Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 4704 Teleportation Array

This place is distorted in time and space, and its direction is difficult to determine. Even if you keep moving forward, you may not really be moving forward.

And precisely because of this, even Mahayana beings who enter this place will not be able to distinguish between things and fall into the mist and illusion around them, unable to extricate themselves.

Qin Fengming didn't have any worries about this.

What he has to do now is to find a node in this strange place where east, west, north and south are not distinguishable.

It is said to be a node because of what Qingyi said.

In fact, those so-called nodes are just transmission circles everywhere. As long as those nodes can be found, the special method taught by Qingyi can be used to stimulate teleportation and reach the deepest place in Qianlong Bay.

Qin Fengming was convinced of what Qingyi said.

Qingyi needs him to go to the ghost world below to rescue the Nether-Slaying Saint. One of the conditions for stimulating the Void Realm Stone is that Qin Fengming needs to advance to the realm of Xuanling.

There is a Dao Ning Jing in Qianlong Bay who helps Qin Fengming advance, and Qing Bing will not lie about this.

Those nodes are all on some small islands, but it has become very difficult to find an island in this chaotic place with unclear directions.

If he doesn't get the chance, even if Qin Fengming flies around a small island for a day, he still won't be able to find that the island is dozens of feet away.

Therefore, to discover the island, Qin Fengming had no choice but to try his luck.

I don’t know if it’s because Qin Fengming pointed it out, or because there are only a few islands in this area. Qin Fengming flew on this uncertain sea for three months without encountering an island.

No wonder Qing Yan said back then that even if you knew that there was Dao Condensation Essence in Qianlong Bay, you might not be able to find it.

Now, Qin Fengming is just wandering around Qianlong Bay, and has not yet touched upon how to find the heaven-defying Dao Condensation Essence.

If he couldn't find those islands in the remaining few years, then he really missed them this time.

However, Qin Fengming felt at ease in his heart. If he really couldn't succeed this time, he would have to spend some time to re-enter the Vientiane Palace.

Then go through another test and re-enter the Riyu Secret Realm.

Since he can break through Chenhuang Palace, he has the confidence to break through Xinghong Palace again.

It is really not difficult for Qin Fengming to re-enter the Riyu Secret Realm.

With a calm mind, Qin Fengming seemed very calm as he shuttled through the vast Qianlong Bay shrouded in mist.

It's not like he's just running around aimlessly.

Fang Liangyan said that this is a land of chaos, and the laws of heaven and earth are different from those outside. Under such circumstances, Qin Fengming naturally had to experience it.

Of course, this kind of experience does not need to be performed by his own body, as long as he removes the restrictions in the Shenji Mansion and allows the second Dan Ying and the second soul to perceive the artistic conception outside the body in the Shenji Mansion.

In this thick mist, Qin Fengming can be sure that there is no transparent thread like the one he encountered when he first entered Qianlong Bay.

Being in seclusion in the surrounding psychedelic environment is not an advantage for the monks.

Qin Fengming wandered in the thick fog without stopping at all. This process lasted for more than seven months.

On this day, Qin Fengming, who was flying rapidly, suddenly stopped.

In front of him, shrouded in thick fog, there was a huge rock with an area of ​​only twenty feet standing. The rock is bare and empty, with nothing out of the ordinary.

"Could this rock be the island that Qing Meng mentioned?"

Stopping in front of the huge stone, Qin Fengming didn't have any joy in his eyes. Instead, he murmured in his mouth, looking very suspicious.

What Qing Meng said at the beginning was that there were many small islands in Qianlong Bay.

But what appeared in front of Qin Fengming at this moment was just a huge rock protruding from the vast sea. It's so rocky that it can't really be called an island.

Looking at the rock in front of him, Qin Fengming frowned slightly. After a slight hesitation, he landed on the rock.

Without hesitation, he immediately walked quickly around the edge of the rock.

"Sure enough, there is something strange, that is, I don't know if there is a teleportation array that Qingyi mentioned in this place.

"As Qin Fengming's footsteps moved rapidly, a layer of faint fluorescence suddenly appeared on the huge rock.

As Qin Fengming moved, his hands were not idle. Instead, as his body moved, runes were drawn out one by one.

The rune flashed and fell directly downward, submerging into the rock.

Qing Meng, who followed the Saint Slayer back then, could be said to know a lot about the many restrictions in the secret realm of the sun. Many of the restrictions were placed personally.

And he is in the position of protector, and he is also a spiritual pet of the Nether Slayer Saint. The Saint Killing the Netherworld does not need to hide anything from him. It can be said that Qingbo knows most of the restrictions in the Riyu Secret Realm.

The talisman pattern Qin Fengming was using at this moment was what Qing Bing told him.

As Qin Fengming stood still, the outline of a magic circle appeared on the small rock.

"Qing Meng did not lie. These runes of his can indeed activate the teleportation arrays that have been arranged on these islands. However, this teleportation array seems to have insufficient energy due to its age. I wonder if it can still be stimulated. And it can trigger other teleportation arrays to appear."

Looking at the teleportation array with a faint fluorescent light in front of him, Qin Fengming had a look of surprise on his face, but also some uncertainty.

With his attainments in formations, he could naturally see that the teleportation array in front of him was not a teleportation array in the ordinary sense, but an advanced teleportation array completely arranged with mysterious runes.

Although it is advanced, it is not a long-distance teleportation array, but an extremely short-distance teleportation array.

In addition, the energy on these runes has been lost because of the age and the lack of monks to replenish the energy.

With Qin Fengming's ability, it is naturally possible to replenish the energy in this teleportation array.

But whether it can be transmitted depends on whether the other transmission array has enough energy.

Qin Fengming did not hesitate. As his hands quickly kneaded, energy shot out and immersed in the fluorescence.

As he injected energy, the faint fluorescence gradually shone brightly.

"Since the magic circle here can be activated, it means that there must be a teleportation array that reacts. Qin will take the risk and try to see if he can be teleported away."

Seeing the teleportation array operating normally, Qin Fengming murmured to himself.

With a flick of the hand, a small mountain peak appeared in his hand, and then a small silver shield also appeared in his hand.

After that, Qin Fengming didn't hesitate any more and entered the fluorescent teleportation array in a flash. As several runes flashed out, a slight buzzing sound immediately resounded within the magic circle.

The fluorescence suddenly flickered, and under a cloud of glow, Qin Fengming's figure disappeared without a trace.

As Qin Fengming's figure disappeared, the teleportation array that had just been fluorescently flashing dimmed in light. After a moment, the light faded and returned to its original state without any fluctuations.

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