Qin Fengming has been struggling in the world of immortality for a long time, and he knows that favors are not as beneficial as real treasures after all.

Based on his knowledge, he can certainly determine the attributes of the Yu brothers' auras, and he can also determine the attributes of their natal magic weapons.

Finding a few precious materials suitable for the two of them was really an easy task for Qin Fengming, who had collected a lot of precious materials.

However, what Qin Fengming took out should be extremely rare in the world of immortality. After thinking about it, I thought of the Gangyan Sand Crystal.

The birth of the Gangyan Sand Crystal is extremely demanding and requires the Fiery Flame Insect to swallow special things before it can be born. Fierce Flame Insects are already extremely difficult to find in the world of immortality, and Gangyan Sand Crystals are even more difficult to find.

"My brother deserves such a generous gift from Fellow Taoist Qin. No matter what Fellow Daoist says, my brother will do his best for Fellow Daoist. If you have anything to say, Fellow Daoist, please speak out."

Facing the divine materials displayed in front of them, even the two Xuanling peak cultivators couldn't help but feel excited. Looking at Qin Fengming, Yu Ming said solemnly.

In his opinion, since the other party has produced such precious materials, what they want their brothers to do must be extremely difficult. But no matter how difficult the task is, for the sake of this precious material, they must do their best to help complete it.

Of course, the two of them didn't think Qin Fengming would let them kill Huanyun.

"The Lieyan Mountain is located in a vast mountain range. What Qin wants to ask you two to do is to help arrange these three teleportation arrays at three locations away from the Lieyan Mountain and close to the depths of the chaotic battlefield. It is far from the Lieyan Mountain. The best place to fight is somewhere seventy or eighty thousand miles away."

Qin Fengming said calmly, and with a wave of his hand, a two-foot-large disk with three sides suddenly appeared on the table of the three of them.

These discs made of special objects on three sides are exactly the three sets of short-distance teleportation arrays made by Qin Fengming.

The transmission linked by these three teleportation arrays is not a specific teleportation array, but a teleportation talisman.

It took Qin Fengming three years to successfully refine it just now. This teleportation array can be said to be the most important thing for him to save his life this time.

If Qin Fengming wanted to escape in front of a Xuanling peak and a Mahayana being, it would be impossible for Qin Fengming to succeed no matter how powerful his flying escape technique was.

But if he could leave tens of thousands of miles away in an instant, still in the midst of a chaotic battlefield, then he would be fully confident in escaping.

Chasing a monk in a chaotic battlefield is extremely difficult even for Mahayana.

It's tens of thousands of miles away, so even if it's Mahayana, it's difficult to reach the spiritual consciousness.

"Fellow Taoist, it turns out that this method has been carefully prepared for a long time. However, this method is also extremely risky. The space atmosphere in the chaotic battlefield is extremely disordered, and it is also very dangerous to teleport in it. However, at the edge, the risk should be reduced a lot. Compared to falling to death, the risk is still worth taking."

Yu Yuan's expression showed a look of surprise, and he was filled with admiration.

"Fellow Taoist originally wanted my brother to handle this matter. This matter is not that difficult. Entering the chaotic battlefield is also very simple. Leave this matter to my brother and no information will be leaked." Yu Ming nodded. He happily agreed to Qin Fengming's request.

There is a time limit for entering the chaos battlefield, but that is for outsiders. If they want to enter, they can naturally do so easily.

"You two fellow Taoists, there is no need to rush to deal with this matter. In two days, a chaotic battlefield will begin.

The two fellow Taoists will just try to handle it at that time. Entering alone may arouse suspicion from others. "

When Qin Fengming left Fang Zhixian's cave, he had already found out the opening time of the Chaotic Battlefield, and agreed to fight Huanyun five days later, which was also planned.

Hearing what Qin Fengming said, Yu Ming nodded, understanding what Qin Fengming meant.

"At that time, my brother can send three close people to handle the matter without letting the three people know the details of the matter. This will make it safer." Yu Yuan's eyes flashed slightly, and then he said.

Qin Fengming heard this and nodded immediately.

Qin Fengming used the three-sided teleportation disk just to be on the safe side. One magic circle cannot receive teleportation, and there are two other teleportation arrays available.

This kind of teleportation array is usually the teleportation array closest to the teleportation symbol that operates and receives it. If the nearest teleportation array is destroyed, the next closest teleportation array will naturally receive it.

Qin Fengming said goodbye to the Yu brothers and still did not return to his cave. Instead, he started wandering around Gale Wind City.

No matter where he was, including the restaurant, the auction hall, and even the gate of Gale Wind City, he turned around. On the way, he discovered that no less than a dozen monks were interested in him. The cultivation levels of those monks are all extraordinary, and the lowest level is at the early stage of spiritual enlightenment.

It seems that every Mahayana man has many monks attached to him.

After this wandering, Qin Fengming knew that it was impossible to escape from Liefeng City. Even if he changes his appearance and calms down his aura, there is still no way he can leave.

He was even more certain that among the monks in Gale City, there must be some high-ranking people who were members of Fairy Suzuli.

It seems that an upright battle with Huanyun is inevitable.

After wandering around Gale Wind City for half a day, Qin Fengming teleported back to his cave with no interest.

As soon as Shi returned to the cave and activated all the restrictions, a strange smile suddenly appeared on Qin Fengming's expressionless face.

After closing the cave door, Qin Fengming did not leave the cave for the next two days.

"Little friend Qin, Fairy Linglan has agreed to your request. Three days later, we will fight Huan Yun at Lieyan Mountain for life and death." Two days later, a transmission note appeared in Qin Fengming's cave. The voice sounded, it was Ling Chaoyang's words.

After hearing what Ling Chaoyang said, Qin Fengming's expression did not change.

He had already expected that Fairy Lily of the Valley would agree to his proposal. No matter who of the two of them takes action, they are absolutely sure to kill him.

It is always better to kill them quickly and openly than to waste them like this.

Just when Qin Fengming calmed down and closed his eyes again, another transmission note suddenly entered the cave.

"If nothing happens, little friend, please come to Ling's cave to talk."

The person who conveyed the message was still Ling Chaoyang.

Upon hearing this message, Qin Fengming couldn't help but frown. He didn't understand why Ling Chaoyang summoned him at this moment.

A Mahayana being used the word "please" in his message transmission, which is very surprising in itself.

Although he didn't know why Ling Chaoyang was looking for him, Qin Fengming didn't dare to disobey him. Even if he didn't ask for Ling Chaoyang, he wouldn't dare to disobey the summons of a Mahayana being.

Qin Fengming easily found Ling Chaoyang's temporary residence in Liefeng City.

"Junior pays homage to senior, what are the instructions for calling junior here?" As the door of the cave opened, Qin Fengming entered the cave and immediately bowed and saluted, asking.

Ling Chaoyang was the only one in this cave.

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