Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 4619: Casting spells

Qin Fengming has been cultivating immortals so far. As his cultivation has improved, his attitude towards monks from the three realms has changed drastically.

When I participated in the three-way war between the human world, the ghost world, and the demon world in the human world, if I encountered someone from the ghost world or the demon world who was alone in the human world, I would naturally kill them quickly.

But after entering the spiritual world and greatly increasing his cultivation level, his definition of the three realms has changed, and monks from the other two realms are no longer regarded as real mortal enemies.

The reason for this change was the result of his increased understanding of immortality.

Regardless of whether it is the ghost world or the demon world, the monks pursuing immortality have the same goal, which is to understand the way of heaven and live forever.

This goal is what any monk strives for throughout his life.

Killing others is just to complete this purpose. No one kills specifically for the purpose of killing.

The environment that monks in the ghost world and demon world live in is different from that in the spirit world. The demonic energy and yin energy absorbed by their practice is a kind of vitality energy that contains a special aura. Therefore, the fierce aura of the monks in these two worlds is stronger than that in the spirit world. The monk appears more intense, more aggressive and ruthless.

But as far as the spiritual world is concerned, the monks do not coexist peacefully. They attack and kill each other when they see the benefits, which is no less true than in the ghost world and the demon world.

Under such circumstances, the spirit world would not be out of bounds at all in accepting some demonic monks who were unwilling or unable to return to the real demon world.

For those top beings in the realm, they would naturally not be too resistant to the realm accepting some monks of the same level who had escaped from other realms. This can also increase the strength of the realm itself.

As for the cultivation resources of top monks, they will not be worried by those powerful ones.

The realm is really vast, and for most monks below the level of gathering, the area occupied is only a very small part. There are more areas that even Xuanjie and even Mahayana have never been to. As for the cultivation resources suitable for monks above Xuan level, those wild places are the most suitable places.

Therefore, accepting some powers from other worlds and resources will not hinder those realm powers from making decisions.

After understanding this, Qin Fengming became even more convinced that the dark sea in the Tianhong Realm was most likely related to the monk from the Vientiane Palace.

Recalling what happened at the beginning, Qin Fengming naturally would not drip his blood essence into the ball in the giant cauldron.

Not only would his own essence and blood not drip into it, but under his close-range induction, he was already greedy for the ball floating in the giant cauldron.

The ball flashing with colorful and strange rays of light did not make Qin Fengming's heart move at first. After he used a test rune, a thick breath of life and majestic soul energy suddenly emerged from the huge cauldron. The implications made him suddenly shaken.

The monk's own essence and blood naturally contains the monk's own life breath. The breath of life is embodied in the soul energy.

The monk's own soul energy is very different from the soul energy in the soul stone. The soul energy in a monk's body carries the monk's own unique aura. Everyone's soul energy is essentially the same, but their aura is completely different.

It is precisely because of the different divine soul auras contained in the essence and blood that the marks on the monks' magic weapons are different. Unless the mark on it is erased, it is impossible to skillfully control other people's magic weapons.

But the soul energy contained in a drop of blood essence is too rare for monks. Most monks did not regard the drop of blood essence dropped into the ball as a significant matter.

But after Qin Fengming experienced a token backlash, he was already extremely wary of his own blood. He will no longer drip his own essence and blood into other people's things at will.

This time, he inspired the majestic soul energy in the giant cauldron, and thoughts suddenly arose in his heart.

Although he had no way of knowing what the huge sphere was or what its refining materials were. But he has already judged that the round object should be a strange treasure that can contain or absorb the majestic soul energy.

As for the treasure contained in the soul energy, Qin Fengming's joy was beyond words.

After thinking rapidly in his mind, he decided to use his methods to see if he could take the ball out of the giant cauldron.

Then refine it into the Treasure Transformation Ghost Refining Technique.

Sensing the terrifying and majestic soul energy contained in the ball, Qin Fengming's heart surged with excitement. This sphere is definitely a powerful soul treasure.

The Holy Ghost Slayer uses this ball to collect the soul essence and blood of the monks who have broken through the barrier, naturally for his own use. Maybe he has some means to refine these blood essences and souls to benefit himself.

Since there is no Saint Slayer here, and the monks from the Wanxiang Palace have long been scattered, it is natural for Qin Fengming to try to seize these spheres with his usual boldness.

Seeing such contradictory words spoken by a mere junior in the Demon Lord Realm, the voice-transmitting being who was just shocked and angry had not spoken for a long time.

This sound transmission existence is only a conscious existence, without entity, let alone the spirit of a monk.

It exists in Chenhuang Palace because a Mahayana man separated a ray of his own consciousness and sealed it into the restriction of Chenhuang Palace to exist as the consciousness of Chenhuang Palace.

It cannot be regarded as the weapon spirit of Chenhuang Palace, because the weapon spirit has a spirit body, can appear, and its own strength is not bad. But pure consciousness is different. As long as there is energy gathering, it will not dissipate, no disaster will come, and it can exist for a long time.

And as the sealed consciousness of Chenhuang Palace, it can control some of the restrictions of Chenhuang Palace.

It's just that it can only control those restrictions that it needs to control. It is also powerless against some special places in Chenhuang Palace.

And the ban on the square where this tall statue is located is not what it can do.

It previously drove the sound wave to sweep over, just to scare the opponent away from using the spell with the terrifying scene caused by the sound wave attack.

Now that he knew that he could no longer do anything to the young man based on this, his voice transmission consciousness was extremely sensible and he stopped talking.

Qin Fengming glanced at the fading sonic attack, turned his head, closed his eyes again, and no longer paid attention to the existence of the sound transmission.

As time slowly passed, the ball in the giant cauldron trembled and beat more and more intensely.

Waves of humming came from the giant cauldron, as if thousands of remnant souls were whimpering, as if begging Qin Fengming to let him break the seal and free himself.

I don't know how much time passed, but a banging sound suddenly sounded from the altar.

The huge statue sitting in the middle of the altar suddenly burst out with a majestic energy wave. Waves suddenly appeared, and dozens of huge energy streams as thick as buckets suddenly spurted out. The energy scattered in all directions and suddenly sprayed towards the giant cauldron surrounding the altar.

Energy shot out, and instantly a beam of energy touched the giant cauldron in front of Qin Fengming.

The energy flashed, causing Qin Fengming, who was performing the technique, to feel suddenly shaken.

What gave him a false alarm was that the energy did not carry any attack effect. It was just a jet of energy, and a huge and brilliant fluorescent light shone up, completely covering the entire altar.

Qin Fengming, who was performing the technique, suddenly felt a pulling force, and his body involuntarily flashed away. When it flashed out again, it was already in front of the tall statue.

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