"Why are you here? I haven't looked for you for so long. Why didn't you come to me earlier?" A graceful figure flashed and soon arrived in front of Qin Fengming. .

"How can these many monks fight with you? As soon as you see that they are powerful, you can leave first to avoid danger." Qin Fengming looked at Qingyu and saw that she was not injured. He felt a little relieved and said.

The nine opponents surrounded her and attacked her alone. Although it seemed that Qing Yu could avoid the attacks every time, Qin Fengming knew in his heart that it was because the nine opponents did not attack with all their strength.

You must know that the monks who can be carried into this place by the emperor's clone are all at Xuan level or above.

If the other nine people attack with all their strength, the danger to Qing Yu will be much greater than before.

However, Qin Fengming was able to guess a little about what the nine people were thinking. With their own side already taking the initiative, none of the nine monks wanted to take action with all their strength. He just wanted to use the power of nine people to kill Qing Yu on the spot.

If Qing Yu is forced too much, something strange might happen. And with the remaining strength, he can also resist Qing Yu's sudden and powerful attack.

Everyone thinks this way because Qing Yu is too famous.

"It's hard to touch them, but you can't just let them go. It's just that you are too stupid to realize that I am in danger until now. Otherwise, if you come earlier, I won't take any risks."

Qing Yu's naked eyes flickered, filled with joy. Qin Fengming was obviously very happy to come.

Hearing the soft exchanges between Qin Fengming and Qing Yu, the remaining eight monks all looked at each other with confusion in their eyes.

"Han Lie, Qin let you go last time, but this time you dare to misbehave with Fairy Qing. It seems that your life is over." Qin Fengming did not talk to Qing Yu anymore, but crossed Qing Yu and faced Standing The three monks in the distance said coldly.

Qin Fengming knew that these three monks were the three Han Lies who escaped from Qin Fengming when they were in Xumi Space.

At that time, Han Lie used a monk's spirit to self-destruct to hinder Qin Fengming's pursuit, but he did not expect that now Han Lie would unite with others and once again want to kill Qing Yu.

Thinking about it, this is quite normal. Han Lie saw with his own eyes that Qing Yu condensed the light of the Great Law.

Being able to condense the light of the Great Law is enough to show that Qing Yu's artistic conception is no longer comparable to that of Han Lie. Once outside, if Han Lie wants to surpass Qing Yu, conventionally speaking, there is no chance.

If Qing Yu could be killed early, the bond in Han Lie's heart would naturally disappear. This will also be extremely beneficial to his future cultivation.

Otherwise, he must always be wary of Qing Yu, and he will undoubtedly become his inner demon.

"Humph, junior, Witch Qingyu really has an affair with you. You dare to seduce Qingyu. If Zhou Huaijin finds out, even if you can escape today, you will definitely be crushed by Zhou Huaijin in the future. If you stay away obediently, Han will not Calculate."

Seeing Qin Fengming appear on the spot and killing a monk, Han Lie's eyes flashed coldly and he spoke coldly.

He also hates Qin Fengming deeply. The last time Qing Zijian was captured, Hongfang's Ancient Butterfly was destroyed, and he also lost a late Xuan-level being who had followed him for hundreds of years. This made Han Lie hate Qin Fengming to the extreme. at.

How Qing Zijian escaped later, Han Lie did not delve into it.

Because he knows that Qing Zijian is not an ordinary person, and his methods are powerful and unpredictable, even he needs to be polite to him.

Being captured by the opponent can only be regarded as an accident. It won't surprise him at all to escape while the other party is not prepared.

"You should have seen these three people. There is another wave of five people. The leader of the emperor's avatar is named Xi Hao, and his real body is named Emperor Zhuowen. He practices the way of demons, and his physical attacks are extremely extraordinary. He needs to be vigilant the most. What's more, he can manifest his true form here, a terrifying thing covered in scales. I'm not very familiar with the other monks. Although I fought with them for several hours, they didn't display many of their powerful magical powers. After a while, You have to be careful when fighting. It will definitely be a bit more intense than the fight I just fought."

Qing Yu stood next to Qin Fengming and easily introduced Qin Fengming's opponent.

She was like a mirror in her mind, knowing that although the fight just now was lively, no one on either side made a desperate move. But the fight below is bound to be a life and death duel.

Qin Fengming nodded and did not answer Qingyu, but his expression suddenly showed a relaxed look.

"Han Lie, when Qin didn't chase you and others, he was merciful. Now I'll give you a chance. The three of you will help me and Fairy Qing capture Xi Hao and others. I will ask Fairy Qing to give you and others a lighter punishment." Three people, I think you also know what the consequences will be."

Qin Fengming moved, stopped and stood several hundred feet away from Han Lie, looked at the three monks with flashing vigilant eyes, and said easily.

"Hahaha, junior, you are really arrogant. You think you can intimidate Han with your monsters. What a joke. Han thinks that his grudge with Witch Qingyu cannot be explained away. How could he miss such an opportunity? Even if Zhou Huaijin arrives today , and Qing Yu must be captured."

Hearing what Qin Fengming said, Han Lie couldn't help but let out a sneer.

He believed that there was no possibility of reconciliation with Qing Yu. In addition, he had joined forces with Xi Hao and several strong reinforcements, and he was still in an environment where his strength was greatly suppressed. If he could not achieve his wish, then he would really not be able to defeat Qing Yu. It is absolutely impossible for him to give up at this time.

"Brother Han, don't bother talking to them. I'll take full action now and get rid of these two people as soon as possible."

Just as Qin Fengming was talking to Han Lie, the Emperor's clone on the other side was already impatient and suddenly shouted.

"This Xi Hao has always been ruthless and domineering. Back then, he forced a long-established immortal cultivating family to submit because of a herb that was used to refine Xuan-level elixirs. I didn't expect that I would happen to be with a member of that family. The female cultivator was a good friend, so she punished her.

This time he entered the Qinggu space because he wanted to seek revenge on me. When I met Han Lie, I hit it off immediately. If you attack immediately, don't be merciful, just capture and kill him directly. "

Qing Yu did not get close to Qin Fengming, but swayed and stopped in the distance, wary of Xi Hao and the others. At the same time, he spoke and explained to Qin Fengming some of the grudges between Xi Hao and her.

Qin Fengming nodded but said nothing.

He actually didn't know much about Qing Yu. However, from the mouths of other monks, they knew that Qing Yu was a troublemaker everywhere. When he fought with Qing Yu, they faced each other to the death without any explanation.

I just heard that although Qing Yu was very good at fighting, she rarely killed those she captured. It's just going to be torture.

The exact method of torture is unknown, but it won't be easy.

Now that Xi Hao has gathered monks to intercept Qing Yu in the Qinggu space, it should be because of his past capture.

No matter what Qing Yu has done, he must stand by Qing Yu's side now. There is no distinction between likes and dislikes in the world of immortality. Everything is driven by interests. It was naturally in his best interest for him to help Qing Yu.

"Okay, let's go all out and kill these men and women together." Han Lie said decisively without hesitation, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Since you are looking for death, Qin is not to blame. Let's do it!" When Qin Fengming heard Han Lie say this, his expression showed no signs of strangeness at all, and he just said lightly.

Before he could finish his words, a bright light appeared at Han Lie's side, and in a flash, it struck his left chest.

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