Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 689 Puppet in the Dan Stage

Volume 5 Emerging, Chapter 689: The Puppet in the Dan Stage

Although the other four great monks did not study the weapon refining skills in depth, they were extremely shocked when they saw this weapon refining furnace. A refining furnace with this magical effect is something that any spiritual weapon would like to have.

"Master, I will leave this furnace in your hands. I hope you will not let down the hard work you have put into me."

"Yes, Master."

Although Qin Fengming had an extremely tough mind and was unable to be overjoyed or sad when something unexpected happened, he was extremely happy when facing this weapon refining furnace.

A good weapon-refining prop, for a weapon-refining master, is the same as having a powerful treasure during a battle. Although he also had extremely precious refining equipment in his hands at this time, compared with Liangyi Furnace, it was inferior in some aspects.

After kowtowing to Sima Bo again, Qin Fengming said goodbye to the four masters, followed Zhuang Daoqin, and left the cave.

When he came to Zhuang Daoqin's cave again, Zhuang Daoqin did not let Qin Fengming enter the original cave. Instead, he looked at Qin Fengming with bright eyes and did not speak for half a stick of incense.

Standing in front of Zhuang Daoqin and seeing his master's expression, Qin Fengming was at a loss for a moment.

"Disciple, it turns out that although there are many classics in the cave, they are of little use to you. The only effect they can have is to give you a better understanding of puppetry. Master, there are some classics here. This book is the most treasured thing I have kept as my teacher for hundreds of years. There are also some unique copies among them. I hope you can study it in detail within this year. If you don’t understand something, you can always ask me for advice."

Zhuang Daoqin liked Qin Fengming to the core and wished he could teach him all he had learned. But this matter is difficult to achieve. No matter how large the population is, it is difficult to swallow a fat person in one bite.

Zhuang Daoqin also thought carefully about how to make the disciples he finally found make great progress in puppetry within a year.

After hearing Zhuang Daoqin's words, Qin Fengming felt at ease. It turned out that the master was thinking about this matter just now.

"Thank you very much, Master. I will definitely study it carefully and not let Master down."

Although Qin Fengming said this, he also knew in his heart that puppetry was different from other skills. Puppet refining has stricter requirements on the monk's spiritual awareness.

If one has not yet reached the level of cultivation and is forced to refine a puppet of the same level, it is very likely that the soul will backfire upon him during the refining process. Regarding this, Qin Fengming did not dare to touch it at will.

It is difficult for Qin Fengming to achieve a significant improvement in his puppetry skills within a year. But with the help of his master's many classics, he was still able to make great progress in his theory.

Carrying hundreds of classics, scrolls, and jade slips handed over by his master, Qin Fengming once again entered the cave where the classics were placed. Then he began to study puppetry carefully.

As the saying goes, there is no sun and moon in cultivation. Qin Fengming entered the cave and never came out again.

After studying the jade slips of classics, Qin Fengming's understanding of puppetry has deepened a lot. As he studied the classics, Qin Fengming was also deeply attracted by the mysterious puppetry.

Although many of the contents in the jade slips of the classics handed over by Master Zhuang Daoqin were too difficult for Qin Fengming, who had a foundation cultivation level, to understand, Qin Fengming did not feel embarrassed at all about this.

For the classics that he could understand at this time, he studied them in detail. For those that were difficult to understand, he could only copy them on blank jade slips and put them aside for later discussion.

Eleven months later, Qin Fengming put away the jade slips of classics again, arranged the jade slips in the original cave, and then left the cave and came to the hall.

He waved his hand and used a transmission talisman, and under the flash of red light, he entered the cave where Zhuang Daoqin was meditating. A moment later, Zhuang Daoqin appeared in front of Qin Fengming.

After Qin Fengming greeted him, Zhuang Daoqin sat down on the stone chair. No need to ask, Zhuang Daoqin also knows that in the remaining months,

It must be to answer the disciple's questions about puppetry.

Sure enough, in the following time, Qin Fengming will carefully inquire about all the questions that existed in the classics he read during the eleven months.

Listening to the questions from the young monk in front of him, Zhuang Daoqin was also slightly shocked.

Most of the questions Qin Fengming asked were the key points in puppetry. Just listening to these questions, it can be seen that this young monk has not slacked off at all in the past year.

Just before the master and the disciple could fully answer their questions, a figure appeared outside Zhuang Daoqin's cave. The light disappeared, revealing the figure of Master Dao Shen.

This great monk from Manghuang Mountain came here in person to look for Qin Fengming before one year was up.

When Master Dao Shen was allowed into the cave, Zhuang Daoqin was greatly surprised. The only one who came this time was Senior Brother Dao Shen, but the other two great monks did not come.

After detailed inquiries, Zhuang Daoqin and Qin Fengming found out. It turned out that after Zhuang Daoqin took Qin Fengming away, Master Daojin, Master Weiming and Patriarch Tianji had a quarrel over who Qin Fengming would study under.

Finally, under Sima Bo's mediation, the three of them decided on the order by drawing lots.

The first one on the list is Master Dao Shen, followed by Patriarch Tianji, and finally Master Weiming. Therefore, Master Daomin came here alone.

After letting Master Dao Shen wait aside, Zhuang Daoqin continued to answer Qin Fengming's questions.

Eight days later, Qin Fengming finally finished asking all the questions in his mind.

"Thank you, Master, for spending so much time answering my disciple's questions."

Looking at the young face in front of him, Zhuang Daoqin smiled slightly and said: "Since you have become my disciple, it is my duty to answer your questions. At this moment, the one-year period we originally set has arrived. Before you leave, At that time, my teacher gave me a gift."

As Zhuang Daoqin finished speaking, he raised his hand, and a doll dressed in black appeared on his palm.

"This is a puppet of the Yichendan realm that my master specially refined for you two months ago. Although the refining was a bit rushed, this puppet is only in the middle stage of the Chengdan realm. But when you venture into the world of immortality in the future, , but it has some protective power for you."

Looking at the puppet in front of him, Qin Fengming was very excited. If you have this Chengdan realm puppet in your body, it is undoubtedly equivalent to having a Chengdan realm monk guarding you. When you travel in the world of immortality in the future, you will have a lot of confidence.

"Hey, there's nothing to be happy about with a mere Chengdan puppet. In front of my talisman, it's just some junk."

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