At the same time, what surprised Qin Fengming was that, logically speaking, Fang Liang, who had a monster body, should be able to resist the aura of the dead. But on the contrary, when Fang Liang first faced the undead energy, although he had the means to refine it, it would take a certain amount of time.

However, when Jin Yan faced the soul beast containing the spirit of death, instead of using any means of resistance, he directly ate it into his belly.

Such a situation was something Qin Fengming did not expect.

Through mental contact, Qin Fengming was convinced that the little beast was not feeling any discomfort at this moment. I was surprised, but also very happy. As long as the little beasts can devour the soul beasts here, the ghosts and ghosts in the Valley of Ten Thousand Souls will also have no problem.

Qin Fengming couldn't help but look forward to it with Ten Thousand Souls Valley and his party.

When he returned to the three girls, he was questioned by Mingxi. Qin Fengming smiled slightly and said, "Qin didn't leave for fun just now. At this moment, Qin already has a way to deal with those soul beasts, as long as he doesn't encounter Xuanjie Existence, Qin can guarantee that he will be able to protect your young lady from falling into the mouth of the spirit beast."

Hearing Qin Fengming's words, the three female cultivators were all shocked.

Qin Fengming's words were undoubtedly exaggerated. The soul beast is a terrifying existence that has great restraint on the body of the monk's soul. Even the soul beasts in the Demon King Realm can pose a threat to everyone at this moment if there are too many of them.

If it weren't for Qin Fengming's Qing Yan Sword, which had an extremely strong restraint effect on soul beasts, the previous soul beast wouldn't have been able to escape as quickly as it appeared.

Soul beasts are more intelligent than ghosts and ghosts, so when they see something bad, they immediately run away.

If you encounter the ghost of a ferocious ghost who is not very intelligent and is not afraid of death, it is a sure thing to have a stalemate with everyone. At that time, the danger to everyone will also increase.

"Huh, fellow Taoist, you really dare to speak. The soul beast at the top of the Demon Lord here is much more powerful and difficult to deal with than the Flame Sunda Falcon. Now, fellow Taoist, you dare to say that you can easily resist it. Do you still think you do it? Is it the heyday?”

Mingxi snorted with a sarcastic look on her pretty face, and spoke with disdain.

She didn't think Qin Fengming was telling the truth. Even Leng Qiuhong and Gu Yao showed disbelief.

"Girls, you'd better not believe it. If you really encounter a powerful monster at the top of the Demon Lord, and Qin can't resist it, the three of you will take a big risk." Qin Fengming didn't take it seriously, smiled slightly, and said lightly .

As soon as he said this,

A strange color flashed in the eyes of the three women. Immediately he understood the meaning of Qin Fengming's words.

Mingxi nodded and no longer targeted Qin Fengming.

"We are traveling around the main valley now, so the chance of encountering powerful spirit beasts should be low. But if we go tens of thousands of miles further, we may encounter ghosts. Those ferocious and soulless creatures are not afraid of death. The evil creatures of wisdom are most sensitive to the aura of our souls, and they will not stop fighting if they encounter them. At that time, fellow Taoists will need to take full action."

Leng Qiuhong's beautiful eyes flashed, she looked at Qin Fengming and said.

This time Leng Qiuhong abandoned the five powerful monks who had followed her into the Qinggu space and only let Qin Fengming escort them, because the number of people was small and the breath would be retained. To reduce the chance of being sensed by ghosts and ghosts.

But with a small number of people, if they are besieged by a large number of ghosts, the threat to everyone will naturally increase.

"Don't worry, fairy. As long as Qin can do his best, he will not ignore it. Qin is still very interested in the sealed treasure on the fairy." Qin Fengming's expression was slightly solemn, but his tone was still calm.

Leng Qiuhong nodded and said nothing more.

The four people moved and flew forward again.

I don't know whether it was because the four of them were too lucky, or because there were not many soul beasts on the path they chose, but the four of them had been flying for more than ten days without encountering a powerful soul beast.

Although several demon king realm soul beasts attacked the four of them, they were easily forced to retreat under their attack.

Those soul beasts are very intelligent and are not as entangled as the ghosts who have no intelligence.

What surprised Qin Fengming was that whenever a soul beast approached, Gu Yao would be the first to sound a warning. It seems that she has strong senses and can sense the approaching soul beast from a long distance.

Qin Fengming looked confused and looked at Gu Yao several times, but he could not find out how Gu Yao sensed the approach of the soul beast.

But none of the three women planned to explain to him, so Qin Fengming naturally wouldn't ask.

Everyone has secrets, and it would be most unwise to ask.

While flying in this mist-filled area, none of the four dared to use full speed. They only flew at the ordinary escape speed of Chengdan monks. While flying, you have to hold the soul stone in your hand to replenish your own energy.

The only thing that makes Qin Fengming feel happy is that after knowing that Gu Yao can sense the existence of soul beasts around him, he no longer needs to be wary of the surrounding situation. The matter of warning was completely left to Gu Yao.

Every three or four days the four of them fly, they will find a secret place to stay for a day to restore their condition.

In this dangerous place, the four of them need to keep themselves in excellent condition all the time. It is extremely dangerous to risk your life.

As a result, the flying distance of the four people was very small. In more than ten days, they only flew three to forty thousand miles. If you want to fly at such a speed and reach the place where the female cultivator said, it will probably take two or three months.

Fortunately, everyone had enough time and no one was in a hurry.

"We have been fleeing for so long, and we haven't encountered any soul beasts for five or six days. This means that we may have entered the sphere of influence of the ghosts. I'm afraid we need Fellow Daoist Qin to take action."

Mingxi's face no longer had the usual indifferent expression, and she spoke very solemnly.

"Yes, you should be out of the spirit beast area, and the danger below will also increase. After all, the spirit beast is not as sensitive to the aura of the body of the soul as the ghost ghosts like us." Leng Qiuhong nodded, looking extremely serious.

Gu Yao rarely spoke, but her expression became a bit more solemn at this moment.

For Qin Fengming, ghosts and ghosts are easier to deal with than spirit beasts. If he really encounters a soul beast that reaches the peak of spiritual power, he may really need to use all his means to capture it.

But if he encounters a psychic ghost, he feels it will be easier.

Seeing that Qin Fengming's expression was not strange at all, Mingxi moved the corner of his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to ridicule Qin Fengming a few more words, but in the end he said nothing, and just glared at Qin Fengming with his beautiful eyes.

As the surrounding fog became thicker and thicker, the four people became more vigilant.

What surprised the four of them was that in the place known as the Valley of Ten Thousand Souls, not a single ghost was encountered in the next two days.

This suddenly made the four people feel a lingering sense of depression that was difficult to relieve.

After marching for another day, there was still no ghost or ghost. Qin Fengming's flying body suddenly stopped on a mountain peak. The three women also stopped.

"This place is so abnormal. If Qin is not mistaken, an extremely powerful ghost must have appeared in this area, swallowing or expelling other ghosts." Qin Fengming said slowly with a gloomy face.

After hearing his words, the expressions of the three women changed slightly at the same time. His eyes flashed, and there seemed to be fear in them.

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