Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 4786 Ask for advice


() “Senior, in less than two months, have you understood all the contents of that scroll?”

After hearing Qin Fengming's call, Hu Shiyun and Ding Ziruo left the cave and returned to the cave hall. When they saw the scroll placed in front of Qin Fengming, the two women immediately knew what they were being called for, so they were both startled.

Although the two women could not copy all the contents of this scroll, they already understood it.

But the numerous spell patterns that clearly appeared in the minds of the two women were not comprehended by the two women based on their own strength. Even if the two of them could clearly depict the runes in the message on their own, the two women didn't know what the effects of those simple and complicated runes were.

Because both women were unfamiliar with weapon refining, they didn't know how to combine and smelt the precious materials marked in the scroll.

The reason for asking Qin Fengming for help is to let Qin Fengming tell him what is inside.

"The scroll that the fairy copied has incomplete runes. Naturally, Qin couldn't understand all of them in a short time. Moreover, the refining scheme of the strange objects described in it is extremely profound and difficult to understand. But it's still With some insights, those items, if Qin’s judgment is correct, should be the refining methods of several very mysterious magic weapons. But what they are, it seems that this scroll has not fully described them. It should be There is other information, but it has not yet appeared in the fairy’s memory.”

Qin Fengming did not stand up. Instead, he motioned for the two women to sit down and said softly.

"Senior, are you saying that the two of us may have sudden memory information in the future?" Hu Shiyun, as a monk in the middle stage of spiritual connection, could not help but change his expression when he heard Qin Fengming's words.

For some people whose souls have been damaged and their realms have plummeted, or for beings like Qin Bing'er, as their cultivation level increases, some memories will appear in their minds, which naturally won't make people feel frightened.

However, for no reason, some unknown information suddenly appeared in his mind. For a person who has experienced this, if he wants to maintain peace of mind, it can be said that no one can do it.

There are many strange things in the world of immortality, and it is difficult to guard against evil spirits. If a powerful thing invades the body without knowing it, it will definitely be an extremely terrifying thing for the monks.

Qin Fengming suddenly felt enlightened when he saw the two women's expressions changing so drastically. Smiling slightly, he said with a very relaxed expression: "Don't worry, fairies, there is nothing evil in your body. Even if there is anything strange, it won't be a bad thing for you two."

Qin Fengming had carefully examined the bodies of the two female cultivators.

Although there are strange things in both women's bodies, those two things have been completely integrated with the female cultivators themselves.

It would not be an exaggeration to regard those two things as belonging to the female cultivator.

It's just that the strange thing is very strange, and the two women who are the owners cannot perceive its existence. Although Qin Fengming didn't know what that meant, he was sure that what was inside the two women would not have a negative impact on them.

It can be said that the hidden existence in the two women's bodies is safer than the ancient thing in Qin Fengming's body.

It was difficult for him to explain why he had such a judgment, but this feeling was extremely powerful.

"There are hundreds of material names in the scroll, but for some reason only the Purple Thunder Soul Stone specifically appears in this junior's mind? Does the senior know the specific name of the item refined from the Purple Thunder Soul Stone? Does it exist anymore?"

Hu Shiyun's expression changed, his eyes brightened, and he asked again.

Qin Fengming frowned slightly, and there was a look of thought in his eyes. After a long time, he picked up the scroll again, and his mind sank into it.

After half an hour, he put away the scroll again and said in a deep voice: "The Purple Thunder Soul Stone contains the power of purple thunder and also contains the energy of the soul. There are two uses in this scroll. Purple Thunder Soul Stone. The two items did not describe their shapes. They only told some refining methods, and the refining methods were obviously incomplete. Qin also did not know what kind of items were specifically refined. But... …”

Qin Fengming frowned and hesitated at the end of his words, as if he was not so sure of what he said.

"Senior, you can tell me directly what you think. Even if it's wrong, it's better than the junior knowing nothing." Hu Shiyun frowned slightly, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

Although she has advanced to the middle stage of spiritual connection, her experience is far less rich than Qin Fengming's, and she has no idea about the strange things inside her body. She now wants to know more about the secrets of her body.

"It's not that Qin can't speak, it's just that what Qin Fengming thinks in his heart is really not accurate. But since the fairy doesn't mind, Qin will tell what he is thinking. The two items related to the Purple Thunder Soul Stone are probably behind the scroll. Refining the clone is related to the soul. It is related to the identity soul. It may be the method of refining the weapon spirit. In addition, the method of refining the clone soul is very mysterious. Qin has never seen such refining. Unfortunately, the time is too short, and the whole picture cannot be seen, so it is impossible to know accurately."

Qin Fengming frowned, thought for a moment, and spoke again.

After he finished speaking, his expression suddenly shook, and a bright light suddenly flashed out of his eyes, as if he had thought of something in his mind.

"If the fairy doesn't mind, Qin would like to take this scroll and show it to a senior. With his knowledge, he will definitely be able to see something that Qin doesn't know."

"Senior, did you say you were going to ask a Mahayana senior for advice?" Hu Shiyun was shocked when he heard Qin Fengming's words.

Mahayana, to her, is an existence that cannot be seen even when looking up. From birth to now, she has never seen a Mahayana being.

"Yes, that senior is a top being in the art of weapon refining, and her knowledge far exceeds that of mine. If she can examine it, although it is impossible to fully know the details, she will definitely be able to understand some parts that even fairies don't know. You can also better understand what the things described in this volume are.”

Thinking of Fairy Yao Xi's identity as the master of weapon refinement, Qin Fengming's heart suddenly became clear.

When it comes to weapon refining methods, Qin Fengming believes that he is not inferior to Fairy Yao Xi at this moment. As long as he has the refining method and materials, he believes that he can refine a powerful weapon comparable to that of the temple.

But when it comes to the knowledge of weapon refining, Qin Fengming cannot catch up with Fairy Yao Xi.

In the final analysis, his years of cultivating immortality are still too short.

"If the senior thinks it is feasible, the two juniors have no objection." Hu Shiyun said without hesitation.

"Qin has a few pills here, which happen to be of some benefit to the two of you. Take them and refine them later. Your cultivation will definitely improve." Seeing the two girls agree, Qin Fengming smiled and nodded, then changed his mind and immediately He took out two jade bottles and handed them to the two women respectively.

This scroll was, after all, the property of the two female cultivators. Qin Fengming had to make amends to the two female cultivators with the consent of the other party. This can be said to be a matter of cause and effect.

Although Qin Fengming does not need the elixirs required for aggregation and spiritual communication monks, he still has many in his body. In addition to satisfying the cultivation needs of Hexuan and Fang Liang, it is mainly used to exchange items with the aggregation and theosophy monks.

It's just right to take it out at this time.

"Thank you, senior. The junior was disrespectful, so I accepted it."

Looking at the five golden elixirs in the jade bottle, Hu Shiyun recognized at a glance that it was the Du'e Golden elixir that was suitable for him to take. The joy in his heart could not be suppressed. He bowed to salute and bowed respectfully with Ding Ziruo.

"You two can go back to the cave to retreat. The auction will start in a year. Qin will definitely greet you. I think that senior will also figure out this scroll." Qin Fengming waved his hand and asked the two women to He stood up and spoke.

Seeing the two women re-entering the cave inside happily, Qin Fengming sent out his spiritual thoughts, and the second soul appeared in the cave.

Qin Fengming himself entered the Zhongling Xumi space.

At this moment, Qin Fengming was not at peace in his heart. If the thing described in this scroll is really a heaven-defying scroll for refining weapon spirits in a certain fairy world, then he will really get heaven-defying benefits.

A magic weapon with a weapon spirit is a very intelligent thing. Although its power may not be as powerful as an object of chaos, it is a treasure that can advance on its own. As long as the monk does not die, the weapon spirit can continue to cultivate itself. It continues to increase in power, and will one day surpass the real thing of chaos.

It's just that the process is too long and cannot be accomplished by ordinary monks.

In the classics, there have long been some objects related to the power of mysterious spirits that can resist the real objects of chaos. The big reason is that those mysterious spirits that have existed for tens of thousands of years have artifact spirits in their natal objects.

Of course, if a monk can find precious materials that complement his destiny object and let the weapon refiner integrate it into the magic weapon, the strength of the destiny object can also be greatly increased.

It's just that there are still too few people like Qin Fengming who can continuously refine their own treasures. Most monks still use their own real fire to refine magic weapons and let them advance slowly.

If there really is a method for refining weapon spirits, then Qin Fengming will undoubtedly find a shortcut to make the weapon spirit appear in his destined object as soon as possible.

There is a weapon spirit controlling the Four Symbols Qingyan Sword Formation, and its power is much more powerful than Qin Fengming's driving force.

Unable to wait, Qin Fengming entered the Sumeru space directly, and in a place covered by mist, he directly sacrificed the temple.

Without the split soul of Yiyang Zhenren, yes, it should now be called Liyang existence. It is not difficult for Qin Fengming to contact Fairy Yao Xi. As long as he uses the special transmission charm given to him by Fairy Yao Xi, he can summon Fairy Yao Xi under the stimulation of the temple.

"There is no danger here. I wonder what's going on, little friend?" Fairy Yao Xi said immediately after a pretty figure appeared and looked around.

"Greetings to Senior Fairy. The reason why I'm bothering Senior this time is because I got an incomplete scroll. I want Senior Fairy to check it out and see what the scroll is about." Qin Fengming bowed and saluted.

As the scroll was handed out, Qin Fengming's expression couldn't help but become solemn, and a look of expectation flashed in his eyes.

"It's a scroll that you don't even know what it is about. This is extremely unexpected." Fairy Yao Xi frowned slightly and said.

After receiving the scroll, the female cultivator immediately sank into her mind and began to examine it.

"Where did you get this scroll?" After just looking at it for a moment, the female cultivator's expression changed slightly, her eyebrows furrowed, and her handsome face was full of surprise.

"Does this scroll have a very special origin?" Qin Fengming's eyes widened and he spoke urgently.

"This fragment of scroll is definitely not something spread in the spiritual world, because this fairy has never seen the kind of spiritual patterns in the scroll. And this scroll is obviously incomplete, there should be other parts. And those in this scroll The missing runes are all runes that cannot be copied. Even so, this rune scroll is enough for the Mahayana beings in the spiritual world to fight for."

Fairy Yao Xi looked solemn and spoke slowly, her eyes locked on Qin Fengming.

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