Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 4441 Sea Beast Appears

For more than three months, the rapidly escaping Eagle Boat had already moved hundreds of millions of miles away from Duanshan City.

The route taken by the flying boat should be a very stable path that the Sky Eagle Palace has explored over countless thousands of years.

Along the way, he did not encounter any obstacles from the terrifying sea beasts wherever he passed. With the size and speed of the flying eagle boat, even if some ferocious beasts saw the flying boat escaping, they would not dare to stop it.

The boat shoots away on the sea surface. Even if it encounters a huge island, the boat does not avoid it. Instead, it directly rises into the sky and leaps over the huge island.

"Senior Luo, this junior is already completely familiar with this control spell. Looking at the spell pattern, could it be that it is specially used to control the attack and restriction of the hull of this huge ship?" Qin Fengming opened his eyes and took a look at his body. Luo Kang, who was meditating with his eyes closed on the wooden couch next to him, coughed lightly.

"In just three months, I have become familiar with the entire control spell. Taoist friend is the first person since ancient times. I guessed that my friend wasted time, but I underestimated it. Yes, this spell is to control this The entire hull of the Flying Eagle Boat is used to restrict attacks.

In the past, the people who controlled this were all people from my Flying Eagle Palace, but this time there were too many people who needed to be escorted, and the Flying Eagle Boat is very special. The positions of the personnel are fixed, and no more people below the level of the divine realm can be carried. Therefore, this time we can only find a fellow monk to assist Luo in controlling the Eagle Boat.

However, you only need to be familiar with those manipulation spell patterns, and when you encounter powerful beasts, activate the patterns with all your strength, and practice the ship restraint to attack. As for how Feizhou can avoid it, it is naturally Luo's business. "

Luo Kang was very polite to Qin Fengming and explained everything to him in detail.

Hearing what Luo Kang said, Qin Fengming was very surprised. Controlling such a large flying boat was something he had never done before.

For such a huge flying boat, Qin Fengming was not only shocked by its refining techniques, but also greatly surprised by the forbidden runes on the flying boat.

Luo Kang's words at this time were indistinguishable from telling him that the future attack restrictions of this flying boat would be completely under his control. If he used test runes to detect it, Luo Kang probably wouldn't notice anything.

Thinking of this, Qin Fengming felt happy.

This giant boat was definitely made by a Mahayana weapon-refining master, and he was also a weapon-refining master from ancient times. The restrictions placed on it are naturally not comparable to those circulated in the world of immortality today.

If he could understand it thoroughly, it would be an extremely rare opportunity for him.

Say thanks,

Qin Fengming stopped talking, closed his eyes, and began to carefully appreciate the entire forbidden array of the ship.

A year later, the huge boat stopped on a vast island.

With a flash of his body, Luo Kang, who was in the same forbidden circle as Qin Fengming, suddenly disappeared without a trace.

With the fluctuation, a majestic forbidden energy emerged, and the consciousness of everyone on the Flying Eagle Boat was immediately imprisoned in the boat, making it difficult to explore the situation outside the boat.

After the tea time, the flying boat shot away again, but Qin Fengming discovered that it was no longer on the huge island.

Obviously, Luo Kang left to use the teleportation array.

Qin Fengming did not hear what Luo Kang said to other spiritual monks earlier, but he could also know that if he wanted to cross the vast and boundless Miwang Sea in twenty or thirty years, passing the teleportation array was indispensable.

And it will take several transmissions along the way.

Qin Fengming's prediction was correct. Every year after that, the huge flying boat would stop on a very vast island. Then Luo Kang will disappear for tea time.

Based on the teleportation arrays arranged by the sages of the Sky Eagle Palace, the teleportation distance should not be smaller than the teleportation arrays between continents in the Cold Plunder Realm.

The teleportation array between the two continents, if Qin Fengming could escape on his own, would definitely take at least several decades.

If it really needs to be transmitted every other year, then the width of the Miwanghai is really unimaginable.

"Fellow Taoists, there is a dangerous sea area ahead, which requires your full attention. If you are attacked by a large number of sea beasts, you only need to use all your strength to use the spell to stabilize the energy of the boat."

Eleven years later, after Luo Kang teleported once, he did not close his eyes to practice, but spoke with a solemn expression.

As soon as his words came out, the thirteen psychics in the cabin on the first floor were shocked at the same time, and they became more vigilant.

Although any formation hub can trigger the defensive restrictions of a boat, it is impossible to activate all the defenses and restrictions of a boat with just one formation hub.

This requires the five formation hubs to operate at full speed to activate the Eagle Boat's strongest defense and attack.

"Little friend Qin, if we really encounter that wave of sea beasts, we need you to drive the attack to stop the attack of that group of sea beasts. Although those sea beasts are terrifying, our boats are also very strong. As long as we don't make too many mistakes, we can pass through that group of ferocious sea beasts." The beast’s sphere of influence is still easy.”

Seeing Qin Fengming's solemn expression, Luo Kang smiled slightly.

He had walked this path a dozen times. We have already encountered the upcoming herd of beasts three times. Knowing that although the beast herd is terrifying, the Eagle Boat is there, and although it is impossible to kill and eliminate those ferocious beasts, it is not too difficult to get rid of the beast herd safely.

This time, dozens of Xuan-level experts took action, so there was naturally no problem.

Qin Fengming nodded but did not answer.

However, he has always been cautious, and it was absolutely terrifying to be able to tell from the mouth of a powerful person at the top of the Xuanling Mountains about the horror of the group of ferocious beasts encountered ahead. I'm afraid that even if I encounter Mahayana, I won't be able to get rid of it easily.

Everyone on the boat at this moment is a vigilant person, and they naturally understand the dangers of the sea area they are in.

Everyone was speechless, but their vigilance had been raised to the extreme.

He was nervous, but Qin Fengming was also looking forward to it, wanting to see with his own eyes the attack power of this huge flying eagle boat.

After flying for half a month, they did not encounter any ferocious beasts. However, instead of lowering their vigilance, everyone became more cautious.

Five days later, Qin Fengming's expression suddenly shook as he released his spiritual consciousness with all his strength, and his sitting body suddenly became upright.

At the same time, a shout also appeared in the huge first-floor cabin: "Fellow Taoists, this time we did not escape the group of sea beasts. Below, we will fight against the group of ferocious beasts together. At this time, I hope that everyone will not stop and use all your strength to activate the formation hub to ensure that the energy of the boat is not lost."

Hearing Luo Kang's words, although the twelve spiritual monks did not say anything, their expressions became extremely solemn.

The presence of the huge flying eagle boat could make Luo Kang so solemn, which is enough to show how terrifying and powerful the beast group that has appeared and has not yet entered the warning range of everyone's consciousness is.

The airship did not stop, nor did it change direction. The huge hull shot up and escaped above the sea, and the huge waves were surging, but nothing seemed to have changed at all.

Suddenly, all the cultivators saw a huge wave in the direction of the diagonal thrust, much higher than the waves caused by the flying boat, surging from a distance and covering the rapidly escaping flying eagle boat. The speed is so fast that it seems to be two minutes faster than the flying boat.

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