Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 5173 Late Appearance

Hearing Huang Fenghua's exclamation, Qin Fengming's heart moved, and his movements that were about to activate the two secret techniques with all his strength were immediately stopped.

His original intention was to directly kill the Ancestor of Anji Palace and destroy the foundation of Anji Palace.

But seeing the methods the female cultivator had just resorted to, he couldn't help but want to recruit her. The secret technique performed by this female cultivator is extremely extraordinary. Even though her soul realm is far inferior, she can easily resist his soul-eating claw attack. This is rare among cultivators of the same level.

Although Qin Fengming's soul-eating claw did not activate the power of ice and electricity, it did contain a soul-suppressing talisman that he had comprehended. He can be sure that there will not be many monks of the same level who can resist.

The female cultivator was able to perform a secret technique and resist the soul-eating claws even though her soul power was suppressed and her body was imprisoned. This already showed that her method was extraordinary.

It's just that the female cultivator's secret technique is really powerless against the erosion of the ghost-devouring mist and the attack of the mysterious ghost fire. With just a slight contact, the female cultivator's mist is like cotton wool meeting the flames, burning up suddenly.

The Ghost Devouring Yin Mist and Xuanyin Ghost Fire that Qin Fengming sacrificed at this moment have the power of ice and electricity. It can be said that this power of ice and electricity is the nemesis of ghosts and demonic arts.

Although the female cultivator seemed to have no resistance in front of him, Qin Fengming judged that if the female cultivator in front of him encountered an ordinary ghost king in the middle stage, she would probably win.

Of course, there is still a huge gap between this female cultivator and those powerful cultivators in the upper world. But in the ghost world, it's pretty good.

With a little thought in his heart, Qin Fengming waved his hand, and the thick and terrifying ghost-eating mist suddenly swept over. The two tall skeletons wrapped in ghost flames also shattered with a snap and turned into a ball of ghost flames, which were caught in Qin Fengming's hands.

"I can spare your life and hand over a ray of my soul." Qin Fengming looked at the frightened beautiful female cultivator and said coldly without any pity.

Although he still cannot use all his magical powers at this moment, the ice and electricity power of Qin Fengming, the second soul, can still crush the same level of ghost monks.

Qin Fengming withdrew his secret magic power, but the horror in the eyes of the female cultivator who had changed her face still did not fade away.

At this moment, Huang Fenghua already knew that the gap between her and the young monk in front of her, who must have descended from the upper world, was insurmountable. In front of the other party, the secret technique that he had just successfully cultivated with great confidence had no effect at all.

At the same time, the female cultivator also knew that the other party wanted to kill her without any doubt. As long as she said no words of disapproval, the other party's attack would definitely come.

Huang Fenghua thought rapidly in her heart between being loyal to the Palace of Darkness and obeying the other party.

Those who betray the Anji Palace will be hunted down by the Anji Palace. But if you don't obey the young man in front of you at this moment, your death will appear in front of you in an instant.

"Okay, I'll hand over a wisp of my soul." Huang Fenghua finally said without thinking for long.

The results of the two choices seem to be the same, but the processes are extremely different. One is certain to die, but the other has many variables. After finally cultivating to the realm of the Ghost King, she certainly didn't want to die just like that.

"The fairy's choice is the best thing for you." A wisp of soul merged into the soul-forbidden card, and Qin Fengming's expression became calm.

As he spoke, he flashed towards Huang Fenghua's disciple who was still frightened and stunned.

With the body flickering, several soul-forbidden runes penetrated into everyone's bodies.

If you want to ensure that no one betrays you, it is most reliable to directly plant soul-forbidden runes on them.

"Qin needs to check your cave collection. Then go find Zhou Chu and completely destroy the foundation of the Dark Hall in the Northern Territory." Qin Fengming said lightly without being polite.

Although he will not loot the treasures collected by Huang Fenghua, Qin Fengming will not let go of the things he is interested in.

Although Huang Fenghua was unwilling in her heart, she did not dare to disobey.

Seeing that Qin Fengming only took away a few pieces of extremely precious materials that he could not use, Huang Fenghua was even more convinced that the monk in front of him who was in the realm of ghost king hundreds of years ago had definitely advanced to the upper realm. Reached a very high level.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, Mr. Ma knows that there is a special place for storing treasures in the Anji Palace in the Northern Territory. It is the place where all the treasures collected by the three Anji Palace branches in the Northern Territory are stored. Everything obtained by our three branch halls will be stored there. Get in there.”

Just after Qin Fengming led Huang Fenghua and Ma Xin out of the lake, Ma Xin suddenly heard a message.

"All the treasures in the Anni Palace in the Northern Territory?" Upon hearing Ma Xin's words, Qin Fengming's rapidly escaping figure suddenly stagnated and suddenly hovered in mid-air.

When everyone heard Qin Fengming's sudden voice of surprise, they all stopped in surprise.

Qin Fengming suddenly realized that the Hall of Darkness was a hidden force that had existed in the ghost world for countless thousands of years, and it was also a force that specialized in making profits. Naturally, its sect collection could not be just the ones he saw in the branch hall.

"Yes, any area of ​​Anji Palace will have a common treasure storage location. The person in charge is the Supreme Elder of each area of ​​Anji Palace. And each branch hall is only responsible for handling tasks and collecting treasures. That’s all. The people who are actually in charge of the Northern Territory Anni Palace are the monks of the Northern Territory Anji Palace commanded by the Supreme Elder.”

Huang Fenghua's eyes flashed slightly, knowing what Ma Xin had told Qin Fengming, so she immediately spoke.

"There is also a main hall in the North Territory, which is even better. Qin was going to meet the person in the late stage of the Ghost King, and happened to take a look at the Anji Palace to see what Qin liked. "

Qin Fengming's eyes flashed with joy, and his expression returned to calmness and he spoke softly.

Listening to Qin Fengming's calm words, Huang Fenghua's heart was not at peace. Although there were many of them at the moment, they were only led by three early-stage ghost king monks. Facing the existence of a late-stage ghost king, she really didn't know where the young monk got the confidence. Even though he is a person who has descended from the upper realm, his cultivation level is only in the early stage of a ghost king.

Flying all the way, everyone kept flying towards the training place of another ancestor of Anji Temple.

"Hey, there are two monks coming towards us in front. Judging from their speed, they should be a high-level ghost king. They must be Zhou Chu, the ancestor of Dark Silence Palace."

While flying, Qin Fengming waved his hand, and immediately stopped, and at the same time he let out a soft sigh.

Upon hearing Qin Fengming's words, Huang Fenghua and Ma Xin were startled at the same time. In their consciousness, they did not find any fluctuations ahead. But seeing Qin Fengming's solemn expression, the two had no choice but to believe it.

"Is the person coming here Zhou Chu?" Qin Fengming ignored everyone's surprised expressions, but flashed his figure, jumped out, flew forward, and looked in a certain direction at the same time.

"Junior, you are actually able to see through my hidden magical power, which seems to be a bit of a trick. It seems that you are the one responsible for destroying my branch of Anji Palace?"

A wave of waves appeared two hundred feet away from Qin Fengming, and two figures appeared in front of everyone.

There was a man and a woman among them. The man looked to be in his forties, with a handsome face and an air of calmness and dignity. The woman's body is graceful and somewhat pretty.

But at this moment, the female cultivator had a look of fear on her face, looking at Huang Fenghua behind Qin Fengming.

"Zhou Hong, who once stopped me in the Valley of Ten Thousand Cries, should be your direct relative. His combination of five spirits is really extraordinary. If Shi Chang hadn't killed those five people, Qin might have done it that time. He fell under the unity formation." Qin Fengming looked at the middle-aged man and said calmly.

"What, are you saying that Hong'er fell at the hands of Shi Chang of Huangquan Palace?" Upon hearing Qin Fengming's words, the middle-aged monk suddenly asked in shock and anger.

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