On the communication board, except for the flashing fluorescent light spots, there was no message from Fang Liang. This made Qin Fengming worried.

He has a soul contract connection with Fang Liang. Although the contract is for Fang Liang, he can still feel a little bit if he dies.

But at this moment, he didn't feel anything strange, which meant that Fang Liang probably hadn't died.

With Fang Liang's strength at the moment, as long as he uses his Dharma body and magical power, it can be said that even if he fights with him and defeats Fang Liang, Qin Fengming has full confidence. But if you want to kill it, even if you succeed in the end, it will definitely take a lot of effort.

Unless he encountered a Mahayana being, Fang Liang would not have time to activate the communication board.

After thinking about it for a while, Qin Fengming lost interest in continuing to understand the talisman patterns of the formation. He stood up and left the cave, flying towards the dangerous place in the ghostly desert.

The ghostly desert is clearly marked on the map and jade slip given by Tianying Palace.

It is located in the southwest of Jianlong Valley, 70 to 80 million miles away from Jianlong Valley. It is an extremely dangerous place where Yin Qi gathers.

Places with dense Yin Qi are extremely suitable for the birth of ghosts and ghosts.

Regarding ghosts and ghosts, Qin Fengming is no longer a novice at this time. He knows that it is extremely difficult for such ghosts and ghosts born in Yin Qi to fully open their spiritual intelligence. Even if one has cultivated to the realm of mysterious spirits, there are very few ghosts that can unlock spiritual intelligence.

Of course, if they can withstand the baptism of the Mahayana tribulation and successfully advance to the Mahayana, it can be said that they can open up their spiritual wisdom. Even those extremely stupid monsters, as long as they pass the test of the Mahayana Tribulation and successfully advance to the Mahayana, they will be endowed with extremely superb spiritual intelligence by the laws of heaven and earth.

Even if he doesn't transform into a monk's body, he will definitely have great spiritual wisdom.

Therefore, Qin Fengming thought, even if a Mahayana ghost was really born in the ghostly desert, it would definitely not stay there. It would naturally be invited by the Mahayana in the Lingxiang Realm to enter the Council of Elders and enjoy the enshrinement of the entire realm.

As long as there are no Mahayana ghosts, Qin Fengming is not worried at this moment.

No matter how powerful the ghost is, he can still deal with it with his Xuanwei Shangqing Jue Kung Fu and magical weapons such as Golden Bite and Soul Thunder Bead.

The figure was surging, and the closer to the destination, the colder and colder aura became stronger.

In this cold energy,

Containing a trace of spiritual aura, Qin Fengming felt more and more that there were indeed powerful ghosts in the ghostly desert ahead.

Without stopping, Qin Fengming harnessed the escaping light and flew directly into the desert.

This is a land of undulating gravel, with undulating terrain, but there are no tall mountains. Fist-sized gravel is scattered everywhere, and there is no vegetation on the ground. It looks extremely desolate. No wonder this place is called the Ghost Desert.

The cold wind howled, and the icy cold wind was like sharp blades, cutting across the ground and making a terrifying sharp sound. It seemed to be crushing the gravel below.

After entering tens of thousands of miles, the cold and icy aura was enough to make the Yingying monks unbearable.

However, this coldness and coldness naturally had no effect on Qin Fengming.

The figure shot forward and flew through the thin gray-white mist without causing the slightest tremor in the mist. Although he did not escape using the Xuanfeng Aotian Technique, the speed of the Death Soul's escape was still extremely fast.

Holding the communication board, Qin Fengming didn't have to worry about walking in the wrong direction.

As it sank deeper into the desert, the surrounding ice became more intense, and the divine aura contained in the Yin Qi also became thicker.

However, Qin Fengming did not encounter any monks or ghosts along the way. Such a situation made him not relax, but instead became more vigilant.

"Hey, why is there such a fog here?" Just when Qin Fengming entered the ghostly desert ten or twenty million miles away, and when his consciousness was fully released and he ran away quickly, his rapid figure suddenly stopped and looked at the hundreds of people in front of him. Zhangwai, frowning slightly, said in surprise.

The place in front of us seemed to be no different from other locations, it was the same undulating hilly land. However, under the exploration of Qin Fengming's powerful spiritual consciousness, he could still find that in the vast area in front of him, in a mass of transparent mist, the space seemed to become somewhat distorted.

When the consciousness falls into it, there seems to be a moment of emptiness.

Qin Fengming's first reaction was that the fog here had an extremely powerful psychedelic effect.

His figure stagnated, and a blue light flashed out of his eyes.

"Here is actually a maze. It seems that this maze was not activated long time ago. It should have been activated in recent years. However, the scope of this maze is too huge, and even the divine consciousness cannot See the margins.”

Just for a moment, Qin Fengming suddenly murmured to himself with a startled voice. With his clear eyes, he actually discovered the existence of very sparse forbidden runes in the fog in front of him.

There is a fog that prohibits runes, so it is naturally a confusing formation.

This place is already located in the deepest part of the ghostly desert. Who would lay out such a vast and seemingly extraordinary maze here?

Looking at the communication board in his hand, Fang Liang's current location was still hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Although the area of ​​this maze is not small, Qin Fengming can be sure that it will never be so wide. Therefore, Fang Liang should not be in this maze at this moment.

"No matter who arranged it, it's better not to cause more trouble at this moment." Qin Fengming thought to himself, stretched out his body, and flew along the edge of the maze in one direction.

His original intention was, of course, to bypass this fog-sealed land and find Fang Liang first.

However, what he didn't expect was that the transparent, invisible and faint mist that had just flown hundreds of miles away turned out to be like glasses, and suddenly rolled up and appeared. Qin Fengming was shrouded in it.

The movement of the mist was very fast, it seemed to be two points faster than the speed of the magic weapon offered by the monk, so that Qin Fengming, who had not paid much attention to the mist, was unable to react.

The body of Qin Fengming was suddenly swept into the mist. The body of Qin Fengming, who was escaping rapidly, stopped suddenly. The mysterious light of Huanji was instantly stimulated. At the same time, the curse in his body was activated, and the soul-devouring ghost fire immediately filled his body.

With a flick of his hand, two soul thunder beads also appeared in his hands. With the magic power in his body, he was ready to sacrifice them.

Faced with this sudden surge of fog, Qin Fengming did not dare to be cautious at all.

After staying for a moment, Qin Fengming didn't notice any attack, which made his high-spirited heart slowly let go.

His eyes flickered and he looked around, Qin Fengming's brows couldn't help but frown slightly.

At this time, he only felt that the place around him was shrouded in white mist, and as far as he could see, he could only see a distance of more than a hundred feet. Above and below the ground, there was white mist, and the sky and ground were missing.

Lingqing Shenmu was displayed, but there was still no change at all. The spiritual patterns I saw earlier have disappeared, and even the sense of distortion has disappeared.

"This maze must have been created by a powerful hand. It seems that it will take a lot of effort to get out of here." Qin Fengming's eyes were solemn and he spoke calmly.

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