Pills are attractive to monks. Among the many treasures of equal value, it can be said that there is no item that can compare with pills.

In the eyes of most Xuanling monks, the kind of pill that can enhance the cultivation power of late-stage Xuanling and peak monks is what they dream of. Not to mention taking out an item that they can't use for the time being, even if they take out two pieces in exchange for it, they will still agree.

Everyone swarmed forward, naturally worried that there was not enough elixir and they would not be able to redeem it.

How did they know that in order to obtain the materials containing the soul energy, those Mahayana people prepared to prepare many pills.

Just exchanging the elixir lasted for nearly an hour.

Seeing that no one came forward, the female cultivator smiled slightly and said: "Fellow Taoists, this time the exchange meeting between the two realms will officially begin. Everyone knows the exchange process and method. But I am still here. Let’s talk about it again.

Everyone has a token in their hands. As long as you activate the token, you can know what items are available for redemption. As long as each Taoist friend uses his magic power to click on the name of any item, and then marks the item he can take out behind it, he will be bidding on that item.

Because there are so many items and a large number of fellow Taoists participating, there may be several or even dozens of fellow Taoists interested in the same item, so competition is inevitable.

This requires you to show your utmost sincerity. As for the final choice of completing the transaction with the fellow Taoist, it depends on the owner of the item. Of course, as long as the transaction is not completed, fellow Taoists can increase their chips until the items disappear from the fluorescent light of the tent.

Okay, here is the first two thousand items carefully selected by Jianlongcheng and posted on the wall of the tent, waiting for everyone to bid. These items can be weighed against each other on the one hand, and can also be measured with spiritual stones on the other. Each item has a reserve price, and fellow Taoists can also bid. One day only, stop bidding when time is up. "

After the female cultivator finished speaking, the huge tent behind her suddenly glowed with fluorescent light, dazzling people's eyes and making it impossible to look directly at it.

The huge tent shone for a long time before the fluorescence became stable.

Qin Fengming calmed down and looked intently at the tent in front of him. He saw dense writings on the huge tent.

Although the tent was hundreds of square feet in size, the writing on it was not large and it was difficult to read without using spiritual sense to detect it.

Not to mention the exchange, just reading the handwriting on it might take half an hour longer.

Qin Fengming looked at the items listed above carefully.

And the exchange mark behind the item.

The more he looked, the more frightened he became. There were hundreds of items on it that he had never seen before. Some have never even heard of it.

As a master of weapon refining and alchemy, he felt that there were not many materials and spiritual herbs that he had never seen or heard of.

But now that the truth is in front of him, Qin Fengming is shocked and has a new understanding of the types of cherished things in the world of immortality.

This also urged him to consult more ancient books to improve his knowledge.

Although there were a lot of items, Qin Fengming sifted through them and found that the items he needed to exchange were only dozens of items.

Although the other items are precious and hard to find, they are not of use to him at this time.

But even for these dozens of materials, most of the things that need to be exchanged are not what he can come up with. He has never seen some of the exchange items.

But even if he exchanges the items he has with the items he needs, he will definitely be blackmailed by the other party.

Because in just an hour, he found that more than half of the items had begun to be redeemed by other monks. If he wants to get it, he must bring out more items in exchange for it.

And this kind of seller's market exchange is also inevitable.

There is a way to avoid being blackmailed by other monks, and that is to give the other monks something they want and let the organizer be listed on the tent. At that time, nature will also become the dominant existence.

If Qin Fengming takes out the Gangyan Sand Crystal or the Xuanguang Crystal, he will definitely be able to exchange it for most of what he needs. However, after thinking about this method, he still erased it.

Because he has other means to get what he needs from these Xuan-level monks, and it doesn't require him to pay a big price.

Seeing that everyone around him was holding tokens and concentrating on inputting mana in order to exchange for what he needed, Qin Fengming smiled, stood up, and walked towards the stone platform ahead.

When passing by Jiang Daowei, Qin Fengming's heart couldn't help but move.

At this time, Qin Fengming finally understood why Jiang Daowei took out his cherished Yangzhi crystal and exchanged it with everyone for the best spiritual stone. It turned out that he had long known that in order to get the items he needed, spiritual stones could also be exchanged.

Qin Fengming's standing up did not attract much attention.

At this moment, everyone's attention was focused on the vast tent wall in front of them. He is just a spiritual cultivator, so naturally no one will care about him.

In Jianlong City, everyone's safety is still extremely guaranteed.

Back then, Qin Fengming only had to endure the soul-killing whip punishment because his flight speed slightly exceeded the limit. This is enough to know how severe the punishment for violating Jianlong City's regulations is.

Qin Fengming walked to the high platform, moved his lips slightly, and transmitted a message to a middle-level Theosophy monk standing under the stone platform.

Hearing Qin Fengming's voice transmission, the expression of the spiritual cultivator suddenly changed. He looked at Qin Fengming for a moment, with a very solemn expression in his eyes.

Although he couldn't see Qin Fengming's face, he still didn't look away for a long time.

"Fellow Taoist, please wait a moment. I'll ask a few elders for instructions before informing my friends." The theosophy monk nodded solemnly and said in a very serious tone.

Not many people present paid attention to the actions of Qin Fengming and the monk.

The monk didn't leave for long, and soon walked out of a room behind the stone platform.

He stepped forward quickly, with a very obvious expression of excitement on his face. He cupped his fist at Qin Fengming and said politely: "Fellow Taoist, please come with me. Deputy City Master Yang invites you to come in for discussion."

Qin Fengming nodded, did not answer, and followed the monk towards the room.

When the five powerful Xuanling masters standing on the stone platform saw Qin Fengming walking into the room, there was a hint of surprise on their faces.

It was against the rules to still be able to enter the room at this moment.

Before the exchange meeting started, notices had been posted. If there were monks who wanted to exchange something, they needed to give it to Jianlong City first, and then Jianlong City would issue it uniformly.

The last sentence of the notice is: "No waiting after the expiration date!"

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