Seeing the second Dan Ying appear, the fear and doubt in Fang Liang's conscience immediately disappeared. Because from the Second Danying, he had already sensed the connection that originated from the depths of his soul.

"Is this a puppet?" Although the suspicion in his heart disappeared, Fang Liang was still shocked by what the second Dan Ying said about the puppet.

Of course Fang Liang knew about the puppet.

He also knew that if a puppet was refined by a top puppet master, its appearance and body could be refined to look like a real person.

But a puppet is a puppet after all. It has no independent consciousness, and it is even less possible for it to speak human words.

Although there are some monks who will split a ray of their own soul and seal it in the puppet's body, this is just to make it easier to control the puppet and make it closely connected with the main body.

But this kind of sealing one's own soul into a puppet exists in the world of immortality, but it is extremely rare.

There is naturally a reason for this, that is, since it is a puppet, it is naturally used to charge into battle. Therefore, the dangers faced are even greater.

If the puppet dies, the split soul sealed in the puppet's body will naturally not be spared.

If the separated soul is killed, it will also cause considerable damage to the monk's body. Even if he suffered a Tao injury, it was very possible. Monks generally would not do such an unwise thing.

In fact, even if the split soul is sealed in the puppet's body, it is extremely difficult for the puppet to talk freely like a monk. Because a large number of runes and spells have been sealed on the puppet's body to control the movements of various parts of the body and perform various magical powers.

It would be too difficult to design a large number of runes to control facial expressions and sounds.

This is also the reason why most puppets, although powerful, have dull expressions, cannot speak, and lack conversation. Of course, the four puppets controlled by Juyang's split soul that Qin Fengming encountered back then were the kind of powerful beings that were very similar to the monks.

But that kind of puppet cannot be made by ordinary puppet masters in the spiritual world.

"Yes, this is the Xuan-level puppet refined by Qin!"

The shock in Fang Liang's conscience had not completely disappeared. Second Dan Ying's words shocked Fang Liang's conscience once again.

For Qin Fengming,

Fang Liang knew that he was good at alchemy and a formation master. He could also refine top magic weapons and make talismans. Knowing so many various arts, it is natural that he should also be involved in puppets.

However, being able to refine such a top-notch puppet was beyond Fang Liang's expectations.

The puppet in front of me is obviously better than most of the puppet masters in the spiritual world. It can be said that it is fake and real.

Although he was very surprised, Fang Liang still had some doubts.

That was when the young man in front of him said that this puppet was a Xuan-level being. But he didn't sense much powerful aura from the puppet.

And ordinary Xuan level puppets need to be controlled by Xuan level spirits.

There is only a fragment of the young man's soul in this puppet. It is really difficult for a split soul to reach the realm of the original soul. It is almost impossible to control a Xuan-level puppet and activate the full power of the Xuan-level puppet.

As if seeing Fang Liang's doubts, the second Danying smiled slightly and said: "Fellow Taoist, you can rest assured that the strength of Qin's puppet body is not inferior to the real body. Everything is like this." Just turn into a puppet and call the shots."

Hearing Dan Ying's words, Fang Liang stopped talking. With a nod, he and Qin Fengming transformed into puppets and left the Shenji Mansion.

Watching the puppet controlled by the soul leave the Shenji Mansion, Dan Ying's eyes flashed with joy.

Inside that puppet was not Qin Fengming's split soul, but the second soul that he had refined during his retreat.

The second soul can be said to be a complete copy of Qin Fengming's original soul.

There is no subordinate relationship between the main soul and the second soul. Although the second soul cannot survive away from the main body, its consciousness is a copy of the main soul. Therefore, some secret arts and magical powers can be used.

The most powerful thing is that the advancement of the second soul is synchronized with the advancement of the main soul.

Whatever the realm of the main body soul is, that is the realm of the second soul. And if the main soul falls and dies, the second soul can naturally right itself and become the main soul.

However, because the second soul has no physical support and can only use the energy of the main soul to attack, unless the second soul has its own powerful innate magical powers, its strength will still be much inferior to the main body.

The second soul's natural innate magical power depends on the transformed spirit grass spirit body itself that refines the second soul.

If the refined spirit body is the form of a flame grass, then its innate magical power naturally contains the magical power of strange fire, and it is also a terrifying magical power that can burn the soul.

If the spirit body is the spirit body of Feng Lie Grass, then it will naturally have powerful innate supernatural powers with the wind attribute.

But in any case, the strength of the second soul alone will not exceed that of the main body.

However, of course there was an accident, and that was Qin Fengming.

Qin Fengming has been preparing for hundreds of years to cultivate the second soul, and the reason why he cultivates the second soul has nothing to do with his intention to refine a top-level puppet that can continuously improve.

If it is just to increase his own attack strength, based on his own ability, there are many more effective options than cultivating the second soul. At least if you practice the Five Spirit Demon Slaying Technique, you can defeat the second spirit.

And the cultivation process is much more stable.

But if the second soul can control a puppet incarnation that can continuously advance, the situation will no longer be the same.

A puppet that can be advanced is relatively easier than a monk.

As long as the corresponding spell patterns are found and supported by the corresponding materials, the puppet's strength can be improved.

Of course, this requires extremely strict requirements on the puppet attainments of the person who is refining it.

Because it is easy to refine a puppet, but it is difficult to add powerful runes to it. Even if it is a puppet master level existence, it is difficult to say that it can complete the advancement of a mysterious level puppet.

This is much more difficult than re-refining a high-level puppet.

This matter was naturally extremely difficult for Qin Fengming, but it was not impossible to accomplish. With Qin Fengming's nature, no matter how difficult it is, as long as he is correct, he will not be hindered by difficulties.

At the beginning, Qin Fengming refined various precious spiritual herbs for cultivating the second soul four times in a row, but all failed.

The fifth refining without stopping was finally successful.

The subsequent process of cultivating the second soul was certainly not smooth sailing. The difficulty and danger was that when Qin Fengming thought about it at this moment, his spirit would tremble and he would be filled with fear.

If he were allowed to cultivate the second soul again, he himself would not dare to judge whether he would still have the courage to do so without hesitation.

Fortunately, although he experienced unspeakable dangers, he finally succeeded.

After the success, Qin Fengming began to refine the puppets. Refining a Xuan-level puppet, and a powerful Xuan-level puppet that can easily integrate the second soul into it.

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