Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 4524 Leaving Jianlong City

Qin Fengming has not personally entered the chaotic battlefield, but he has also seen the horror of that battlefield in many realm books.

Not to mention the indescribable and impossible-to-prevent space cracks inside that can move around at will, that is, the turbulent flow of energy in the battlefield without any rules, which the monks are not willing to face.

The turbulent flow of energy was also caused by the powerful stirring of space energy. If it had been one or two, it would have disappeared long ago. However, under countless terrifying attacks, coupled with the raging power of space generated by the attack to shatter the void, Next, those turbulent currents not only did not disappear with the passage of time, but instead condensed together, forming a unique space atmosphere in the chaotic battlefield.

If a cultivator of theosophy was really swept away by a majestic energy turbulence, not many of them would be able to escape.

Not to mention a spiritual cultivator, even a person in the Mysterious Spirit Realm would not be surprised if he was swept away by an energy hurricane and fell into it.

It is precisely because of this that the ancient battlefield back then can be said to be a forbidden area for monks. Even if ordinary people know that there are unspeakable treasures inside, no one is willing to search for it.

In such a place, if Qin Fengming wanted to feel calm, he would be going too far.

Seeing Qin Fengming's sudden change of expression, Yu Changtian showed a sarcastic smile on his face.

"We can take you with us, but regardless of whether the mission is completed or not, when we return, we will not go with you again. You just spoke so loudly, do you still dare to go?" The person who spoke this time , Qiu Shu is the only female nun.

In the eyes of these late Xuan Ling and peak cultivators, even if Qin Fengming had extremely high attainments in formations, he would not be taken seriously by these true powers of heaven and earth.

These were also the five powerful men, and only Lin Tao showed a friendly attitude toward Qin Fengming.

"Go, why don't you go. This junior has only heard of the Chaotic Battlefield before, and has never really entered it. Since there are several seniors leading this time, this junior will naturally go inside to experience it. It can be regarded as not being in the world of immortality in vain. It’s time to have some adventure.”

To everyone's surprise, when Qin Fengming heard the name of the chaotic battlefield, his expression suddenly changed for a few breaths, and then he regained his composure. His words were firm and he no longer showed the slightest hint of shock or fear.

"Hahaha, my friend seems to be a person who likes adventure and hunting for novelties. If you are willing to go, it's great. But you don't need to worry too much. We will go to that place. Although it is an extremely deep place in the chaotic battlefield, But it should be very far away from the core.

Although there are also terrifying space cracks floating around and unspeakable hurricanes raging,

However, the number of cracks is not large, and the terrifying energy hurricane is not too vast and dense. As long as we are careful and avoid the hurricane, our lives are still very safe. "

Seeing that Qin Fengming did not hesitate much, he firmly confirmed it, and Lin Tao was immediately overjoyed.

Although they have prepared many means to break the restriction this time, no one among the five is completely sure whether it can be broken.

He highly praised Qin Fengming's formation skills. If the young monks could break that formation, it would definitely be of great benefit to them.

"Okay, since there is nothing else to do at this time, we will set off now and try to reach Gale Wind City within two months."

Seeing that everyone was silent, Zhang Shihe, who rarely answered, spoke. As he spoke, everyone stood up and left the cave.

Qin Fengming had seen introductions to the chaotic battlefield in many classics, but he did not know where it was exactly. I don't even know how to enter.

This is not to say that the Chaos battlefield is so secretive, but that he is not interested in that place.

Naturally, he would not spend much time exploring where the things he was not interested in were.

Qin Fengming knew that this was not the time to ask, so after leaving the cave, he did not ask anything.

A group of six people left the cave and went directly to a teleportation array in Jianlong City. After the fluorescence flashed, the six people appeared in a lake with rippling blue waves.

Sensing the power of the teleportation array, Qin Fengming knew that the teleportation this time was not too far away. It should only be hundreds of millions of miles away, far from the kind of super teleportation array that spans the continent.

"We need to fly out of thin air next. The next teleportation array is hundreds of millions of miles away. If you can't keep up with our speed, beg a fellow Taoist to take you with us as soon as possible. This will save us from slowing down our flight speed." Turning to look at Qin Fengming, Qiu Shu Liu frowned slightly and said politely.

"Thank you, senior, for reminding me. Even if I fly away, I think I can keep up."

Seeing that the female cultivator had no good expression, Qin Fengming frowned slightly and spoke without raising his head. The words were spoken politely, but to the ears of the female cultivator, they sounded like tit-for-tat.

Qin Fengming actually also knew why these three Xuanling monks were sarcastic and ridiculed to him. It seemed that everyone was worried that he had really broken the restriction and wanted to share some of the treasures inside.

Everyone was a person of status, so naturally no one would actually kill him, a spiritual cultivator, in front of everyone. But in their hearts, everyone was unwilling to let a spiritual cultivator share the treasures in a secret cave they had found at a great cost.

Seeing Qin Fengming's answer like this, even Lin Tao, who had originally planned to take Qin Fengming to fly away, had a look of surprise in his eyes.

He also didn't quite believe that Qin Fengming could keep up with the flight speed of the five of them on his own.

"If you are unable to do anything, please tell me." Lin Tao nodded to Qin Fengming kindly, his lips moved slightly, but the sound transmission had already entered Qin Fengming's ears.

Qin Fengming did not speak, but nodded slightly with great gratitude.

The six rays of escaping light shot toward the southwest together.

It can be said that Xuanling monks are already the most profound people in the spiritual world in controlling the vitality of heaven and earth, and those in the late stage and peak of Xuanling are even the top beings among them.

Flying away in the spiritual world where the energy of heaven and earth exists, Xuanling monks can be said to be as calm as a fish in water.

Even if you fly with all your strength for several months, you will definitely not feel exhausted at all.

Five powerful Xuanlings flew in front, followed by Qin Fengming at the end. But what surprised the five Xuanling masters was that the five people did not deliberately slow down their speed this time, but the young monk behind them did not slow down at all after following the crowd.

The purity of the vitality in the bodies of Xuan-level monks and the Theosophy monks can be described as vastly different. Even a person in the early stage of the Xuanling level cannot control the amount of Yuan Qi energy that a monk at the peak of Theosophy can control.

Even ordinary speed flight is generally faster than the flight of a monk at the pinnacle of spiritual connection.

But at this moment, the five late-stage Mysterious Spirits and peak powerful beings felt a sense of surprise in their hearts.

Among the monks, there are of course some heaven-defying ones. The five of them would not be too surprised if the spiritual monks could keep up with the flight speed of the Xuanling monks. But what made the five people feel incredible at this time was that they discovered that the aura surrounding the young monk behind them was also the vitality aura of the Mysterious Spirit Realm.

The other party was obviously a cultivator at the pinnacle of spiritual communication, but at this moment he actually revealed the aura of the mysterious spirit. How could this not surprise the five of them.

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