Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 4829 The secret of the clone

Master Gu Cang, facing the Yan Xun Falcon at the pinnacle of divine connection, his own strength was greatly reduced, and even his mentality was no longer comparable to his usual state.

This is not because the human nature and will of Master Gu Cang are weak. It is caused by a kind of hierarchical pressure deep in his heart that penetrates into his soul. Just like a goshawk fighting a rabbit, no matter how majestic the hare is when seeing the goshawk, it can only think of running away in panic and has no intention of stopping to fight with it.

Among the four people at this moment, Master Gu Cang, whose strength can be said to be unpredictable, is the one with the least fighting spirit among them.

As soon as Hajime saw the surging vitality energy in front of him, he immediately exclaimed.

In this dense forest and mountains, no matter what causes such a majestic energy to gather and surge ahead, as long as there is a struggle, there must be a powerful presence. As long as the terrifying Flame Falcon is lured forward, the attention of the vicious bird will be distracted. The four of them are convinced of this.

The four figures flew away, shooting away in the direction where the vitality of heaven and earth gathered.

Soon, a vast place where vitality and soul energy surged appeared in the consciousness of the four people.

Sensing the scene of the fight with the shadowy figures, the four of them, including Qin Fengming, felt excited. The sudden escape speed of the four people increased again, like four blazing lightning bolts, heading straight towards the center of the battlefield without any pause.

Amidst the banging sound, Qin Fengming waved the long sword in his hand and chopped away the two magic weapons that were fired at him. His body flashed and he passed directly by the three monks in the fight.

At the same time, Master Gu Cang and Mo Ze plunged into the fight between several monks like horns.

The secret techniques that had already been activated in the hands of the three people came out one after another. At the same time, they protected themselves and blocked several attacks that blocked the lasing.

His body flashed and he passed through the chaotic battlefield of more than a dozen monks without stopping.

"Ga! Ga!~~" A deafening eagle cry suddenly resounded, and the body of the huge Yanxun Falcon, already like a black horse, followed Qin Fengming and the four of them and shot towards the scene of the fight.

"Ah, damn it, those four people actually led that ferocious bird here." As Qin Fengming and the four others shot away, a cry of surprise rang out almost simultaneously.

The sound contained powerful energy, covering the entire area of ​​the fight scene.

"Quickly form a combined attack formation to defend against this vicious bird first.

If you go alone, you will be defeated by them one by one. "Among the exclamations, someone immediately called out to everyone.

Almost instantly, two combined attack formations composed of several people were formed on the spot.

The huge body of the Yanxun Falcon suddenly stopped on the spot. A pair of eagle eyes flashing with ferocious light quickly scanned the scene, and a deafening eagle call resounded. A terrifying aura suddenly surged from his body, and two huge wings suddenly flapped sharply.

His body was shaking, and the fierce flames seemed to be even higher than when he was chasing Qin Fengming and his four men.

"How did this ferocious bird escape here? This place is far beyond the scope of the ferocious bird. Could it be...did those four people steal the baby of the ferocious bird?"

Upon seeing the giant ferocious bird appear, a voice of doubt immediately rang out from everyone present.

"No. If the baby of the ferocious bird is captured by the four people passing by quickly, it will definitely not stop at this moment, but will directly pursue the four people. Now that it sees us again, it will definitely be He recognized that we once wanted to get our hands on its cubs, so he put his anger on us again. Fellow Taoists, use your magic quickly, let's escape from this vicious bird."

Among the crowd, there was someone with an extremely flexible mind. A female cultivator's soft voice rang out, and he immediately determined the cause and effect of the matter.

If Qin Fengming and the others heard the discussion at this moment, they would definitely feel grateful to those people. If those few people had not gone to the ferocious bird's nest before, thinking about it today, even if they lured the ferocious bird here, maybe the ferocious bird would not stop and might still pursue the four of them.

As everyone formed a collective attack formation, the huge vicious bird finally locked onto one of the monks.

With a flash of body, he flew towards the wave of monks...

"The ferocious bird has locked its hatred on those two waves of monks. I don't think it will pursue me anymore." The figure of Qin Fengming flashed, and the four of Qin Fengming were tens of thousands of miles away in no time. Stopping on a mountain peak, Master Gu Cang spoke calmly.

At this time, Master Gu Cang's expression has returned to calmness. Although there is still a hint of fear in the depths of his eyes, he has undoubtedly returned to his usual calmness at this moment.

"Those two waves of people fighting are Leng Qiuhong on one side and Feng Xie on the other."

Nian Lian turned around and looked at the mountains in the distance. The fear in his eyes slowly disappeared, and his expression returned to calm. However, instead of following the meaning of Master Gu Cang's words, Nian Lian suddenly introduced what he had just said. The two waves of fighting monks encountered.

Hearing what Nian Lian said, Qin Fengming's expression did not change.

Although it was just a quick glance, he still saw that there were men and women among the two waves of fighting monks, and there seemed to be a lot of female monks as well.

The Leng Qiuhong that Nian Lian was talking about at this moment should be the clone of the Empress.

"Haha, fellow Taoist Nian, do you still want to try the treasure and become the guest of Fairy Leng?" Hearing Nian Lian's words, Mo Ze suddenly laughed and said some lighthearted and playful words.

"Hmph, you and I are the Emperor's clones, so naturally we have no chance to become good friends with Fairy Leng. However, Senior Gu and Senior Qin can give it a try. If the two seniors are willing, with their senior methods, they might be able to bring that person to the throne. The seal of this treasure is opened, and good things will happen with Fairy Leng."

After hearing Moze's words, Nian Lian's face darkened and he spoke again.

"Two fellow Taoists, does Leng Qiuhong have any hidden treasures on his body?" After hearing the exchange between the two, Qin Fengming and Gu Cang both looked puzzled.

"You two don't know that Fairy Leng Qiuhong is the first avatar of Emperor Tianyun, but she is not very old, less than five thousand years old, and her cultivation is already at the late stage of Emperor Xuan. Because she is Emperor Tianyun is a clone, so after entering the Xuan level, it is natural to look for someone with dual cultivation.

It's just that the avatar of Emperor Tianyun is different from others in finding a dual cultivator and requires special conditions. According to legend, every clone of Emperor Tianyun will refine a rare treasure after entering the Xuan level. After completely refining the rare treasure, you can choose a dual cultivator companion. Only with a dual cultivator companion can each clone be able to advance to the Mahayana.

In fact, although our Emperor clones appear to be beautiful and have strong support, the hardships involved are unknown to others. With my qualifications, even if there is no Qinggu Sacrifice, as long as we have enough time and practice with concentration, we will one day be able to reach the peak of Daoxuan level.

But when our clones reach the top of Daoxuan level, it’s the end. Because our clones are the ones designated by the original body to inherit their own mantles, they somehow lack the luck to advance to the Mahayana. Only after the original body expires can the first clone completely inherit the original mantle and advance to the realm of Mahayana.

For millions of years, only a handful of people have been able to directly advance to Mahayana through avatars. Two of them are the clones of Emperor Tianyun. It is rumored that the reason why Tianyun Emperor's clone can advance is because of its special cultivation method and its ability to use dual cultivation to comprehend the great ways of heaven and earth. "

Seeing Qin Fengming and the two people's doubts, Nian Lian began to explain in detail.

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