Feeling a strange coldness penetrate his body, Qin Fengming thought quickly in his heart, and with a hand, a ball of silver light flashed out. As the silver light flickered, a huge illusory beetle appeared around him, protecting his entire figure.

The ice and cold here is very strange. It can ignore the body-protecting spiritual light, even the ghost-eating mist, but it can still pass through directly and act on Qin Fengming's body.

The Silver Spirit Shield can be used at this moment. Silver Spirit Shield is extremely effective against some negative attacks.

Even the kind of attacks that disturb the mind during the heavenly tribulation can be resisted. The cold that affects the physical body is far inferior to that of the Heavenly Tribulation attack.

As the Silver Spirit Shield was launched, Qin Fengming's body suddenly relaxed. The freezing feeling in his body immediately disappeared.

Although Qin Fengming still felt the extremely cold energy raging at this moment, he was naturally relieved that there was no such cold aura invading his meridians.

The cold alone was enough for him to withstand with his own strength.

After descending for an unknown amount of feet, Qin Fengming suddenly felt that a piece of land below appeared in his consciousness.

"There is such an icy mist here. Even the divine consciousness can only detect one or two thousand feet. No wonder those powerful mysterious spirits are also besieged by ice lice."

Looking at the thick icy mist surrounding him, Qin Fengming couldn't help but frown.

The coldness of this mist is indeed as Lin Tao said, even colder than the ice marrow. But even in such an icy environment, there is still thick fog. This situation makes people feel surprised.

After not standing for a long time, Qin Fengming moved and flew directly in a certain direction.

Since he didn't know where the ice louse was, he wandered around in confusion. If he hits it just right, if he doesn't hit it, there should be no danger if he walks around.

"Left hand stabbing direction!" Just when Qin Fengming flew away, a voice suddenly entered his ears. It is the second soul that transmits the message.

Qin Fengming was slightly startled when he heard the message, but he soon understood.

He forgot that there was a spiritual beast in him that was extremely sensitive to cold and cold things. That is the Dragon Soul Beast.

Cold things are not just various heavenly materials and earthly treasures, but also monsters and insects with extremely cold energy, which will also be sensed by the Dragon Soul Beast.

After thinking about it, Qin Fengming was naturally happy and immediately headed in that direction without hesitation.

The bottom of this ditch was obviously much larger than the entrance of the ditch seen above. Qin Fengming flew inside for a long time without even touching the ditch wall.

What surprised Qin Fengming was that after the second soul prompted a direction, he did not speak again to transmit the message.

Along the way, I didn't see any precious items except for some huge ice blocks that looked like ice crystals everywhere below. Naturally, no ice louse swarms were seen.

Just when Qin Fengming was confused and was about to send a message to ask the second soul, a wall made of ice crystals appeared in front of him.

And above the wall made of solid ice, there is a cave only a few feet wide.

A sharp icy breath quickly surged out of the cave, making Qin Fengming, who was standing close, feel his heart sinking.

This sharp icy breath hit the shadow of the giant beetle, a ball of silver light flashed up, and a buzzing sound also sounded rapidly. It seems that the Silver Spirit Shield is overwhelmed.

The cold and dangerous conditions at the bottom of the cave are indeed similar to what Lin Tao said. Not to mention the cultivators of Theosophy, even the early Xuanling cultivators may not be able to stay here for long.

"Is there the aura of the ice louse in here?" Standing at the entrance of the cave for a moment, Qin Fengming's consciousness moved and he said through a message.

"It should be related to the ice louse. The Dragon Soul Beast cannot be described by humans, and can only be judged from its expression. It is very excited about this cave, and the direction it pointed is this cave." The second soul did not He hesitated and answered immediately.

Hearing the second soul's answer, Qin Fengming did not hesitate any longer and moved directly into the cave.

The mana in the body surged, and all the strength was poured into the silver spirit shield outside the body. The originally illusory giant beetle suddenly flashed with silver light, and it became solid in an instant. The huge shadow that had been buzzing suddenly disappeared.

However, the sharp cold wind swept across the body of the giant beetle, and then there was a dull sound.

Feeling the terrifying cold wind blowing in the cave, Qin Fengming felt as if he was facing the icy cold attack from the early Xuanling monks.

He only felt that the magic power in his body was like a bursting river, pouring out rapidly and pouring into the giant beetle's body. The silver light flashed wildly, and the giant beetle seemed to be caught in the torrent of hundreds of blades, and the uninterrupted attacks followed one after another.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Fengming suddenly felt shocked.

It’s no wonder that several powerful Xuanling masters fell into the siege of ice lice in their adult bodies. Even if they were late-stage Xuanling masters, they would definitely spend a lot of energy to resist this horror when the terrifying ice-cold hurricane swept through here. The icy wind blade attacks continuously.

Faced with such an icy wind blade sweeping across, Qin Fengming knew that relying solely on the Silver Spirit Shield was no longer enough to resist.

As soon as the magic formula in the body moved, Huanji Xuanguang immediately appeared outside the Silver Spirit Shield.

Without the Soul-Eating Ghost Fire, it can be said that Qin Fengming's own strength has been greatly reduced. If there were spiritual flames, he wouldn't have to resort to his trump card defensive method: Huanji Xuanguang.

Qin Fengming was not worried about meeting Lin Tao and the others, and would leave together if the worst happened.

The only thing that made Qin Fengming wary was that after encountering the ice louse, he needed to be careful when releasing the silver sheath bug. Those Xuanling monks cannot be seen.

Although this made him wary, he was not too worried.

If you really encounter an ice louse, the worst case scenario is to lure it elsewhere and then take action. I thought that those few people who came would not be able to escape the siege of the ice lice, so they went to check on the departing ice lice.

After entering the cave, Qin Fengming suddenly discovered that this was not a cave.

I saw that on the cave wall in front of me, there were wide tunnels stretching into the dark depths.

Seeing this situation, Qin Fengming suddenly thought of the cave in the underground space of old monster Shaohua. The same criss-crossing caves extend continuously.

However, Qin Fengming can be sure that the cave passage here is definitely not built according to some mysterious rune pattern.

"Which cave passage should we take?" Qin Fengming did not hesitate and immediately sent a second message to the soul.

In this dangerous place, Qin Fengming did not dare to directly release the Dragon Soul Beast and let it lead the way.

"I can't tell. It seems that each one has an extremely strong aura. Just pick one at will." Qin Fengming's expression sank slightly when he heard the second soul's answer.

This undoubtedly shows that the caves here also extend in all directions and are connected everywhere.

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