qin Fengming and others. But seeing Wan Jingyan's determined expression and firm words in front of him, Huang Fenghua did not stop him.

Qin Fengming could tell that this female cultivator and Liang Peng, who were only in the late stage of the Ghost Lord, should be people who had stayed in the late stage and peak realm of the Ghost Lord for a long time. They decided to go with him this time, probably because they wanted to seek some progress. Opportunity.

However, Qin Fengming was a little surprised that Ma Xin had just advanced to become the Ghost King and wanted to take risks.

Qin Fengming did not force himself on the other three people, and gave each of them a rune crystal. Qin Fengming led Yi Ao and the others back into the stone wall in front of them.

With Huang Fenghua leading the way, there will be no problem for everyone to leave the Jiaozhu Mountains.

Qin Fengming led everyone to the cave where the teleportation array was located quickly.


This teleportation array should be a teleportation array that is not at close range. Our physical bodies are difficult to compare with Master, and I am afraid that we cannot resist the power of space teleportation. This requires Master to take me and everyone else for a ride. "

Looking at the fluorescent teleportation array in front of him, Yi Ao frowned and said.

Hearing Yi Ao's words, Wan Jing Yanyu was slightly shocked, knowing that the young man in front of him must have something from Xumi Cave.

"Well, you can enter this Xumi cave." Qin Fengming nodded and immediately took out the iron weight from the Xumi cave without hesitation.

Seeing some ugly and bulky iron objects, Wan Jingyan frowned visibly. But soon, she felt relieved again. The Xumi Mustard Seed Cave is extremely rare in the ghost world, not even her master has one.

Although the thing in the hands of the young man seems inconspicuous, it is still a small thing after all.

Several people entered the Xumi Cave Mansion without hesitation.

Looking at the fluorescent teleportation array in front of him, Qin Fengming's eyes were firm, and he stood directly in the teleportation array in a flash.

As he fired the magic formula in his hand, a burst of bright multi-colored rays of light suddenly appeared around him along with the sound of the magic circle moving.

The fluorescence shone, and huge waves of energy surged out, enveloping the huge teleportation array in its entirety. Mysterious runes flashed one after another, shooting and traveling in the thick energy, making the entire array become astonishing and dazzling.

Feeling the powerful surge of space power, Qin Fengming's expression became serious...

As his body regained its balance, Qin Fengming flashed and jumped out from the same teleportation formation where the glow was still shining. At the same time, he glanced around and held several crystal talisman arrays tightly in his hands.

However, Qin Fengming was relieved that there was nothing strange around him. So he waved his hand and released everyone in Yi Ao.

"The atmosphere here is a bit weird, you should be more careful." Qin Fengming said with a solemn expression as he looked at the vast cave around him.

The yin energy here is strong, and there is a wisp of soul in the yin energy.

The spirit breath is the original energy of yin energy that may give birth to ghosts and ghosts. Facing this unknown place, Qin Fengming did not dare to be cautious at all.

"There is a stone gate restriction here." Zheng Yiqiu flashed and walked around the cave. He quickly stopped at a place and said.

Qin Fengming looked at the almost indistinguishable stone gate in front of him and the faint forbidden fluctuations appearing on the stone gate, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Without pausing for long, Qin Fengming flashed and came directly to the stone gate.

Without any protection, he stretched out his hands and directly touched the stone door. With a surge of mana in his body, the tall stone door slowly opened with a creaking sound.

The restriction on the stone gate had no attack effect, Qin Fengming could see this at a glance.

As the stone door opened, a spacious and bright cave appeared in front of everyone. Qin Fengming did not hesitate, and entered the cave first in a flash. As everyone left, the stone door slowly closed again on its own.

The cave was not long, and soon everyone reached the entrance of the cave. With a flash of white light, a slight force of repulsion emerged, sending everyone directly out of the cave passage.

Looking at the valley shrouded in thick fog in front of him, Qin Fengming's eyes suddenly shone brightly.

In the place in front of you, the air is cold and cold, and there is a strong spiritual aura in the dark and thick mist. Obviously, there should be ghosts here.

Qin Fengming turned around and looked at a mountain wall where rubble was scattered, and then looked up at the surrounding peaks, keeping this place in his memory. Only then did he flash forward and rush forward along the valley.

That cave is the same as the entrance to the cave in the Jiaozhu Mountains. It is just a phantom formation and has no attack.

This mountain range is obviously inaccessible, and there are no traces of monk activity around it. The place you enter is extremely desolate. There is no vegetation on the mountains. Bare rocks cover the mountain ridges, making it look very empty and desolate. However, there seems to be a very strong air restriction here, and Qin Fengming cannot even fly away.

"Is this... is this the secret realm of Huangquan?" Looking at the place in front of him, Qin Fengming's eyes suddenly showed a look of surprise, and he suddenly exhaled softly.

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