The mist was not very big, it looked like it was only a few feet in size. The energy and coercive aura it displayed also seemed less compelling. But under the influence of Qin Fengming's spiritual consciousness, his heart suddenly beat violently.

It seems that there is some kind of terrifying existence hidden in the mist.

The mist is suspended in the air, and the energy impact that fills the entire cave acts on the mist, as if it is just a gentle touch. There is no negative effect on the mist at all.

The reason why Qin Fengming's heart was trembling was because he sensed the extremely terrifying and terrifying soul aura from the sharp blades that slashed out from the mist.

He was no stranger to that divine soul aura. He had sensed that divine soul aura in the broken sword that the female cultivator fought for at the Duanshan City auction.

The broken sword was something from the immortal world, and it contained a sleeping spirit, and Qin Fengming could be sure that the spirit must be incredibly powerful.

It was very obvious that what was fighting with the Immortal Fairy at this moment was the strange spiritual existence hidden in the broken sword that Qin Fengming did not dare to touch.

In such a situation at this moment, Qin Fengming naturally understood immediately that the powerful spirit hidden in the broken sword had escaped from the trap and was emerging to fight with the fairy.

That spirit, even if it is not the spirit of an immortal from the immortal world, is certainly an extraordinary existence. No wonder Fairy Shumei, who is no less powerful than the monks at the top of Xuanling, behaves so solemnly in the face of that cloud of mist, not daring to look down or get distracted.

Looking at the female cultivator, although her expression was equally solemn, there was no trace of fear in her exposed eyes.

His eyes were calm and dazzling, and he seemed very calm and calm.

Qin Fengming and Qin Fengming were very curious as to why these two female cultivators appeared in the underground mine at the same time and started fighting.

However, Qin Fengming and Qin Fengming were also smart people. In just a moment, they thought of some reasons.

Thinking that the reason why the two women were fighting must be related to the unknown thing guarding the corpse.

"Fellow Daoist Fang, you enter the Shenji Mansion first. The two beings inside are too powerful for you and me to provoke at this moment." Qin Fengming's face was surprisingly solemn, his lips moved slightly, and he spoke to Fang Liangdao.

Faced with two such beings, he had no intention of showing up to fight with them.

However, Qin Fengming has an adventurous spirit in his character.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, he did not just turn around and leave.

It doesn't take much thought to understand how precious this precious thing is that can make Fairy Shu Mei fight with that female cultivator. Even if he can't really get involved, turning around and running away without even knowing it is not Qin Fengming's usual style.

Qin Fengming is not a reckless person, nor does he think that his Qi gathering magical power is stronger than Fang Liang's.

But he was convinced that as long as he accidentally hid behind the rocks in the cave, the chance of him being discovered by the two female cultivators who were fighting was still very low.

This is an extremely deep place in the ghostly desert. Generally, no one wants to come here.

Moreover, this place is still thousands of feet deep underground. In the underground tunnels extending in all directions, even if someone enters here, it is difficult to say that they can sense the fight between the two.

Qin Fengming hid behind the rock. When Fang Liang entered the Shenji Mansion, he no longer paid attention to the two people fighting, but began to scan the vast cave bit by bit.

A treasure that allows two such powerful female cultivators to fight must be no small matter.

Even if he can't get it, he should still be able to do it after seeing it. If he leaves without even seeing her, he will definitely regret it when he thinks about it later.

This cave is very wide and tall. The tall rocks above the ground are rugged, and there are obvious traces of human excavation.

The terrifying astral wind swept over the scattered huge rocks. Under the flash of black fluorescent light, the huge rocks were not shattered. This rock is so hard that it can be compared to the natal magic weapon of a monk in the realm of convergence.

Looking at the rocks around him, Qin Fengming suddenly understood that the rocks here actually contained a very tough weapon-making material, and the content was extremely high. No wonder it can withstand the terrifying force of the wind.

His spiritual consciousness penetrated bit by bit and slowly explored along the cave floor.

In other words, if Qin Fengming were a spiritual cultivator, his consciousness would probably be shattered by the terrifying energy impact as soon as he entered the cave.

What made Qin Fengming extremely discouraged was that he had consumed 20% of the soul energy in his body and could not find anything worthy of attention in this vast cave.

The cave is vast and has a large number of entrances, but there is no restricted energy near any of the entrances.

Under the raging wind, no matter how powerful the restriction is, it will definitely be stimulated and emit energy. The absence of any restricted fluctuations means that there is no restricted and sealed place in this cave.

"There is no precious thing in this cave, and there is no forbidden seal. There are only two possibilities. One is that the precious thing is not found even by the fairy and the female cultivator. The second is that the precious thing is stolen by one of them. Got it." With a bright light in his eyes, Qin Fengming thought suddenly in his heart.

Without being sure whether the cherished thing had fallen into the hands of the two of them, Qin Fengming didn't know whether to leave now and look for it elsewhere.

Hidden at the entrance of the cave, Qin Fengming was thinking hard and couldn't make a choice.

"Fairy Yun Ling, I think it is difficult to defeat the fairy, but it is impossible for the fairy to kill me. Why don't you and I stop and talk about it?"

Just when Qin Fengming was holding his breath and not knowing how to make a decision, suddenly a voice containing majestic energy came from the cave.

Although the sound didn't sound loud, it was still concentrated in the cave where the strong wind was raging, and it was transmitted thousands of feet away without losing much energy.

"Fairy Yun Ling?" Qin Fengming's heart suddenly jumped when he heard the name called by Fairy Shumei.

Fairy Yun Ling, Qin Fengming is not only no stranger to her, but she actually knows a lot about her.

Of course, it is impossible for him to have met Fairy Yunling herself. I have only seen the introduction of Fairy Yunling in the classics.

This Fairy Yun Ling is a Mahayana existence in the Tianhong Realm, but she belongs to the ancient times. When she was there, it was already more than a million years ago.

It is recorded in the classics that Fairy Yunling was already the number one person in Tianhong Realm at that time.

Within the realms of the spirit world, he is also a powerful being with stunning talent and beauty. There is no record in the classics whether Fairy Yun Ling fell or ascended to Miluo Realm.

At that time, the laws of heaven and earth had long been stable, and it was already very difficult for people in the spiritual world to fly to the upper world. Need to endure unspeakable hardships.

Classics say that if there is anyone in the Mahayana realm of the spirit world who has the ability to ascend to the upper realm, Fairy Yun Ling should definitely be counted as one.

He never thought that the terrifying existence in the mist at this moment was actually the Yunling Fairy.

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