Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 4562: Collecting Insects

This ice louse female is very proud and does not want to talk about her defection. Therefore, when Qin Fengming asked about his injuries before, he always avoided it.

To be able to make a female ice louse that has recognized her master still carry out the plan without hesitation even though she knew that defecting from her master would be doomed. It is enough to imagine what concessions her master made to her under the persecution of the Immortal under that name. It's unbearable.

Even if you don't know what the specific things are, you can still know that those things are intolerable to the female ice louse.

Otherwise, with his mind, he would never risk his death and defect from his master.

Looking at the giant female insect in front of him, Qin Fengming felt unsteady in his heart for a long time. My heart was greatly touched by what happened to the seriously injured female insect in front of me.

Although spirit beasts and spirit insects are bound by contracts, they still have minds. If you continue to squeeze them, you will eventually be forced to fight back one day. Therefore, it is best to treat spiritual beasts and insects kindly.

"Now that you understand my injuries, are you sure that I can cure them?" Seeing Qin Fengming's uncertain expression, the female insect conveyed the message again.

It signed a contract with the young man in front of it, but the mother insect was not at peace. It naturally wanted to get a good result at the cost of abandoning a large number of soldier insects.

"Qin is somewhat sure of curing the queen's injuries, but the process may be long, so the queen needs to enter the Baijie Huanzun and follow Qin for a period of time. The specific length of time is difficult to determine at this time. But the Queen of Worms can rest assured, as long as the Queen of Worms takes this Tianyuan Heart-Building Pill, even if the injuries in her body cannot be cured, it is bound to be able to control the injuries and not worsen at all."

Qin Fengming did not dare to speak too harshly this time.

It can be said that the injuries in the female body are extremely difficult to heal. Dao injury is a kind of pain that is embarrassing to monks. It can be said that only a few types of elixirs can have some effect on Dao injuries.

Tianyuan Buxin Dan is one of them, and Wuzhi Baihua Ointment also has some effects.

However, these two kinds of elixirs can only be effective for some injuries that are not too serious. For example, the injuries in the body of the female ice louse at this moment can be said to be incurable even if a large amount of these elixirs are taken.

Therefore, what Qin Fengming said at this moment was not an excuse.

"Okay, just follow what the fellow Taoist said." As the female insect agreed to the summons, a soft cold breath suddenly swept out, and took away a jade bottle in Qin Fengming's hand in one roll.

"After this, I will go and collect those soldiers and insects.

Let you gain income into the bottle of hundreds of solutions. "The female insect was very decisive, and without saying anything else, she immediately tried to drive away the semi-mature ice lice around her.

"Queen, wait a minute. Qin has one more thing that he needs to ask the queen about." Seeing the mother worm about to leave, Qin Fengming hurriedly spoke to stop her.

The female insect turned her head and looked at Qin Feng with cold eyes, as if she didn't like Qin Fengming's further conditions.

Qin Fengming turned a blind eye to the mother worm's attitude and said directly: "Qin once saw the queen escaping from an ice cave with forbidden guards, but she didn't know where the ice cave was..."

"There is nothing useful in that ice cave. The restriction was originally arranged by me. You don't need to worry about that cave anymore." Before Qin Fengming finished speaking, the information about the mother insect had already appeared in Qin Fengming's mind.

Qin Fengming's expression suddenly changed after receiving the message, with a look of surprise on his face.

Being able to understand the restrictions of the magic circle with the body of a female worm is not an easy matter.

Even among the most intelligent monks, not many monks are able to master all the magic circles.

This female ice louse that had eaten the Buddha's Mind Fruit had a higher intelligence than most monks. If he was not a monster, but a monk, he would definitely be a decisive, thoughtful, and extraordinary being.

Qin Fengming did not ask the female insect about the restriction anymore, and quickly followed behind the thousands of semi-mature ice lice insects.

Fang Liang, the second soul and the mandrill did not follow, but stayed in the ice cave.

Leaving Fang Liang and the second soul behind, they naturally have to collect the hundreds of millions of ice louse corpses in the ice cave into the Sumeru space treasure.

Although these insect corpses have become fragmented under the action of the five powerful Xuanlings, and most of them have been reduced to charcoal, there are still many insect corpses that have not been completely destroyed. There is still a compelling chill inside the groups of icy insect corpses.

What the silver sheath insect absorbs is not the flesh and blood of the demon insect, but only a trace of special energy in the demon insect's body. These insect corpses will naturally still have an effect on the silver sheath insects.

Naturally, Qin Fengming would not give up such ingredients.

The mandrills were left behind to give Fang Liang a backup plan if the ice louse swarm suddenly returned.

Without the strange whistling noise of the mandrill, the ice lice that had fled in a hurry became quiet after seeing the semi-mature and high-level ice lice.

Without any effort, as long as Qin Fengming released the Baijie Hua Zun Restriction in his hand, and the green light swept across, a large number of ice louse swarms would disappear without a trace.

The figure shuttled through the maze-like underground ice cave. Wherever he passed, dense swarms of ice lice were collected by Qin Fengming like harvesting rice into the Baijie Huanzhuan in his hand.

The huge body of the female ice louse was carried by hundreds of semi-mature ice louse and moved in the cave, and the speed was not slow.

The monster insects moved extremely fast, passing through the caves extending in all directions. Every time they walked through, there were a large number of ice louse swarms escaping from them. It seems that these semi-mature monster bugs know where the adult ice bugs are scattered.

In just an hour, Qin Fengming felt that he had swept through the area of ​​more than a hundred miles along the dotted underground tunnels.

Wherever it passed, a large number of adult ice lice were collected into the Baijie Huanzhu.

"Okay, now there are not many soldiers and insects in this underground ice cave. You can leave. I am afraid it will take a while to refine the elixir. During the refining process, , I don’t want you to disturb me from now on.”

A piece of information just appeared in Qin Fengming's mind. The huge female insect had been wrapped in thousands of semi-mature ice lice and entered the green light. Along with a large number of adult worms, it disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the empty ice cave in front of him, Qin Fengming couldn't help but laugh at himself.

This female worm was really rude and majesticly entered Pixiu's belly. He didn't even want to lead him back to the original ice cave.

Fortunately, Qin Fengming's communication board was there, otherwise it would have been a lot of trouble to return in this cave filled with the smell of ice lice.

Even though Qin Fengming had a communication card in his hand that could guide him in the direction, he quickly walked through the caves extending in all directions for two or three cups of tea before returning to the original ice cave.

After Fang Liang, the second soul, and Mandrill returned to Shenji Mansion, Qin Fengming began to explore his way out of this underground cave maze.

"Hey, how come Lin Tao and the others haven't returned for so long?"

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