Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 4516 Scripture Cave

"Fellow Daoist Qin actually spent only four years refining the divine elixir?"

Four years later, Qin Fengming stood in front of the door of the main hall where Qu Ru was. Before Qin Fengming could knock on the door, a figure appeared in front of Qin Fengming as the door opened. A figure flashed up, and a startling voice immediately rang in Qin Fengming's ears.

"Senior is ridiculous. How can it be so easy to refine fifteen three-turn five-yuan divine pills? This junior's refining this time only produced thirteen pills."

Qin Fengming was slightly startled when he saw the female cultivator actually showing up to greet her in person. When she asked him to refine the divine elixir, the female cultivator kept her identity and did not leave the cave.

It seems that this female cultivator is not really calm.

Previously, she just invited Qin Fengming to come. There was no real elixir, so she could still restrain herself. But at this moment, facing the heaven-defying elixir that could increase her chance of advancement, even if she was mentally tough, she still couldn't suppress it and appeared excitedly.

After hearing Qin Fengming's words about not refining enough, the female cultivator's expression only froze for a moment, but she soon recovered.

"Although the number of thirteen is two less than the established number, I see that Longcheng is also grateful for fellow Taoist refining. This is not the place to talk. Fellow Taoist, please enter the main hall to speak."

Following the female cultivator, Qin Fengming once again sat in the pavilion.

Looking at the flowers and plants around me, there is almost no change from what I saw four years ago. It seems that these flowers and plants have not grown or withered at all in the past four years.

Looking at the elixir in the jade bottle, the female cultivator's usually unsmiling face was replaced by a look of surprise.

His seemingly ordinary appearance suddenly became a bit more beautiful.

Her appearance is not ugly, just a little ordinary. But at this moment, on top of his ordinary appearance, a strange look suddenly appeared that made Qin Fengming's heart move.

It was as if a piece of rough jade had suddenly peeled off its outer skin, revealing the beautiful jade material inside, and it suddenly became dazzling.

But the female cultivator's appearance only showed a slight radiance, and then she immediately returned to her usual appearance.

If Qin Fengming hadn't been convinced that the female cultivator's appearance had indeed changed significantly, he would have thought that he had hallucinated just now.

"Senior, back then I promised that I would give Jianlongcheng fifteen three-turn five-yuan divine pills.

You won't break your promise. Although something went wrong during the refining this time and he failed to refine enough elixirs as expected, Qin couldn't keep his promise. It happened that the junior still had two pills that he had refined previously, so he had to make up for the fifteen pills. number. "

As Qin Fengming said this, he actually took out two previously refined pills and placed them in front of the female cultivator.

In fact, what Qin Fengming said was not false. He did only refine thirteen pieces this time. However, he did not consume all five materials.

He only used two ingredients for these thirteen pills.

He said this just because he wanted the female cultivator to accept his love. As for the female cultivator not believing it, it has nothing to do with him.

Hearing what Qin Fengming said, the female cultivator's expression changed again, and the look of surprise filled her face again.

As far as the female cultivator is concerned, even if the other party only takes out thirteen pills, she won't say anything. Because thirteen three-turn five-yuan divine pills were enough for them to see all the Xuanling monks related to Dragon City, and have a chance to impact a Mahayana catastrophe.

This magical elixir is very different from the bottleneck elixir used by other Xuanling peak monks. It can increase the monk's chance of successfully attacking the bottleneck.

Although the improvement is limited, it is a world of difference compared to those pills that have no chance of improvement.

Seeing that the young monk took out the elixirs he had to make up for the agreed amount, the female cultivator couldn't help but be deeply moved.

As a powerful monk, the female cultivator certainly knew that the other party did not need to lie to each other. A few pills were refined, just a few pills. Because such words are contrary to God's will and have no real benefit, monks disdain to say them.

Even if the other party doesn't hand over those two stones, it won't change the deal between the two parties at all.

"Fellow Taoist is so trustworthy, I would like to thank you on behalf of Jianlongcheng. I don't know when you will go to check the classics. I can send someone to accompany you." Qu Ru knew that it would be useless to say more, so he directly said that he would check the classics. Things.

"If senior allows me, I can go to the place where the classics are stored if I want." Qin Fengming was overjoyed.

In order to refine the three-turn five-yuan divine elixir in Longcheng, Qin Fengming certainly didn't just want to collect those materials. If he just wanted to collect materials, he could exchange them for Jian Longcheng with a few finished pills, which would be enough for Jian Longcheng to collect the materials obediently.

The main purpose of spending so much time refining the magic elixir is to have the opportunity to enter the collection of classics and consult the classics of Jianlong City.

Upon hearing Qin Fengming's words, the female city lord did not delay, moved her lips slightly, and directly transmitted the message.

After a while, a cultivator at the top of the spiritual realm arrived in the hall.

"Qiu Yuan, you accompany fellow Taoist Qin to the Scripture Cave, hold the jade token of your identity as a master, and ask fellow Taoist Qin to check the classics on the third floor." The female cultivator said, and a jade token was already suspended in the hall just after entering the hall. In front of the middle-aged monk who looked to be only in his forties.

"I will obey Master's order. I'm afraid Master Cheng will stop me if I don't." Although the middle-aged monk had a slight look of surprise in his eyes, he still didn't ask anything, bowed and saluted, and took the jade medal. But the words in his mouth were still hesitant in the end.

"Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Qin can handle it on his own." The female cultivator said without explaining.

The middle-aged monk said nothing more, bowed and saluted, and left the hall together with Qin Fengming.

Qin Fengming didn't know, but middle-aged Qiu Yuan understood that as the lord of Jianlong City, his master's status jade medal could be said to be the highest in Jianlong City. You can pass anywhere in Dragon City as long as you hold a jade sign.

Moreover, the third floor of the Sutra Collection Cave is where the key collection of books in Jianlong City is located. Even though he is the pinnacle of spiritual connection and has the care of his master, he can only enter once every hundred years with the help of his jade token, and he can only stay for three days at a time. day.

This young monk was obviously not a Dragon City monk, and his master actually used his identity jade tag to let him go to the third floor of the Sutra Cave to read the classics. This was something that had never happened before.

In an extremely heavily guarded valley, the middle-aged monk led Qin Fengming through three prohibitions before stopping in front of a cave.

"Fellow Taoist, please accompany Qiu to see Master Cheng. Master Cheng is the person in charge of the Sutra Storage Cave. Fellow Taoist is not the person I met in Longgu, so Fellow Taoist needs to meet Master Cheng and sign a contract in person. Master Cheng is a bit weird by nature, I'm afraid. I will blame fellow Taoist fellow Daoist, but please don’t mind me.”

The middle-aged monk turned his head and reminded Qin Fengming, and then he entered the cave in a flash.

The cave was not deep, and soon we arrived at the entrance of a cave. The cave didn't look big, only about ten feet in size. But there is a very strong restriction in the cave. The middle-aged monk held a jade sign, and a ball of fluorescent light flashed, wrapping the two figures and entering the cave.

"Hey, Qiu Yuan, you came here holding your master's jade plaque. Could it be that your master asked you to check some classics?" As soon as the two of them entered the cave, a surprised voice sounded. .

"Reporting to Uncle Master Cheng, this junior was ordered by Master to bring fellow Taoist Qin to the third floor to consult the classics. I also ask Uncle Master for permission."

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