Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 4964 Participating in Research

To the three of them, the life and death of a Xuanling monk really didn't matter. The value is only the refining of Soul Gathering Heavenly Soul Pill. If the refining is successful, it will have no value as far as the three of them are concerned.

However, Ling Chaoyang was greatly moved when he heard that Qin Fengming could recognize the Earth Fire Array in the Land of Earth Fire at a glance.

Hearing what Ling Chaoyang said, Nangong Cuirong's eyes flashed with strange color. But she didn't say anything. The conversation seemed to have come to an end.

A turning point seemed to be happening without Qin Fengming knowing it.

Qin Fengming, who was in the land of earth and fire, no longer paid attention to outside matters, and he no longer cared about the possibility of facing a Mahayana that would put his life in danger.

At this time, Qin Fengming had already entered a state of selflessness.

He needed to find a way to solve the problem of the difficulty of integrating various herbs into the Soul-Julying Heavenly Soul Pill. This cracking method can only start from two aspects, one is the elixir rune pattern, and the other is the medicinal properties.

He had also refined this kind of elixir containing pure divine soul energy before, but the efficacy of that elixir was naturally incomparable with the current Soul Gathering Heavenly Soul elixir.

Three months later, Qin Fengming started refining again.

This time, the refining speed was obviously much slower than last time. The decrease in speed also takes into account the refining techniques and experience of the person who controls the refining.

Qin Fengming needs to understand the changes in the medicinal properties of each step little by little, and also needs to carefully examine the changes in each rune pattern.

After two months of intermission, Qin Fengming once again fell into deep thought.

A month later, the third refining started again. This time during the refining process, Qin Fengming moved very quickly, injecting rune after rune quickly, and a ball of green soul fluorescence suddenly rose in the alchemy furnace.

Seeing a situation in front of him that he had never seen before twice, Qin Fengming was not happy at all.

Because he knew that this time he had only found the path, but he was still far from truly stepping into the door. Although he knew in his heart that he still could not successfully refine it, he finally had a direction in his mind.

However, just when Qin Fengming felt relieved, a majestic energy suddenly burst out from the alchemy furnace.

A dull roar sounded, and a burning smell suddenly filled the air, shrouding the entire alchemy room.

After waving his hand to wipe away the smell of the cave, Qin Fengming frowned slightly and stared blankly at the alchemy furnace, motionless for a moment.

"Is it really necessary to use the power of the Five Elements Beasts to balance the soul energy?" Qin Fengming murmured, his expression becoming very solemn.

He had already found a sticking point before. That is, he can use the power of the second soul and the second mysterious soul to ensure that the energy of the soul is sufficient during refining. But in terms of balancing the energy of the soul with the power of the runes, there are still some flaws.

Because the medicinal properties of various spiritual herbs are very different, and some of them contain the majestic five-element attribute energy, it is simply impossible to suppress those mixed energies with the energy of the soul alone.

Even with the help of runes, it is difficult to completely subdue the energy of those herbs.

Qin Fengming refined it for the third time, and it can be said that he has used all the means to balance the energy that he can use, but it is still difficult to completely suppress the mixed energy in the medicinal herbs.

In the end, it was inevitable that the mixed energy would backfire and destroy the entire furnace of medicinal herbs.

He could not suppress the energy of hundreds of herbs by himself.

This had to make Qin Fengming think of the five-element beast lying on the ground beside him.

The five element beasts have a lazy look at the moment. Ever since Qin Fengming released them, they have looked listless.

Because they have long sensed that there are no drastic energy changes here that deserve their attention.

The five little guys were lying together, and a strange light wave of five-color glow enveloped the five little beasts. Everything seemed so harmonious and quiet.

Even Qin Fengming's dull roar did not attract the five little beasts' attention at all.

The realm of the five little beasts is difficult to define. When it was still a beast egg, it was able to make Qin Fengming, who was already in the late stage of foundation building, fall into a coma.

Therefore, it is impossible to classify the five element beasts according to the levels of ordinary monsters.

At this moment, each of the five elemental beasts has a ball of different colors in their body. Even if Qin Fengming's soul is at a high level, if he senses the ball, he will be captured by its breath.

The fact that the Five Elements Beasts were able to help him overcome the Xuanling Heavenly Tribulation was enough to show that the Five Elements Beasts had advanced to an extremely high level.

However, Qin Fengming was also convinced that the strength of the five little beasts was still far from helping the Mahayana beings to overcome the catastrophe.

If you want the Five Elements Beast to be able to help overcome the Mahayana Tribulation, you must find a way to make the strange ball in the Five Elements Beast's body become more solid.

Qin Fengming didn't know the specific extent to which the Five Elements Beast could advance to the Mysterious Spirit Realm.

There are some introductions about the Five Elements Beasts in the classics of the world of immortality, but they are all incomplete. They only say that they are divine beasts that transcend tribulations. Exactly, almost none.

The reason is that the Five Elements Beast is just a legend and has long since disappeared from the world of immortality.

Qin Fengming looked at the five-element beast lying on the ground, his eyes flickered, and he sent out a spiritual thought.

The five little beasts jumped up, but when they looked around, they all showed hesitation. It was obvious that they had found nothing that interested them.

Qin Fengming ignored the little beasts' displeasure and directly sent out his spiritual thoughts to make the five little beasts stop at the five positions.

With the help of the magic circle, Qin Fengming can focus on other things.

After pondering for a long time, Qin Fengming began to refine the Soul Gathering Heavenly Soul Pill for the fourth time.

Time passed slowly, and a ball of mixed heaven and earth energy filled the vast earth fire cave, filling the entire cave with dazzling light.

The aroma of medicine fills the air, the energy surges, and everything seems in order.

"Roar!~" There was a muffled sound, and a burning smell emerged again, filling the cave.

With a heavy expression, Qin Fengming cleared away the discarded items in the alchemy furnace without any pause, and started the fifth refining process again.

Time passed slowly, and this time it obviously lasted much longer than the last time.

But in the end, it still stopped with a roar.

Qin Fengming cleaned the alchemy furnace with a calm expression, closed his eyes, and began to fall into deep contemplation again.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Fengming, the second soul, and the second mysterious soul opened their eyes at the same time, danced their hands, and started the sixth refining...

One day seven years later, in the Fire Alchemy Ground of Gale City, where loud roars were heard constantly, a roar that shook the sky suddenly sounded. A young monk jumped up with a look of surprise on his face and waved his hand to grab it. He caught the three elixirs that flew out of the elixir furnace, and his eyes flashed.

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