Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 4532 Illusory Palm Print

(In Bailian Group, Xu Zhen will often pick some questions to answer. If you have any questions, you can leave a message in the group. Xu Zhen will check it frequently. The group number is: 324303794. I also hope that all fellow Taoists will come to 17k to support Xu Zhen.)

This palm print is illusory, as if it is a transparent object. The palm print did not carry any majestic vitality.

But just such a palm print made Qin Fengming feel shocked and frowned.

Although the palm print was illusory, Qin Fengming felt a soft and thick force as vast as the ocean, covering his body like layers of huge waves.

The aura was strong, as if facing the weight of a huge mountain that towered into the clouds.

This attack made Qin Fengming immediately feel that he was facing a Xuanling monk who was attacking with all his strength.

But Qin Fengming clearly felt that the energy and coercive aura revealed by the old man in front of him was truly in the late stage of spiritual connection.

A late-stage spiritual cultivator could casually launch a terrifying attack comparable to a full-strength strike from a cultivator in the Mysterious Spirit Realm. This was definitely extremely rare among the cultivators Qin Fengming encountered.

The palm print has not yet come, but the space around him has solidified, trapping his entire body on the spot, making it difficult to use magic to dodge quickly.

The opponent's attack was indeed powerful, but Qin Fengming was only slightly shocked. It is not really regarded as an attack that is difficult to defend against.

Seeing the illusory giant palm coming from nowhere, he also shot it with his right hand.

Suddenly an energy palm print flew out. But Qin Fengming's palm print made a roaring sound, and the majestic vitality energy gathered rapidly, and the palm print solidified, like a huge mountain, fighting against the opponent's illusory palm print.

Qin Fengming's palm seal was just a specious palm seal that he used to drive the talisman of Shaoyue's palm at will.

Compared with the Shaking Mountain Palm offered by the second soul, it is actually very different.

Although it cannot compare with the power of the Shaking Mountain Palm offered by the second soul, Qin Fengming thinks it is enough to deal with the illusory palm mark offered by this late-stage spiritual monk at this time.

The solid giant palm roared and instantly touched the illusory palm prints.

There was a loud roar like huge waves crashing against a tall and solid embankment,

It immediately resounded on the spot. The sound boomed, and a wind of energy that was two times more terrifying than the hurricane formed by the terrifying energy around him suddenly surged forward and rushed towards the surroundings.

As the strong wind passed by, large pieces of gravel were swept up.

The hard stones that could exist even under the terrifying hurricane winds actually shattered into pieces when the strong winds swept through them. Small pebbles shot out, carrying a sharp chirping sound, and flew into the distance.

The solid giant palms and illusory palm prints intertwined with each other, energy spurted out, and ear-splitting roars came one after another. The void instantly became soft and twisted.

"Hmph, although your giant palm is extraordinary, it can't withstand this attack from me." Amidst the roar of energy, a cold snort actually penetrated the loud bang and resounded on the spot.

The sound sounded, and the two huge palm prints that were originally in a stalemate with each other suddenly flashed with blue light in the illusory giant hand. A majestic vitality energy that had not appeared just now suddenly spurted out, and the illusory giant palm expanded instantly. It doubled in an instant.

Like a huge terrifying beast suddenly appearing, the huge mouth opened and closed, and suddenly Qin Fengming's giant palm was completely wrapped in it.

There was a louder roar than before, and the huge solid palm print disappeared without a trace.

Under the flash of blue light, the illusory palm print returned to its previous state. Suddenly, it was still covering Qin Fengming.

Qin Fengming had just launched a huge solid palm, and the stalemate lasted for several breaths, but it did not weaken the power of the illusory palm seal at all.

Seeing such a scene, Qin Fengming finally showed a solemn expression on his face.

If such an attack was carried out by a Xuanling monk, he would certainly not be surprised at all.

But what he saw in front of him was that this monk was clearly a late-stage spiritual being. This made Qin Fengming, who had fought countless battles and faced several Xuanling monks, couldn't help but be shocked.

Naturally, this was not the time for him to think too much. Seeing that his attack that simulated the Yue Shaking Palm was broken by the other party, Qin Fengming's eyes flashed slightly, and with a wave of his hand, a cloud of dark mist emerged, instantly covering his entire body. Wrapped in it.

The figure disappeared, and two deafening roars of beasts suddenly resounded from the mist.

The mist rolled, beast roars resounded, and two ferocious black beasts several feet in size suddenly leapt out of the mist.

The ferocious beast was huge, with dark hair all over its body, and there was a layer of black magic flames burning.

These two ferocious beasts are somewhat similar in appearance to tigers, but they are too large and have dark hair, making them different from ordinary tiger beasts.

But the roar of the beast is as terrifying as the roar of a tiger.

Two ferocious beasts appeared, covered in black magic flames. Their huge bodies leaped and bit into the illusory giant palm that was flying towards them.

The terrifying confining power around them didn't seem to hinder the two ferocious beasts at all.

"Devil Flame, this is the magical power of Demon Flame!" Suddenly seeing two huge ferocious beasts covered in black demon flames appear, the four monks standing around all exclaimed.

The magic flame magical power is not uncommon in the world of cultivating immortals, but it can only be achieved by those who are truly successful in cultivating it. There are not many monks. More people who practice this kind of magical power have already fallen into the fusion demon flame when they first started practicing.

It can be said that as long as the monks can display the magic flame magical power, they are extremely powerful.

"You actually have the magical power of magic flame. Even if you have the magic flame, you can't even hope to resist me..." Amid the exclamation, the same cold snort also sounded.

It was just that the cold snort had not yet been completely finished. The old man who was speaking in the late stage of spiritual communication had his mouth slightly opened, and the rest of the words could not be said.

I saw the illusory palm moving forward, and instantly two ferocious beasts as big as ferocious tigers came into contact.

The blue light of Xushou once again exploded, suddenly expanded, and suddenly enveloped the two huge ferocious beasts.

However, everyone present was silenced and looked horrified when they saw that the illusory palm print that had just displayed its power and easily swallowed up the opponent's equally huge solid palm, this time had just fought with the black demon on the body of the huge ferocious beast. When the flame touches it, it's like wormwood encountering a fierce flame, and it actually burns up on its own.

Sensing that the energy in the illusory palm prints was rapidly consumed at a terrifying speed, the old man in the late stage of spiritual communication was much more frightened than others.

This attack is his trump card and his most powerful attack.

Only with more than half of his own mana and all his strength can he fully activate this secret technique. If this attack fails, he will lose the ability to fight again.

"Quickly, call out Senior Qi Yu, this person is not something we can resist."

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