The sound wave swept across, and its terrifying power was twice as powerful as the last time the Vicious Blood Frog roared. Amid the terrifying croaking of frogs, an extremely angry tone filled it.

Before Qin Fengming and the others could react, a ferocious aura suddenly burst onto the scene, followed by the sound of frogs.

A ferocious aura swept through him, and sharp blades suddenly appeared, suddenly shooting towards the surroundings.

"You are seeking death!" Just as the frogs croaked loudly, a loud shout followed. As the sound resounded, a huge amount of soul energy also emerged on the spot.

The blue mist-like divine soul energy surged and turned into a huge stream of water, suddenly intercepting the sonic impact from all directions.

However, Miao Lin's interception method did not completely resist the sonic attack from Xia Ming Frog.

The majestic divine soul energy surged, mixed with sound waves of sharp blades, like huge waves sweeping across, directly sucking the blue mist like a huge water stream into it.

The sound wave filled the air and suddenly broke out of the green mist sent by Miao Lin, impacting and spreading towards the vast hall.

Amidst the sound of sharp blades whizzing through the air, a rapid buzzing echoed throughout the scene. A huge amount of divine soul energy suddenly rolled back and suddenly wrapped Qin Fengming's body in it.

Before the sharp blades reached his body, a feeling that made it difficult for Qin Fengming to breathe and the energy of his soul to move was already sweeping over his body.

Amidst a crackling sound, the majestic soul energy condensed in the Qianjiyi Yuan Formation surrounding Qin Fengming suddenly collapsed.

Swept by the sword blade transformed by Mingwa's powerful sound waves and vicious energy, the Qianjiyi Yuan Formation, which had little defense, fell apart with almost no resistance.

Qin Fengming's pupils suddenly shrank when he felt a terrifying divine soul energy sweeping over him, as well as sharp blades flashing out of the divine soul energy.

One can imagine the power of a hateful blow from a Mahayana frog.

Qin Fengming's eyes flashed with blue light, and the energy of his soul surged in his body. His body had already been shattered by the Qianjiyi Yuan Formation, and he quickly retreated behind him.

While his body was moving, Qin Fengming already felt that the powerful power of imprisoning the soul had been greatly reduced. Under the induction, his heart suddenly relaxed.

Although the billowing sound waves and sharp blades that swept in front of me seemed to be powerful,

However, after Miao Lin instantly used a blocking secret technique, the power of the two attacks had been greatly weakened.

Although he has not reached the end of his strength, Qin Fengming is convinced that he can resist it with his own strength.

As soon as the magic formula in the body moved, the Qingyan sword blade suddenly shot out, directly attacking the sword turned by the energy of the soul and the violent energy.

Amidst the roaring sound, the Qingyan sword blades seemed to have touched the hard stone wall, and they shattered when they touched the rolling sound waves.

Seeing such a terrifying sound wave sweeping across, Qin Fengming, who had already retreated to the edge of the hall, did not panic too much. With a tense expression, the Qingyan sword blades in his hands quickly shot out.

In an instant, two to three hundred thick sword blades appeared in front of him.

Just when the sound wave and the sharp blade reached a dozen feet in front of Qin Fengming, a huge hole finally appeared above the tumbling sound wave.

"Buzz!~~" A loud sound that made Qin Fengming's ears buzz suddenly sounded from behind him, and a crisp and soft crunching sound also resounded on the spot.

"The ban on the main hall was broken by the sound wave of the underworld frog!"

As soon as the sound started to sound, Qin Fengming suddenly felt that there was nothing behind him. The walls of the hall that were originally protected by powerful forbidden guards had disappeared. With a thought in his heart, Qin Fengming immediately knew what happened.

"The three fellow Taoists quickly dispersed. This demon frog actually accumulated a large amount of soul energy without me checking it. Even I couldn't subdue it and capture it for a while."

A low shout sounded, and a figure jumped into the air.

As the hall was shattered, Qin Fengming hurriedly retreated, and was thousands of feet away in a sound wave hole that was broken.

At this moment, Qin Fengming also understood that although Miao Lin did not completely block the sound waves and sword blades offered by Xia Mingwa, he had lifted the ban on the hall. Denying that this wave of greatly reduced power of the sonic attack from the underworld frog cannot easily break the palace guard's restriction.

At the same time, Qin Fengming also knew from Miao Lin's words that the change that occurred this time was actually caused by the spirit of the Violent Blood Frog that had fallen into a coma secretly accumulating soul energy during his operation.

A Mahayana ghost frog spirit that was completely suppressed by a Mahayana man could actually do this, which was beyond Qin Fengming's imagination.

He was convinced that if his soul was imprisoned by a monk of the same level at this moment, it would be absolutely impossible for him to escape from the other party's control without external force.

Of course, Qin Fengming would not encounter such a situation.

Even if his own soul is imprisoned by a monk of the same level, he still has a second soul and a second mysterious soul, so he can still easily release his soul. And this is the purpose why monks spend a lot of time and energy cultivating the second soul or the second mysterious soul.

The majestic sound waves swept away, and the vast hall reappeared in front of Qin Fengming. He was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw that the land in front of me had become a smooth road. A ruthless blood frog with a solid body and exuding the terrifying spirit of Mahayana was currently suspended in the air. A pair of huge eyes flashed with a heart-wrenching gaze. In the mist, it looked very strange and scary.

The giant underworld frog did not make any loud noises, nor did it make any movements, but a feeling of panic that made Qin Fengming's whole body feel cold had already filled his whole body.

Facing the spirit body of this ruthless Blood Frog, Qin Fengming felt even more dangerous and terrifying than when he faced the Lily of the Valley Fairy.

The belly of the giant underworld frog bulged slightly and regularly, its huge throat slowly contracted and bulged, an inaudible cooing sound emitted, and a wave of ripples like water slowly spread out from its body towards the surroundings. Disperse away.

If such a terrifying being stopped in front of him, if it were Qin Fengming himself, his whole body would be stiff at this moment, and he might not have even a trace of resistance in his heart.

Suppressing the panic in his heart, Qin Fengming looked around and saw that Pengshan and Xiong Haoying had also retreated a thousand feet away at this moment, and were also looking at the giant underworld frog in fear.

Although there was no damage on the two of them at this time, their complexions had lost all color.

Previously, the two of them had already run out of soul energy in their bodies.

Although they were not killed by the terrifying sound waves and vicious blades of the Underworld Frog, they must have used their own powerful magical powers to escape that wave of attacks.

At this moment, the two of them are absorbing the soul stone energy with all their strength, hoping to replenish it a little.

At this moment, neither Qin Fengming nor Pengshan dared to escape. Because there are terrifying restrictions on this island. In addition, in front of two Mahayana beings, it was impossible for the three of them to escape.

Maybe Miao Lin would kill him as soon as he escaped.

"You...are you the Mahayana from another world who took advantage of the weakness of this saint to cross the tribulation?"

Qin Fengming was frightened in his heart and used the magic power in his body. He took out the Xuanwei Qingyan Sword in his hand and prepared for defense when a rumbling and dull sound suddenly sounded in his ears.

The voice was low and roaring, and seemed to be intermittent, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time and his words were not flowing smoothly.

Upon hearing this sound, the four people present, including Miao Lin, all looked shocked. This ruthless blood frog that exists in the Mahayana has extremely high spiritual intelligence and is able to fully transmit sounds with spiritual thoughts.

"So your intelligence has been fully activated, which is good." Looking at the giant ghost frog spirit, Miao Lin did not take action immediately, but his eyes flickered and he said coldly.

As soon as he said this, he also admitted what Ming Frog said. The reason why Miao Lin captured a Mahayana Violent Blood Ming Frog was because he took advantage of the opponent's weakness after going through the heavenly tribulation.

Just think about it, facing a ruthless blood frog in the Mahayana realm, when it is completely victorious, it can defeat it without even daring to say anything in the Mahayana realm.

"Hmph, what kind of magical power did you use before? It's really unusual that you actually planned to steal my Taoist insights. But no matter what kind of magical power it is, you can't even think about it today. Even if my soul is shattered, I will be the first to do so today. I will kill you and all the other unscrupulous people."

The rumble of sound transmission started again, filled with a ferocious meaning.

"Hmph, that's a lot of words. Since I used my secret technique to draw your soul out of your body, the only possibility that awaits you is that your soul will fly away. Even if you gathered a lot of soul energy while I wasn't paying attention this time, you will definitely There is no escaping the power of the laws of heaven.

If you use a secret technique when your soul energy is at its peak, splitting your soul into thousands of divided souls, you might be able to escape one or two from the bombardment of the laws of heaven and earth. If you insist on fighting with me, you will only fall faster. If you still want to survive, I advise you to perform the surgery quickly.

If you perform the technique at this moment, I guarantee that you will be able to complete the technique smoothly and will not attack you while you are performing the technique. I keep my word, you decide. "

Hearing the ruthless voice of the Brutal Blood Frog, Miao Lin's eyes flashed, he snorted coldly, and immediately spoke with disdain.

The spirit of the Violent Blood Frog separated from his body, which was the result of his using magic from the fairy world.

This kind of magic from the fairy world will have huge side effects when it is applied to the body of the spirit, that is, it cannot fall into reincarnation, nor can it seize the body. The final result is that the spirit will be bombarded by the laws of heaven and earth, and completely collapse and fall.

Hearing Miao Lin's words, the huge vicious blood frog spirit visibly trembled. A crazy look flashed out of its fierce eyes, and a rumble of sound transmission sounded:

"Even if my soul is gone, I will kill you and everyone else here today."

With a fierce gaze, the giant spirit did not lose any of its ferocious intent. Along with the sound of the sound, a strange wave was already surging around it.

Seeing the ruthless blood frog spirit taking action so decisively, Miao Lin narrowed his eyes, and then he heard a cold snort: "Zhan Qi, activate the magic circle quickly!"

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