Record of Ascension by Hundred Refiners

Chapter 4349 Weird Ice Cave

Immortal Demon Armor is something that only exists in the Miluo Realm. It can be said that this armor is a product of the immortal family. There will be no real fairy or magic armor in the spiritual world.

Because the driving energy needed for this armor is fairy energy. It is an energy existence that only exists in the fairy world.

The article on the method of refining immortal and demonic armor that Qin Fengming obtained was originally a fragment. Later, he consulted many classics and completed the runes and spells in them.

Among them, a refining method called Tiangang Golden Armor Talisman was used.

Although Qin Fengming didn't know what level the Tiangang Golden Armor Talisman was. But from the numerous fairy runes recorded in the refining method, it is enough to know that its level is extraordinary.

Although he had not thoroughly studied the method of refining the Tiangang Golden Armor Talisman, he had carefully studied the talismans of the Immortal Realm.

It was precisely because of this that he finally perfected the method of refining immortal and demonic armor.

Later, Qin Fengming even showed the method of refining the fairy magic armor to Fairy Yao Xi. After being examined by everyone like Fairy Yao Xi who could refine the Chaos Spiritual Treasure level magic weapon, it was enough for him to know how to refine the fairy magic armor. The magic armor is more confident.

It's a pity that the Zhanluo Crystal among the main materials listed in the fragment cannot be easily found in the spiritual world, so Qin Fengming has replaced it with other materials.

After thinking hard, Qin Fengming also planned to use heavy earth crystals and an unknown material extracted from the stone puppet materials to replace the two materials with the same properties in the fragments.

As for the Nayang Pearl that Qin Fengming wanted to integrate the most, he had no intention of integrating it into the Immortal Demon Armor. Instead, a small magic circle was set up on top of the immortal magic armor. Its function was to greatly increase the power of the Sun Pearl.

Nayang Pearl is said to be able to hold any energy.

Whether it is the energy of the five elements or the energy of the soul, as long as it is within its envelope, it can be quickly absorbed by it. It can be said that if it can be integrated into the fairy and magic armor, the ability of the fairy and magic armor to resist attacks will increase a lot.

But after Qin Fengming thought hard for many days, he couldn't do this.

He could not break down the Nayang Pearl and integrate it into the various parts of the Immortal Demon Armor. To break it down, special magic spells are needed. However, Qin Fengming did not have any special techniques for refining the Nayang Pearl.

But Qin Fengming was not helpless. After consulting the classics and thinking hard, he finally came up with a method, which was to use a special magic circle to collect the Nayang Pearl that he had refined with his mind.

Then place it on the back of the fairy magic armor.

When Qin Fengming thought about it, he had a silver spirit shield for frontal defense, coupled with the fairy magic armor, and he had his own defense power, which can be described as powerful.

But if the back is not checked, it may be attacked by a powerful person.

If the Nayang Pearl is present, it can naturally greatly reduce the power of the attack. Even if the refined fairy magic armor cannot completely resist the attack, it is enough to ensure that the power of the attack he receives is greatly reduced.

Qin Fengming's plan could be said to be extremely sufficient, but when he actually started refining the Immortal Demon Armor, he realized that even if what he was refining was only improved Immortal Demon Armor, it would still be extremely difficult.

Not to mention refining all the materials and infusing them with talisman spells according to the refining method, just purifying those materials made Qin Fengming mentally exhausted and overwhelmed.

Those materials, even some auxiliary materials, are things that even Xuan-level monks need to search for in order to get them. The main material among them is something that Mahayana beings are extremely happy about.

To smelt such a material, the mental power required is much more difficult than the materials of the same properties used by monks in the realm of the gods.

It can be said that even if he follows the refining method compiled by Qin Fengming, if another spiritual cultivator refines this immortal magic armor, Qin Fengming is convinced that no one will be able to succeed.

Even if those masters of weapon refining surpassed Qin Fengming in talisman attainments and reached the realm of late Xuan level in soul realm, no one could consume inexhaustible mana energy.

Qin Fengming thought about it, if it was a real method for refining immortal and demonic armor, it should be something that only people with a Mahayana realm or above could complete the refining.

It was precisely because of this that when Fang Liang sent a message to Qin Fengming, he did not respond in time.

Because he was at a critical moment and couldn't be distracted.

After finally getting over the critical point, he couldn't interrupt the refining, so he summoned the second Dan Ying from the bell space, and then let him lead the puppet controlled by the second soul to appear.

Although the second soul is covered by a puppet, it still cannot stay away from the main body.

Fortunately, after the Shenji Mansion restriction was opened, the relationship between the two parties was no longer fettered, allowing the second soul to stay outside for a long time.

There is no need to go into details about how Qin Fengming refined the immortal and demonic armor.

The second soul that left the Shenji Mansion with Fang Liang did not feel any discomfort in this cold place, although it was not protected by the soul-devouring ghost fire.

Puppet is made of various energy-containing materials, and its ability to resist the erosion of energy of various attributes is also a major indicator. In addition, the second soul has a cold attribute. The coldness here not only does not damage it, but makes it penetrate all over.

"There are extremely weak forbidden fluctuations here. It seems that there should have been a powerful forbidden place here before. There is some spiritual grass breath in the cave, which may contain ice-cold spiritual objects. Thank you two fellow Taoists for traveling all the way here. You guys You can go back to Shenji Mansion first, and then leave it to Qin."

The second soul glanced around the cave and sensed an extremely weak wave and aura of spiritual grass. He was certain that there should have been a powerful restriction here, but over time, the restriction dissipated on its own. Although I sensed a faint breath of spiritual grass, I couldn't tell what kind of spiritual grass it was.

With the power of the second soul, it would not be helpful for Fang Liang and He Xuan to stay outside, so they directly ordered them to return to Shenji Mansion.

Without any delay, Qin Fengming's soul puppet flashed with silver light and headed towards the ice cave.

This ice cave is at the foot of a mountain peak in the valley. The entrance to the cave is not too big, only about ten feet in size, and is surrounded by some boulders. Even if there is no restriction, if they don't happen to fly here, it will be difficult for ordinary spiritual cultivators to find it by casually scanning with their spiritual consciousness.

The cave goes downwards and winds in twists and turns. After entering only ten feet, there was no light anymore. But what makes the soul feel curious is that there is an extremely thin layer of water mist floating in the cave.

In the cold place where dripping water turns into ice, there is actually a layer of water mist, which is very unusual.

There are no restrictions on the stone walls around the cave, only an extremely thick layer of ice covering them. Without that layer of ice, the cave would have been even bigger.

Qin Fengming relied on his spiritual consciousness to be unable to see the specific stone wall through the ice.

As the body slowly moved downwards, the vigilance in the eyes of the second soul became stronger and stronger. On the one hand, the coldness in the ice cave became stronger, but more importantly, he actually sensed a dangerous aura from the water mist.

After two cups of tea, Qin Fengming, who was slowly landing, finally set foot on the ground.

Looking at the place in front of him, the second soul stood on the spot for a moment and did not move for a long time.

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