"How can Qin deserve such praise from fellow Taoist Gu Cang? My surname is Qin and my name is Fengming. I am just a junior in the world of cultivating immortals. Thanks to God's blessing, I just advanced to the Xuan level a few years ago."

Qin Fengming clasped his fists at Master Gu Cang and spoke bluntly without concealing his name.

While Qin Fengming was talking to Master Gu Cang, Nian Lian, who stabilized his body, finally recovered. He looked at Qin Fengming with a look of shock and surprise in his eyes.

Facing the green silk net just now, if it weren't for his jade pendant's self-protection, he could be sure that he would most likely have fallen into the opponent's hands at this moment. Even if you have a powerful means of support, it may be difficult to activate it for a while.

The terrifying power of the soul displayed by the silk screen, as well as the frightening ability to corrode the soul, really made him fearful and fearful.

However, what shocked him even more was that the young monk in front of him who had already imprisoned him with just one blow turned out to be a Xuan-level person who had just advanced to Xuanzun.

How could a person in such a realm not be shocked that his methods were so terrifying? You must know that he has fought against several people in the early and middle stages of Xuanzun, and two Xuanzuns have fallen into his hands. I have never met someone who could imprison him so easily.

"Hahaha, although fellow Daoist Qin has just advanced to the Xuan level, in the battle outside the Qinggu space, even Lei Yun was defeated at the hands of fellow Daoist Qin." A laugh sounded, and Mo Ze suddenly spoke at the right moment.

"What? Are you saying that Lei Yun, who is very likely to inherit the mantle of Emperor Hanxiao, also fell into his hands?"

Suddenly hearing Mo Ze's laughter, Nian Lian's complexion changed color once again.

Who is Lei Yun? He is very famous among their Emperor clones. That is a powerful person with a Chaos Spiritual Treasure. Even if he is besieged by several Xuanzun peak beings, he is powerful enough to protect himself.

Although Nian Lian's first reaction when he heard what Mo Ze said was disbelief, the doubt in his heart immediately dissipated when he thought that he had almost fallen into the opponent's hands just now.

"Hmph, why don't fellow Taoist Nian believe it? If fellow daoist don't believe it, you can fight with fellow daoist Qin again to see if you can capture and kill fellow daoist Qin." Mo Ze was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, so he snorted coldly and said to Nian Lian spoke in a mocking tone.

Based on his thoughts, he certainly thought that if Nian Lian fought with Qin Fengming again, he might be able to capture Nian Lian next time. As long as he can control Nian Lian, Master Gu Cang will naturally use the rat weapon, and he might be able to make Gu Cang obey him.

Moze thought very well,

But Nian Lian, who had just experienced a frightening situation, would not take action again.

Nian Lian had just been besieged by Bihunsi without checking. Although he was at a disadvantage, he was not really captured by Qin Fengming. But in that situation, if he wanted to get out of trouble easily, he couldn't.

However, he had to use all his means, thinking that he could still get out of trouble.

But if he really uses life-saving means, even if he can escape, he will definitely take a lot of risks.

No matter what, he was already wary of the methods of the young monk in front of him.

It is already unwise to provoke the other party at this moment.

"Fellow Taoist Qin's methods are beyond ordinary. I have not fought with anyone for ten thousand years. Today, if I encounter someone with such methods, if I don't fight, I will definitely feel regretful in the future. Friend Taoist, please let me teach you Taoist Taoist's methods. "

Before Nian Lian could answer Moze, Master Gu Cang's eyes narrowed, he fisted Qin Fengming and said calmly.

His words were spoken easily, but a surge of momentum suddenly spurted out from him. The aura condensed, and a ferocious aura suddenly appeared that made people's hearts agitate just by looking at it.

In this Qinggu space, Master Canggu was still able to condense such a thick evil spirit. Moze and Nian Lian suddenly felt it, and their expressions changed. Deep shock emerged in my heart.

"Since Taoist friend has this intention, Qin will accompany you." Qin Fengming said without any hesitation, looking at Master Gu Cang's face, he agreed immediately.

As he spoke, a cold aura suddenly filled the air outside his body. The breath surged and swirled, wrapping Qin Fengming's body in it.

The breath was swirling and gushing, like a huge wild beast that was waiting to kill with its fangs and claws.

When this aura suddenly appeared, the eyes of the three people present immediately condensed.

This cold aura visible to the naked eye turned out to be a ferocious aura. Moreover, the ferocious energy released by Qin Feng was even more dense and majestic than what Master Gu Cang showed.

The ferocious spirit is closely related to the monks' own killings. It can be said that this ferocious spirit is the result of the resentment of those people who were killed by the monks.

Qin Fengming's age as a cultivator is not as good as that of people of the same level, but when it comes to killings, even if he is at the peak of the Xuan level and a Mahayana being, it is hard to say that anyone has caused more killings than him.

Without him, he had used his methods to kill tens of millions of souls in the Land of Immortal Relics.

Just think about the peak of Xuanling or the Mahayana. After knowing the karma of cause and effect, who would dare to take such action.

Even Qin Fengming was very frightened when he found out. Fortunately, those mindless souls he killed were not the people he killed.

And as long as the act of killing is not carried out for no reason, the karma will naturally not be too much.

It was the first time he saw Qin Fengming releasing such a terrifying and ferocious energy, and Mo Ze's heart couldn't help but pound. The fear in my heart lingered for a while.

He really couldn't imagine how a spiritual monk could carry such a terrifying and ferocious aura.

"Fellow Taoist, please!" A whisper rang out, and Qin Fengming flashed forward and went straight forward.

Facing Qin Fengming's almost invisible ferocious aura, Master Gu Cang couldn't help but shrink his eyes slightly. But he didn't say much, his figure also flashed green light, and came towards Qin Fengming.

But this time, no one got close to the other party to take action.

As soon as he started to move, Qin Fengming's hands were already pointing quickly. Like a flying saucer piercing a flower, the fingers danced rapidly. One after another, huge sword blades of green color, like sword rain, instantly covered the sky in front of Master Gu Cang.

Everyone could see clearly that these sudden attacks were just the sword energy Qin Fengming casually unleashed.

But the majestic energy displayed by each sword blast is no different from a full-strength blow from a monk at the top of the aggregation. If it were one or several such powerful sword energy attacks, no one would be surprised. However, Qin Fengming's attack included hundreds of attacks.

Facing the torrent of sword blades that suddenly appeared, Master Gu Cang, who had just flashed, could not help but froze suddenly, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Without any hesitation, his hands clapped out quickly.

However, just as Master Gu Cang launched two huge palm prints and struck forward, the sword blades, like a rain of swords, suddenly and rapidly touched each other.

In an instant, green light flashed wildly, and dozens of even larger fused sword blades appeared.

Amidst the roaring sound, the huge sword blades came into contact with the huge palm prints. A huge roar erupted, and terrifying raging energy shot into the sky.

The scene was immediately enveloped in the majestic divine soul energy explosion impact...

"Very good. Such a powerful attack would have been extremely difficult for me to withstand when I was at the peak of my concentration. But at this moment, this attack cannot threaten me." With a calm voice, huge fusion swords filled the sky. The blades dissipated into the void one after another under the slaps of palm prints.

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