Fairy Yao Xi knew clearly that even if the Mahayana in front of her was seriously injured at this moment, even if her own realm dropped sharply, it was difficult to say that she would be able to capture him based on her current state.

If one of them fails, it is extremely possible for both parties to suffer losses.

And losing both sides is definitely not what Fairy Yao Xi and Miao Lin want.

The words spoken by the two at this moment were extremely threatening, but they were both really testing each other's limits.

When Miao Lin saw the tall mountain peak approaching slowly, his eyes flickered coldly, but he did not show any intention of retreating. Standing in mid-air, a group of green mist slowly surged and enveloped his body.

Without waiting for Miao Lin's instructions, Xue Zhanqi and Hong Tian were already standing on either side of him, their auras surging throughout their bodies, ready to take action at any time.

By this moment, Xue Zhanqi and Hong Tian already knew what the tall mountain peak in front of them was.

Facing the beautiful female cultivator standing on the mountain peak, although the two of them were shocked and frightened, they also knew that their master may not have much fighting power anymore. If they want to survive, they must People must go all out to fight against this sacred artifact of the Horned Race that has been lost for hundreds of thousands of years.

"Hmph, it seems that the sacred objects of our clan have not appeared for hundreds of thousands of years. Now the monks in both realms no longer know the power of my temple. In this case, I will let the three of you see the power of the temple."

Seeing that the three masters and disciples in front of her were actually ready to fight, Fairy Yao Xi's expression suddenly revealed a powerful expression, and she heard a loud shout.

As soon as his words came out, the temple under his feet was already flashing with white light. A vast aura suddenly appeared, and the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth seemed to be summoned and quickly gathered towards the tall mountain peaks.

The air surged, and a huge energy vortex formed around the two to three hundred foot mountain peak in an instant.

The vitality of heaven and earth within a radius of dozens of miles surged rapidly, converging towards the mountain peak. A frightening howling sound suddenly resounded in the surrounding area.

Sensing the changes in the vitality of the surrounding world, Qin Fengming felt anxious.

At this moment, the majestic energy of heaven and earth gathered, and Qin Fengming sensed an aura from it that he had never sensed before. It seems that Fairy Yao Xi's control over the temple has strengthened.

Fairy Yao Xi used the temple to have a battle with Juyang's spiritual body.

Although Qin Fengming was far away from the place of battle at that time, he was still able to clearly sense the situation at the scene under the cover of his spiritual consciousness.

At that time, he had not sensed such a breath.

It seems that Fairy Yao Xi has not only fully recovered from the previous battle, but has also improved herself.

Faced with the sudden surge of majestic energy from heaven and earth, as well as a powerful oppressive force that invaded the mind, not only Xue Zhanqi but also Miao Lin's expressions suddenly changed.

Although Miao Lin did not retreat, his body was already shaking slightly. This was absolutely impossible when the Miao forest was in its prime.

"Senior Miao, there is no enmity between you and me. Now Senior Fairy is just doing this to protect himself. Senior and Fairy are both top beings in the two realms. Even if they don't have a close friendship, there will be nothing. It's a conflict. If we really have to fight to the death, the outcome will definitely not be good. If senior takes a step back, the road will be smooth, which is better than an uncontrollable situation."

Seeing the tense situation between the two sides, Qin Fengming suddenly shouted.

Of course he could understand the thoughts of Miao Lin and Fairy Yao Xi at this time. Although neither party wants to be controlled by others, they both have some tricks in their hearts.

A completely broken relationship and an endless fight are something that both parties cannot control.

"It is impossible to ask me to swear an oath. Fairy Yao Xi, I have only met you once. It was when I just entered the Mahayana advancement ceremony, so I have no grudges with you. As for this I don’t covet the temple. Because the next person who controls the sacred artifacts in my realm will be me. The mere temple is not in my eyes yet. If the fairy is willing to remove the intention of fighting, I will be happy with it."

Upon hearing Qin Fengming's words, Miao Lin's eyes flashed slightly, he clasped his fists at Fairy Yao Xi and spoke loudly.

Although he said this with awe-inspiring force, he also had the intention of bowing to Fairy Yao Xi. This shows that Miao Lin really does not want to fight with Fairy Yao Xi at this moment.

Fairy Yao Xi stands on the top of the peak, her beautiful expression seems to be thoughtful.

There is a wild thing in the Xicang Realm, and Fairy Yao Xi knows about it. At this moment, Miao Lin said this, which is enough to prove that what he said is true.

In addition, the Xicang Realm and the Jiaoren Clan have always been on good terms, so the sincerity shown by Miao Lin is worthy of belief.

"Okay, I will trust my fellow Taoist." Fairy Yao Xi did not hesitate too much. Her huge momentum suddenly subsided, and the aura of the temple immediately subsided.

The majestic pressure that filled the surrounding area disappeared, allowing the surrounding world to regain its calmness.

"Senior Miao, this junior has a pill here, which will be of some benefit to senior's current state." Seeing that the tense situation disappeared, Qin Fengming spoke again.

As he spoke, his hand shook, and a jade bottle shot out, directly in front of Miao Lin.

Qin Fengming knew in his heart that if he wanted to get benefits, he had to make sacrifices. The icing on the cake won't make the other person's heart flutter, but providing help in times of need can still have a big effect.

"This is a Tianyuan Heart-Building Pill! Okay, I will accept it."

Suddenly seeing Qin Fengming delivering a pill in front of him, Miao Lin frowned slightly, without any expression on his face. In his opinion, how could a mere early-stage Xuanling cultivator obtain any heaven-defying holy medicine for healing?

However, when Miao Lin saw clearly that the thing stored in the transparent jade bottle was the Mahayana realm, he couldn't help but feel moved in his heart, and spoke with joy in his mouth.

At this time, Miao Lin didn't have to worry about physical injuries at all, but the Taoist injuries he suffered from the forbidden magical power made him very troublesome.

It would probably take him hundreds or even thousands of years to slowly recover from the damage.

But with this Tianyuan Heart-Building Pill, he was confident that it could be repaired in a few years.

Seeing Qin Fengming, he casually handed over a Tianyuan Heart-Building Pill. Fairy Yao Xi didn't feel anything strange. She knew that Qin Fengming was in an extraordinary situation, so she wouldn't be too surprised even if he came up with something that defies heaven.

"Senior Miao, I once made an appointment with my senior to help him perform a spell. I have three questions that I need to answer. Although my senior's previous spell was not fully effective, I think I also got some benefits. I didn't know about the previous agreement. Senior, are you still willing to fulfill your promise?"

Taking advantage of Miao Lin's happiness, Qin Fengming hugged him with a fist and spoke again.

Qin Fengming naturally didn't want to make a loss-making deal, and now he said it in front of Fairy Yao Xi. Even if Miao Lin wanted to go back on his word, he couldn't.

"What Fellow Taoist said is true. The accident that happened earlier was my own fault and has nothing to do with Fellow Daoist. Without the three Fellow Daoists, the situation might have been more dangerous. Therefore, I have made the agreement with Fellow Daoist. The contract will be fulfilled.”

Miao Lin did not hesitate, put away the elixir, and immediately answered.

"Junior plans to inquire about the whereabouts of a Mahayana from senior, namely Fairy Yao Xi. If senior knows the news about senior Yao Xi, please tell me." Qin Fengming said immediately without hesitation.

Hearing Qin Fengming's words, Fairy Yao Xi visibly trembled.

What she cares about most is, of course, the news about the original body.

"The news about Fairy Yao Xi is a bit embarrassing. Miao Lin only met the fairy once. Later, there was no news about the fairy. When they reach the Mahayana, most people will choose to retreat. Even if they are fellow practitioners in the same realm, Rarely meet.

However, more than 200,000 years ago, I heard that many of my comrades were trapped in the realm of chaos. Although many fellow Taoists came to rescue them during the last two openings of the Chaos Realm, they seemed to have little effect, and those fellow Taoists who had fallen into the Chaos Realm were not found.

I don’t know whether Fairy Yao Xi is among those fellow Taoists who have fallen into the Chaos Realm. However, the last time the Chaos Realm was opened, I heard that Fellow Taoist Ji Yu had summoned several colleagues to search for it. It seems that the person he was friends with fell into the Chaos Realm.

As an ancestor of the Horned Race, Fellow Daoist Ji Yu is so concerned about this matter. Maybe Fairy Yao Xi, who has not been seen for hundreds of thousands of years, may have actually fallen into a dangerous place in the Chaos Realm. "

Miao Lin did not hide anything and told all the news he knew or heard.

Listening to Miao Lin's words, Fairy Yao Xi frowned slightly, with thoughts flashing in her eyes.

She originally thought that when she returned to the Sky Horn Realm, she could return to the tribe and stay in the Horned Human Clan in the future. But now that she heard that her body might have fallen into the realm of chaos, she couldn't help but get worried.

In fact, as the weapon spirit of the temple, Fairy Yao Xi's split soul at this moment is no longer possible as Fairy Yao Xi's real split soul. Even if Fairy Yao Xi dies, she will never take another person's life again.

However, the temple was refined by Fairy Yao Xi, and she refined her own soul into the temple as a weapon spirit. The connection between the two parties is still very close. As a temple weapon spirit, I naturally hope that Fairy Yao Xi can survive for a long time.

"Little friend Qin, you don't need to send the temple back to the Horned People first. You take the temple into the world of chaos. Based on the connection between the temple and the main body, you can probably sense the position of the main body."

After pondering for a long time, Fairy Yao Xi made a serious expression and spoke firmly.

As soon as the words came out, the female cultivator's body had already submerged into the temple, and the tall mountain peak shrank rapidly and returned to Qin Fengming's hands.

Hearing the female cultivator's words, Qin Fengming couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

Although the temple has been able to save him from danger many times, shouldering such a heavy responsibility is not an easy task for him.

At this time, Qin Fengming was helpless and could only smile bitterly. He really didn't know whether he would be able to complete all the things he agreed to during his future trip to the Chaos Realm.

Seeing the temple disappearing and the female cultivator disappearing, Miao Lin felt a hint of relief in the depths of his eyes.

For Miao Lin at this moment, the pressure placed on him by Fairy Yao Xi was still extremely huge.

"Thank you, senior, for informing me about Senior Yao Xi. I would like to replace the other two things with another thing for senior to help me. I wonder if senior can allow it?" Qin Fengming put away the temple, bowed and said respectfully.

"Change the agreement? For the sake of the Tianyuan Heart-Building Pill you gave me, I will first listen to you if you have anything you need my help with." Miao Lin's eyes flashed, his expression sank, and he pondered for a while before saying.

"The junior wants the senior to help and allow the junior to enter that strange sealed place on the Heavenly Island." Qin Fengming said immediately without hesitation.

"What? You want to enter that place? This is impossible, because I can't do it. The transparent silk thread in the snowy land has become extremely terrifying after hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation. Without the special guard, no one dares to Travel through it." Suddenly hearing Qin Fengming's words, Miao Lin's eyes immediately changed and he refused without hesitation.

"The junior just wants to use the senior's special token to enter the upper realm magic circle. As for the place of transparent silk thread, the junior can make up his own mind."

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