Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 4452 Fighting for the Cave

A monk in the early stage of the aggregation held his fists, glanced at the monks surrounding him, and explained with a calm expression.

It was obvious that Brother Ji had said this explanation countless times, so he spoke very fast.

After hearing this explanation, no one in the room immediately spoke up about the competition.

Everyone knew in their hearts that Jianlong Valley was a very suitable place for retreat and cultivation. The aura in the city was so dense. Naturally, the aura in the cave was even more concentrated.

"I don't know how to participate in the competition? Please tell me, fellow Taoist." It was obviously the first time for everyone to come to Jianlong Valley, and one of the quick-thinking people spoke again. Everyone was speechless and looked at the gathering monk, waiting for his answer.

Qin Fengming stood behind everyone and listened attentively.

"I saw that Longgu has a total of 50,000 caves of three levels: heaven, earth, and human for leasing to outsiders. The Tianzi cave is the least, with only three thousand; the Earth cave is the second, with 12,000, and the remaining All of them are herringbone cave houses.

The city lord stipulated that seniors who were in the realm of divine connection or above could only compete for Tianzi Cave Mansion. In the realm of aggregation, you can compete for the Dizi Cave Mansion. The remaining monks compete for the largest number.

The use period of the cave is twenty years. After twenty years, it will be taken back. If you want to rent it again, you need to participate in the competition again. A certain number of caves of all levels will be available every six months. As long as fellow Taoists and seniors want to rent caves, they can go to the competition arena on the middle of next month to participate in the competition. There are restrictions set by the powerful I Jian Longgu in the fighting arena. When monks of the same level enter it, their realm will be suppressed to the initial stage. So it's still fair. If a fellow Taoist in the realm of Chengdan fights with a Huaying monk, although the realm is difficult to be the same, the suppression on the Huaying monk is not small, and the difference in magical power will not be too big, so it is considered fair. "

The gathering monk spoke to everyone and explained in detail the battle for the cave.

Hearing what Cultivator Ji said, Fang Liang nodded secretly. This was fairer than a fight. However, there are only such a number of caves, so the number of caves that are contested each time is not very large.

There are at least a few caves suitable for the theosophy monks to compete for, and at most there are only dozens of them at a time. Considering the number of monks participating in this exchange meeting, it was really too few.

It seems that seeing Longcheng is just a way to collect money. And it is also a method of making huge profits. Because if you want to participate in the competition, no matter whether you win or not, you need to hand over the spirit stone.

But this is also a matter of fighting or suffering, because there are still some inns suitable for temporary stay in Jianlong City. It's just that the treatment in those inns is not as stable and suitable as that of an independent cave.

Of course, the monks can also go outside Dragon City to find a place to stay temporarily, and then wait for the exchange meeting to start.

However, there are still quite a lot of people fighting for the dozens of cave dwellings among the aggressive monks from the Hanqiao Realm and the Lingxiang Realm.

Qin Fengming and Fang Liang did not stay in the palace any longer, turned around and left.

Scanning with his spiritual consciousness, he soon discovered an inn at the foot of a mountain. Handing over a sum of spiritual stones, the two entered a single room.

This kind of restaurant is okay for a temporary stay, but it is too inappropriate to practice in seclusion.

Because many people gather, the energy of the inn is not sufficient and it is also very scattered, making it not suitable for monks to practice in retreat. Another thing is that this kind of inn is not safe. If you are a person with strong spiritual consciousness, you can break through the restrictions and enter the other party's inn.

The two of them were just waiting for the battle for the cave to begin in this inn, so they temporarily lived in this inn.

Twenty days later, Fang Liang left the inn and walked towards the competition arena in Jianlong City.

Seeing the dense crowd of heads moving in the hall in front of him, Fang Liang couldn't help but frown slightly. With a quick scan of his consciousness, he saw two to three hundred spiritual cultivators gathered among thousands of people.

This hall is very vast, hundreds of feet in size. Located closest to the inside of the hall is a high platform that is not too big.

On the high platform, a crystal wall dozens of feet tall stands. The crystal wall flashes fluorescently, and a number appears densely on the crystal wall.

Those numbers are divided into three areas, marking the three areas of heaven, earth and man respectively.

Fang Liang just glanced at the huge crystal wall and already understood that those numbers corresponded to the caves in Jianlong City. And only those bright, flashing fluorescent numbers are the caves that have no owner and need everyone to fight for.

The battle for the cave has not yet begun, but there are already thousands of monks gathered here, which makes Fang Liang frown secretly.

"Fellow Taoists, the competition in the cave arena begins now. I will tell you the rules now. The cave is divided into three levels: heaven, earth, and human, which correspond to monks in the realm of divine connection, aggregation, and infant transformation respectively. No one can challenge the low-level cave. As long as you can Those who keep the challenge for five rounds will get the right to use that cave. Now whoever wants to challenge can register to determine the round and receive the token. There will naturally be someone assigned to arrange the order of the competition. "

The figure on the high platform flashed, and an early stage cultivator appeared. After speaking, his hand pointed at the counter next to the high platform.

At the counter, dozens of monks were standing, each holding a shining bamboo basket-like object in their hands.

Among the seventy or eighty monks, only five monks are in the realm of connecting with the gods. Among the twenty monks gathered together, the rest are all monks in the realm of infant transformation.

Although Fang Liang has not participated in the exchange meetings between the two major realms, he also knows that the exchange meetings are very detailed. From Chengdan, Huaying, to Xuanling, there are exchange meetings for each level of realm. Therefore, the number of monks below Huaying gathered here is also the largest.

Fang Liang's figure flashed and he squeezed directly towards where the five theosophy monks were standing.

After dozens of spiritual cultivators handed over two million middle-grade spiritual stones, Fang Liang received a very simple token.

Although tens of thousands of monks had gathered in the hall at this moment, everyone received the tokens very quickly. In less than half an hour, almost everyone had received a token.

Feeling the space wave teleportation aura revealed on the token, Fang understood in his conscience that this token should be a life-saving thing during the competition.

Following the monks in charge of the competition, tens of thousands of monks in the hall arrived in an empty valley through a teleportation array.

There are three tall stone platforms standing in the wide valley. The stone platforms are filled with smoke and look very ethereal and unreal, giving people an unreal feeling. Along with five spiritual monks, Fang Liang and two to three hundred spiritual monks stood in front of one of the stone platforms.

"Fellow Taoists, on this stone platform is the place for competition. This is a Sumeru space. It is extremely vast. Even if there are thousands of Taoist friends fighting in it, they will not affect each other. Therefore, the competition for six Fellow Taoists in the eighteen caves, one hundred and thirty-six people can enter at the same time to capture and fight.

The fight is not about life and death, so if you feel that your own strength is not enough, or there is a huge gap in strength between you and the opponent, you can just give up. So as not to fall into the battle. However, as long as the tokens in the hands of fellow Taoists are activated, they can be teleported out of the stone platform. It can still protect all fellow Taoists. Next, I will arrange for the fighting Taoists to enter the stone platform. Once they enter, the winner must be determined, otherwise the next battle will not proceed. "

The five psychics said something and then started calling the monk's name.

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