Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 4688 The Power of the Sun-Eating Talisman

Facing Master Liyang, Qin Fengming naturally did not dare to be careless at all. (Geggdang Novel NetworkWww.ggdow)

Ever since Liyang Zhenren appeared, he had been ready for a fight. He holds two sun-eating talismans in his left hand, and the Xuanwei Qingyan Sword is already held in his right hand.

It was not the first time that Qin Fengming, whose cultivation level was only at the pinnacle of divine connection, faced the existence of the late Xuanling.

There are no longer just one or two people who have actually fought against him.

Qin Fengming, who was well aware of the power of the late Xuanling cultivators, did not dare to flee directly when he saw Liyang Zhenren suddenly appearing.

Even if he ran away as soon as he saw Liyang Zhenren, the distance between the two sides would only be ten miles away.

At such a distance, chasing in Qianlong Bay, where they cannot escape quickly, is not a good thing for both parties.

If the other party uses any harsh means during the chase, it can be said that Qin Fengming, who is flying in front, will have no chance of evading him.

Qin Fengming would naturally not choose to be attacked as a target.

Qin Fengming is not stupid, so it is naturally impossible for him to really fight with Liyang Zhenren in Qianlong Bay.

At the same time as the sword lotus formed by the sun-devouring talisman and the ten ice-fire soul strikes appeared, two soul thunder beads were also sacrificed by it.

As soon as the three attacks were launched, a hot breath swept over and wrapped around Qin Fengming's body. As soon as the breath came to him, a crackling sound exploded around him.

A strange tingling sensation immediately affected Qin Fengming's body.

Qin Fengming was suddenly frightened in his heart when he saw fine lines suddenly appearing on his exposed skin.

The lines stretched and intersected, and patches of skin like scales popped up one after another.

The hot aura didn't seem that scary. Such hot and cutting power would definitely not cause any harm to Qin Fengming. But the situation was beyond his expectation.

The skin on his body fell like crumbs one after another, and a layer of red color suddenly covered his exposed skin.

"Weird!" Qin Fengming said something bad in his heart, his body's magic power surged, and the soul-devouring ghost fire immediately filled his body.

That kind of burning was so terrifying that it could ignore Qin Fengming's body-protecting aura and directly invade his skin. He had a very strong feeling that if he could not resist this strange burning aura, the flesh and blood on his body would be peeled off layer by layer by this burning.

Qin Fengming didn't know what kind of hot aura this was, but he could sense a strange tearing aura from the two scorching suns that suddenly appeared.

As the soul-devouring ghost fire surged out rapidly, the tingling sensation all over Qin Fengming's body immediately disappeared.

It can be said that both sides took action at the same time. When Liyang Master sacrificed the orange-red light group that Qin Fengming had seen once, Qin Fengming had also quickly danced the Xuanwei Qingyan Sword and sacrificed two sun-devouring talismans.

It was like a green hurricane suddenly rising from the underworld of hell, and it instantly came into contact with two huge groups of silver light.

There was a dull, but shocking roar, which suddenly resounded on the spot as the attacks from the two parties came into contact.

The earth trembled, and the bottomless vast sea water suddenly sunk deeply as the two attacks collided.

A huge, dark, bottomless hole suddenly appeared on the sea between Qin Fengming and Liyang Zhenren.

With a huge force of impact that Qin Fengming could not bear, Qin Fengming's body quickly flew backwards behind him like a projectile.

A force of squeezing and rubbing immediately came, causing Qin Fengming's extremely tough body to twist and deform, and a crunching sound was heard.

Unspeakable severe pain surged through his body, as if there were infinite forces all around him kneading his whole body, causing his young face to become twisted to the extreme.

The strong energy impact did not make Qin Fengming lose his ability to think. He did not stabilize his body strongly, nor did he activate the immortal magic armor.

It's just that the body is forced to endure the heavy pressure, trying to activate the Xuanfeng Aotian Technique.

At the same time, his spiritual thoughts came out quickly, and two compelling talismans wrapped in a green color appeared in front of him out of thin air.

At this moment, the aura on the Sun Devouring Talisman was surging, and Qin Fengming suppressed it with all his strength before he could calm it down.

Just when the curse in the body was about to activate the Xuanfeng Aotian Technique, two green and black balls were also quickly swung out.

"Junior, you think you can stop Li with two sun-eating talismans blessed by unknown means. You are really overestimating your capabilities."

A gloomy and steady voice came from the dull roar, and a figure, with clothes all over his body rustling, Shi Shiran emerged from the raging impact of the terrifying impact energy.

Two huge groups of silver light were suspended on both sides of his shoulders, one on the left and one on the right.

The terrifying energy impact just now seemed to have no impact on these two dazzling silver balls.

As his figure emerged from the horrific energy violence, the two groups of light on his shoulders suddenly flashed and moved. The sword lotuses that rotated rapidly amidst the impact of the raging energy instantly touched the two groups of light. above.

There was a slight popping sound, and the huge sword lotus, which could collapse the mountain, disappeared into the silver light group and disappeared without a trace.

The ten ice and fire soul attacks that Qin Fengming unleashed with all his strength failed to resist even for a moment and were destroyed.

The two sun-devouring talismans and the ten sword lotuses did not stop Master Liyang even for a moment before they were destroyed by the two silver balls of light that he sacrificed.

Such a terrifying secret technique made Qin Fengming feel a chill in his heart.

He can be sure that the old man surnamed Shi with whom he fought back then will definitely not be the real opponent of Liyang in front of him. If he had launched such an attack, it can be said that Qin Fengming would not have been able to fight back.

"The Sun Devouring Talisman can't block it, but what about these two attacks."

Facing the two silver balls of light that once again flashed out and shrouded him, Qin Fengming, who was hit by the energy and flew backwards quickly, did not have the slightest panic. As the mana surged in his body, a quick shout rang out from his mouth. .

Just as he spoke, two balls of cyan light exploded on the spot.

The light suddenly appeared, and two terrifying explosive energies that were about to tear the void apart suddenly appeared on the spot. Energy swept up, and two strange energies containing incomparable thunder and lightning purification power rushed out. Terrifying arcs of electricity interspersed among the energy, frightening the soul.

The majestic and unspeakable soul energy raged on the sea surface, causing the already sunken vast sea water to once again withstand the impact of unspeakable crushing force.

The silver light flashed wildly, and it instantly came into contact with Qingyou's explosive energy.

The dazzling silver light rose up fiercely, and a sharp sound that pierced the eardrums suddenly resounded, like an extremely sharp blade sliding and cutting rapidly on a huge copper vessel.

The silver ball of light that had easily destroyed the Sun Devouring Talisman and the Fire and Ice Soul Strike was not as brave as before this time. Amidst the powerful purifying lightning energy, the two sides were in a stalemate for a moment.

A phoenix cry sounded at this moment, and Qin Fengming's body disappeared without a trace.

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