Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 4666 The mysterious evil of heaven

"You are right. If you can really go down to the ghost world and rescue the Holy Lord, Qing will naturally not be able to kill you. But you just rely on what you said, and there is nothing that convinces Qing. If you guarantee it, you will get benefits and leave peacefully. This is absolutely impossible."

It was not beyond Qin Fengming's expectation that after knowing that he could still survive, the death will in the heart of the huge ferocious bird finally collapsed a lot.

Qin Fengming frowned slightly when he heard the fierce bird's words.

It is true that he is at a disadvantage at the moment, but he has enough confidence to compete with the ferocious bird in front of him.

"It's not impossible to guarantee, but Qin will not agree to the forbidden techniques of the soul such as blood curses. I wonder if the seniors have any means that have strong restrictive power and do not touch the forbidden gods? "With a look of thoughtfulness in his eyes, Qin Fengming said.

"Hey, you are just a Demon Lord. Could it be that you have already felt the aura of the mysterious evil of heaven?" After hearing Qin Fengming's words, a soft squeak suddenly came from the huge and vicious bird.

This voice was full of surprise. The huge ferocious bird looked at Qin Fengming with even more incredible expression.

"The aura of the Mysterious Evil of Heaven? Qin doesn't know what the Mysterious Evil of Heaven is. Is it related to the fact that monks often inspire contracts with Heaven?" Qin Fengming was also startled, with confusion in his eyes. He looked at the huge demon bird and asked in a deep voice.

"Qing is very curious, how can you, a mere monk in the realm of Demon Lord, sense the aura of the mysterious evil of heaven? Even if your soul realm has reached the late stage and peak of the mysterious level, you cannot truly sense the pressure of the mysterious evil of heaven. That's right. I guess you are cautious by nature and don't want to let the power of the laws of heaven and earth invade you too much, so you don't want to sign a contract."

The huge ferocious bird's words made Qin Fengming's heart tremble.

It is very obvious that the mysterious aura of heaven mentioned by Qing Wei is indeed related to the contract of heaven. Just hearing this name is enough to know that the aura of the mysterious evil of heaven will not be beneficial to the monks.

There are many strange things in the world of immortality. It is extremely difficult to encounter and understand them if you have not reached the realm of monks.

The huge ferocious bird in front of him was a true spiritual being who followed a Yuanshi Saint. What he encountered was definitely something that ordinary monks could not know.

Even if ordinary Mahayana people don't understand things, they will naturally be able to understand them if there is a Yuanshi Saint to guide them.

And listening to Qing Ge's words at this moment, it seems that the so-called mysterious breath of heaven is a coercive breath that can only be sensed by Mahayana beings. This kind of breath,

Even the peak of Xuanjie cannot be detected.

"The mysterious aura of Heavenly Dao is actually related to the contract signed by the monks. I wonder if I can elaborate on it." Qin Fengming frowned slightly, seeming to understand in his heart, but it was still difficult to understand.

"Let me tell you, is this an exchange of conditions? If I tell you this, you will tell Mr. Qing in detail where the Holy Lord is staying at the moment." The giant green turtle's eyes flashed fiercely, and his voice was cold and cold. , and at the same time, a cold aura spread out from his body.

"I'll tell you the true location of Senior Shiyou, do you think Qin can speak? If Qin randomly fabricates a place name and location, can you tell the authenticity? What Qin can use at this time is Senior Shiyou The place where he lives, and the Void Realm Stone in his hand. As long as fellow Taoist and Qin have a good conversation, Qin won’t mind going to that ghost world once to help Senior Kill You escape from trouble."

Qin Fengming has always been smart and courageous. Faced with the aggressiveness of the huge ferocious bird, he did not flinch at all and spoke very forcefully.

The huge ferocious bird looked at Qin Fengming, his eyes gleaming. After a long time, his eyes flashed and he said: "What you said is right. Since you and I plan to cooperate, we must be fair. Let me talk to you about the mysterious evil of heaven. The breath isn’t indispensable either.”

The fierce bird was indeed powerful, but he also knew that the young monk in front of him was not the peak existence of an ordinary demon king. There is no way that someone who can take his blow and easily break through the sky-caging magic circle can be an ordinary existence.

Listening to the words of the tall and fierce bird, Qin Fengming's expression slowly became serious.

From Qing Qing's mouth, it can be known that the mysterious aura of heavenly evil is not an aura that a monk can really sense or touch. It is said that it is breath, but it is not very accurate, because it is just a kind of induction in the monk's heart.

Different from the energy pressure of monks, it is not something that monks can actually sense. It is just an indescribable feeling that monks have for the way of heaven.

This ethereal feeling is different from the aura of heaven and earth. Although Mahayana monks can feel it, they cannot understand and touch it, and they cannot erase it.

Normally, the mysterious evil of heaven does not appear, and it will not cause any damage to the monks themselves.

But this kind of aura makes all Mahayana monks keep it secret. Because of some rumors, this kind of mysterious breath of heaven that Mahayana monks can feel in the dark is a manifestation of the most elusive and difficult to comprehend the law of cause and effect in heaven.

The amount of heavenly and mysterious aura of a monk represents the amount of cause and effect karma on the monk.

The cause and effect karma, to put it bluntly, refers to the people and things that a monk has experienced in his life, seen, encountered, and experienced.

No matter what happens, as long as the monks are involved, cause and effect will occur. Killing one person or saving another person are all cause and effect karma. Planting a tree and planting a flower are all connected with the monks. Even if the flowers and plants planted are later acquired by others, they will still be related to the person who acquired them.

The contract between heaven and earth inspired by the monks contains the power of the laws of heaven and earth, which is the cause and effect formed between the monks and the way of heaven. The karma contained in it is even greater.

Even a low-level contract, in the eyes of the giant green turtle, is stronger than the karma caused by killing hundreds of thousands of infant transformation monks.

Of course, if the contract is completed, it will naturally greatly reduce the karma caused by it, that is, the evil atmosphere of heaven. No matter how much it is reduced, the laws of heaven and earth have already been tainted on the monks.

Merely completing the contract is not enough to erase it.

No one can explain clearly what the benefits and disadvantages of the mysterious aura of heaven are to monks, even in the existence of Mahayana. However, no one wants to be too contaminated by the illusory cause and effect karma.

Although Qing Qing's explanation was not very clear, Qin Fengming already had a clear understanding in his heart.

He has long been in conflict with the contract signed by the monk. Regardless of whether it contains the mysterious evil spirit of heaven mentioned by Qing Ge, he will not sign any more contracts in the future as long as he cannot refuse.

However, the world of cultivating immortals is so vast, apart from contracts, there should be other means to restrict monks.

Maybe Mahayana beings like Qing Ge know some strange techniques passed down from the immortal world, which can form a restrictive force without inducing the power of the laws of heaven and earth.

There was a heavy look of thought on his face. He looked at Qing Qing and said, "Thank you Taoist friend for clarifying Qin's doubts. No matter where this heavenly evil aura exists, since Mahayana beings don't want to be contaminated too much, Qin doesn't want to be contaminated too much either." Yes. I wonder if you have any other means that can not produce too much of the mysterious evil aura of heaven and earth, but also reassure fellow daoists?"

Since the giant green bird introduced him in this way, Qin Fengming imagined that the green bird should have the means to solve the problem faced by the two at this moment.

"If you want Qing to rest assured, there is a way, and that is for you to swear in the name of Xingzu."

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