As a wave of teleportation power enveloped his whole body, Qin Fengming teleported away directly from Suli City. When his figure stabilized again, Qin Fengming had already appeared in a cave shrouded in an icy aura.

The cold aura surrounded his body, and an extremely corrosive force also acted on his body.

This corrosive force has the ability to swallow up mana and energy. Qin Fengming only felt that the mana and energy in his body were being forcibly absorbed by the cold breath uncontrollably.

This cold breath can ignore the protective aura and act directly on his body.

"Fellow Taoists, the Huanri Wind still exists at this moment, but the power of the Huanri Wind has indeed been greatly reduced. However, we also need to enter the space channel as soon as possible. If we wait for a long time in this Huanri Wind, it will still be good for us. Very disadvantageous.”

As soon as he stopped, Liao Yuanshan spoke urgently.

Feeling the cold air surrounding him, Qin Fengming didn't have anything to worry about.

This time he went down to the lower realm. Although he didn't have the little gourd to help him, he still had a lot of top-grade spiritual stones on him. With his cultivation in the realm of infant transformation, absorbing the energy from the best spiritual stones is not much different from taking spiritual liquid.

Therefore, Qin Fengming is not worried at all about the small consumption of mana.

Although he is not worried about his own mana consumption, Qin Fengming also knows that what Liao Yuanshan said is true. If he stays in this cold breath for a long time, not only his mana energy, but also his soul energy will be greatly lost.

Soul energy is not as easy to recover as mana. Even if Qin Fengming has a soul stone in his body, it will take a long time to absorb it to ensure that his soul energy is not exhausted.

The seven of them stopped delaying and quickly headed out of the cave, following Jiang Haosi and Lin Feng.

The cave was very deep. Qin Fengming judged that it was hundreds of feet away from the outside and should be underground. But before the seven people left the cave, Qin Fengming felt an even colder aura wrapping around his body than before.

Under the attack of this aura, the mana in the body was depleted obviously faster than before.

"Is the power of Huan Rifeng not weakened now? How come there is still such a powerful corrosive power?" Suddenly feeling this, someone immediately exclaimed.

Qin Fengming frowned slightly. He had not personally experienced the sweeping wind of the sun, so he was not sure whether the power of the wind had weakened at this moment.

"Don't worry, fellow Taoists, the Huan Ri Feng has indeed weakened at this moment. It is only about twenty feet away from the exit. If the Huan Ri Feng's aura is only so powerful, how can it frighten cultivators like us."

The body movements did not stop, Jiang Haosi's words had already been spoken.

As his words fell, a tall stone door appeared in front of everyone. Without any pause, Jiang Haosi waved his hand and offered a token.

A ball of fluorescence suddenly appeared, and the tall stone door slowly opened.

A dark mist that covered the sky and the sun suddenly swept in as the stone door opened, and instantly enveloped the bodies of the seven people.

Feeling an icy aura sweeping through him, Qin Fengming's eyes flickered slightly.

It is true that this icy mist has the power to devour and corrode, but its power is no different from what everyone felt just now. With such power, everyone can really bear it.

"Fellow Taoists, we will separate and quickly search for nearby space passages! Half an hour later, we will return here to gather." The figure flashed out of the cave, and Liao Yuanshan's voice also sounded.

Following Liao Yuanshan's words, everyone flew away in one direction.

Although Qin Fengming has never experienced Huanri Feng, it can be said that he is more familiar with finding space passages than others.

Under the release of his spiritual consciousness, he had already sensed a surge of spatial aura.

Qin Fengming didn't know how big the Liyuan land was, and Qin Fengming didn't know how many specific space passages there were. But he understood that since Suli City had set up a teleportation array here, it meant that there must be a passage near the teleportation array where Huan Rifeng often appeared.

With Qin Fengming’s powerful spiritual consciousness,

It is naturally not difficult to find the location of a space crack.

In just two cups of tea, Qin Fengming saw a dark space crack in the dim clouds and mist.

Feeling the majestic hurricanes sweeping out and the icy aura surging, Qin Fengming was convinced that this crack should be the space passage leading to the Xiangyun Realm that everyone in Liao Yuanshan said.

Half an hour later, the seven people stopped in front of this space crack that was dozens of miles away.

"Every time the Huanri wind blows, there will be many space cracks. As long as the cracks appear in the Huanri wind, they can lead to the Xiangyun Realm. The cracks here are so huge that they should be very stable. Let's enter This is the passage."

Looking at the violent icy mist still surging in the air, Liao Yuanshan said with a solemn expression.

Entering the Xiangyun Realm, for the seven people at this moment, it can be said that no one has truly entered it. It only appears once in a thousand years. For most people, encountering it once in a lifetime is considered a blessing.

However, as monks on Prison Heaven Island, everyone still knows a lot about the records of Xiangyun Realm. Naturally, he knows how to find a stable passage to enter the Xiangyun Realm.

No one had any objections, so everyone made some preparations and then flew up, slowly flying towards the huge crack in the air.

Just when he was still hundreds of feet away from the space crack, a powerful icy aura suddenly appeared, and a huge pulling force appeared.

The bodies of the seven people were like thrown objects, flying directly towards the huge dark bottomless hole.

Qin Fengming, who had entered the space passage many times, did not resist this strong suction force, but allowed the breath to sweep away, and his body quickly sank into the deep and huge crack.

The feeling that he had experienced long ago came over him, and Qin Fengming immediately became alert.

Although this kind of space passage between equal interfaces is dangerous, it is much safer than the previous space passage from the spirit world to the lower interface.

Qin Fengming, who had just experienced the dangerous passage, was wary of this level of space danger, but he really didn't take it too seriously.

The seven figures disappeared quickly and disappeared into the vast space cracks.

The hurricane swept through, and a sharp aura filled the seven figures. The sound of banging resounded, and two exclamations followed.

Although the space passage here is already very stable, the power of the cold space storm is still not small.

The body-protecting auras of Yi Lian and Cen Yu had just entered the space channel, and were overwhelmed by the space hurricane. With a banging sound, it immediately shattered.

Although Yi Lian is extraordinary in strength, he is only at the peak of Chengdan cultivation, and his body-protecting aura is difficult to compare with that of a real Yingying cultivator. As for Cen Yu, as an infant monk, his protective spiritual light was also broken by the hurricane. It should be that his own spiritual root attribute is not good at defense.

Although the spiritual light of the two people's protective bodies shattered instantly, the two of them had been prepared for a long time. They each sacrificed a defensive object to protect themselves.

Among the seven, the most relaxed one was undoubtedly Qin Fengming.

Although the body-protecting auras of Liao Yuanshan and the other four people did not shatter, except for Liao Yuanshan, the other three people's body-protecting auras flickered rapidly. Even Ancestor Shuang Lin, who was also in the middle stage of infant transformation, had a protective aura flickering on his body.

Liao Yuanshan practiced body-training techniques. He was able to fight Qin Fengming with one blow and prevented Qin Fengming from making any achievements, which shows that his methods are extraordinary.

Although Liao Yuanshan's body protection was intact, his expression was extremely solemn at the moment.

Facing the fierce hurricane that had the power to cut through the space passage, Liao Yuanshan, who had never entered the space passage before, was filled with fear in his heart.

But when Liao Yuanshan saw Qin Fengming at this moment, surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes.

At this time, Qin Fengming's whole body was flashing with colorful glow, and the violent spatial hurricane swept over his body, but the colorful body-protecting aura did not waver at all.

Based on this alone, Liao Yuanshan already knew that this young monk was much stronger than any of them.

"Fellow Taoists, I have a magic weapon that can be controlled by everyone. We can jointly control it to resist the dangers in the space passage."

Just when Liao Yuanshan was astonished at Qin Fengming's strength, Ancestor Shuang Lin suddenly spoke to the crowd.

"A magic weapon that everyone worked together to control? Could it be that the Five Elements Ring magic weapon that was auctioned at Qilin Mountain was obtained by fellow Taoist Shuanglin?" When he heard Shuanglin's words, Liao Yuanshan's expression suddenly shook and he turned to look at Ancestor Shuanglin. , said in an urgent voice.

"Brother Liao actually knows about this magic weapon. Although I didn't get it at first, this Five Elements Ring magic weapon is now in my hands. As long as we work together to control this magic weapon, I think we will be able to pass through this space passage smoothly and arrive safely. Xiangyunjie."

Ancestor Shuang Lin sounded somewhat complacent, and seemed extremely confident in his magic weapon.

Qin Fengming was shocked when he first heard the name of the Five Elements Ring magic weapon.

Five Elements Ring, when he was still a monk in the Qi Gathering Stage, he once had a Five Elements Ring spiritual weapon. The Five Elements Ring mentioned by the two mid-level ghost king monks at this moment, naturally cannot be the kind of spiritual weapon he had obtained in the first place.

Since it is called the Five Elements Ring, it naturally contains the energy attributes of the five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Following the words of Ancestor Shuanglin, a cloud of colorful light shone out, a buzzing sound sounded, and a huge colorful ring appeared around Ancestor Shuanglin.

This ring shines with colorful rays of light, and the majestic energy of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth flickers and lingers on the huge ring, and a very sharp and tough aura is also revealed.

Qin Fengming just took one look at the ring and already understood that this magic weapon was indeed a magic weapon that required the combined efforts of several people to fully exert its effect. This kind of magic weapon is obviously more powerful than the combined attack magic circle used by several monks.

"Okay, let's work together to control the Five Elements Ring, fellow Taoist, and jointly resist the erosion of the space storm." Liao Yuanshan immediately agreed without much hesitation.

Naturally, the other four people would not object. Following Liao Yuanshan's words, the five people immediately flashed and entered the Five Elements Ring.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, won't you come in and advance and retreat with us?"

Everyone entered the Five Elements Ring, but Liao Yuanshan saw that Qin Fengming did not make the slightest move and was still flying alone in the distance, so he sent a message.

"Hmph, since he didn't sign a contract between heaven and earth with us, he certainly won't join forces with us." Before Qin Fengming could reply, Ancestor Shuang Lin snorted coldly.

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